Conte's Rome at War (1 Viewer)

The Lt.

Memoriam Member
Dec 10, 2006
Here's introducing the first of Conte's Roman Legioneers. You'll note that they're followed by the first set that introduce the series. Be sure to stay tune to this thread for additional photos an info on the series. The Figures I'm sure you'll agree speak for themselves................The Lt.




A Special thanks to MMiller for the use above photo. Thanks Michael
thanks the lionhead shield...great action poses...getting closer...that's good...
also love the "SPQR" on the standard bearer...

I think that was a last minute addition and really looks nice...

Senatus Populusque Romanus ("The Senate and People of Rome")
Here's introducing the first of Conte's Roman Legioneers. You'll note that they're followed by the first set that introduce the series. Be sure to stay tune to this thread for additional photos an info on the series. The Figures I'm sure you'll agree speak for themselves................The Lt.




A Special thanks to MMiller for the use above photo. Thanks Michael

Those new sets look really good.
Whoever collects Romans are in a banner year.Some really great sculpts and poses.
Nice looking figures. In my opinion, Conte and Collectors Showcase are the best at creating dramatic poses, and they can really add to a diorama. I have mixed lots of Conte and Britain's ACW in dioramas.
I'll be adding some of Conte's new Romans to my collection. The only problem I have is the "Lion Headed Shield"... It looks more Greek than Roman... Can anyone verify this shield cause I can't...
Sending along a few close up photos of one of the Legioneers......The Lt.



Terrific prices for excellent pieces!!!!! I just love the potential that I could very well have 5 different Roman lines in my possession by this time next year^&grin^&grin^&grin^&grin^&grin
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I have to admit that is a great price point and I don't know how Conte does it with just about every other manufacturer going up dramatically in price lately... {eek3}

I like these new Romans. The spotty, snow groundwork on the bases for northern Roman campaigning is different and attractive. I don't think they would be a good mix with FL but, they seem that they would hold well on their own in their own unique diorama! :)

I have mixed "older" Britains and Conte ACW figures in dioramas and they went extremely well together. I found that something happened amongst pretty much all manufacturers in the last several years where each branched out into their own unique style and it became harder to mix and match. I don't mind the variety in styles. It makes the collection more interesting IMHO. I just find myself having to separate brands into their own mini dioramas instead of having one larger diorama.
I have to admit that is a great price point and I don't know how Conte does it with just about every other manufacturer going up dramatically in price lately... {eek3}

I like these new Romans. The spotty, snow groundwork on the bases for northern Roman campaigning is different and attractive. I don't think they would be a good mix with FL but, they seem that they would hold well on their own in their own unique diorama! :)

I have mixed "older" Britains and Conte ACW figures in dioramas and they went extremely well together. I found that something happened amongst pretty much all manufacturers in the last several years where each branched out into their own unique style and it became harder to mix and match. I don't mind the variety in styles. It makes the collection more interesting IMHO. I just find myself having to separate brands into their own mini dioramas instead of having one larger diorama.

that's a good point about the individual styles of each manufacturer...I think it gives something appealing to everyone...and also a good point about the increasing prices all's amazing that Mr. Conte is offering such an affordable attractive series when I see everybody else's prices sky rocketing...I am all over this...I wanted an Ancient's line and this one is of an exceptional quality at a price I simply cannot ignore...these figures are an incredible value in a time where I see so many threads concerning price increases...
The Conte figures, based on their dynamic posing, looks like they might fit in well with CS offerings. Would the armor types be compatible historically? Michael
The Conte figures, based on their dynamic posing, looks like they might fit in well with CS offerings. Would the armor types be compatible historically? Michael

Michael...I have no idea on the armor of either manufacturer being historically correct...but there was a thread on the CS forum that the scale of the Conte Romans was used as the scale mock up when the CS figures were yes...they should fit well together...
Here's a few close ups of another of the Romans......The Lt.



These Romans look Great, very animated, the paint jobs look Great. Excuse the Great, I do eat alot of Cornflakes. Alas being a Plastic guy, might never see my shelves or draws. I'm sure they would go very well with the new upcoming TSSD stuff, good year for Roman Collectors. Keep up the Great work RC.
Agree Mike that the Romans look great and that goes without saying. Check out the Conte web site for his recently released update and news
A lot of great looking figures coming out by the looks of it.
Howard...any chance you can post some pictures of your Galley #1 ship or send them to me...I'm really curious what Richard has in store for the Galley #2 that's upcoming...

Michael mate,
Will do cobber. It will be in a few weeks time as "she who must be obeyed", being the good lady wife, has decreeded that all TS and showcases have to be removed from her Lounge and Dining Rooms. Have you ever tried to move eighteen showcases packed with K&C, JJD and Britians. It takes about two hours plus to gently remove six shelves of TS and carry them in a padded boxes to their new location and then with a hand trolley move the showcase and another two hours plus to place them back on their orginal shelves in their new home. The job is only half way completed at this stage.
The only positive to come out of this is that I now have three rooms of K&C and one room for JJD, Britians, Figarti and Conte, instead of all being mixed in together.
Will post or send those photos soon. Hope to catch up in Chicago.
Cheers Howard

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