Converting your own parts (sculpting) (1 Viewer)

Welcome to the forum! It,s great to have you here. I like to convert figures both metal and plastic and use 2 part putty a lot to make pieces for my conversions and have made arms legs hands gear ect, and even tried to scratch build my own figures but didn,t have munch luck with that.
I look forward to you being here and sharing some of your work with us and hopefully answering a few questions also. Welcome aboard!
Thanks! I actually love to share tips and help people with their own scratchbuilds- my wife has no interest and my kids are too young to care about how the toys are made lol
Thanks! I actually love to share tips and help people with their own scratchbuilds- my wife has no interest and my kids are too young to care about how the toys are made lol

Welcome to the forum Big Miller Bro. You have identified exactly why I like this forum so much. I'm gon'a sound like my kids when they were teenagers, but here goes...No body understands me:( But its true. Toy soldier collectors (and kit bashers) are not very understood by what I would call - "those other people.":p This forum is full of people who have a variety of interests revolving around toy soldiers. Check out Fubar's, Fishead's, and Leadman's postings. They do some great plastic stuff. There are others and if I forgot your name I am sorry about that.

Anyway, welcome to the forum and have fun:)




Here is one of my latest conversions of one of Fubars own designed and self cast metal russain figures. I cut one of his standing to repel poses in half which was not easy as the metal is very hard. I then made a new set of legs out of millput 2 part putty which turned out to be very difficult because the weight of the top half of the figure kept crushing down and distorting the new legs so I had to make them very oversized let them harden and the carved the hardened 2 part putty.

This picture was taken before I was finished carving, the figure is now done and i,m in the process of painting it and will post pictures of the finished results when its done along with a few other conversions I did of those russains.
Nice! I tend to do few conversions since I usually prefer to do my own scratchbuilds/sculpts. The conversions I do find myself doing are reconditioning the old line of Jack Scruby miniatures for HistoriFigs ( ). Though I usually only convert my own stuff I'm not a snob lol- it is to force myself to stay in practice but lately I find that so much of my time is spent on 'work' sculpts and making rule books that I thought I'd enjoy getting back to some fun projects.

I purchased a lot of the AIP stuff- they have frequent sales that get you 40 54mm figs for only $12USD. Perfect for lots of line troops and I convert the officers and such for some variety- occassionaly swapping heads. I also got a lot of 400 BMC Alamo figures for $40 and love converting them cause with some simple additions they make great war of 1812 & Naps figures. :D

I tend to be a bit of a game nerd- using my figures for wargaming and such- so I made a generic ruleset ( ) that allows me to adapt it to whatever era/war I want to play- currently a lot of French Indian War, a little Sudan, and I'm looking to get into 1812 and some Nap era shipboarding.
Welcome to the forum . Your sculpts sound interesting. Leadmen
Welcome to the forum.Converting figures is a lot of fun.i enjoy the images of your Grenadiers.Post more as you get them knocked out.

Fish, I like the grenadier conversion. We'll have to pump some more blood into this thread. I havent done anything new with plastics for , well a long time.Have some 1/2 done Marines I did some swapping around using the conte GI's, added some gear and helmet covers but havent painted them.

I purchased a lot of the AIP stuff- they have frequent sales that get you 40 54mm figs for only $12USD. Perfect for lots of line troops and I convert the officers and such for some variety- occassionaly swapping heads. I also got a lot of 400 BMC Alamo figures for $40 and love converting them cause with some simple additions they make great war of 1812 & Naps figures. :D

Where and when do these sales occur? This I would love to see.:eek:
Welcome to the forum Big. I already have learned a great deal by reading your tutorials. It is outstanding they way you presented it so that even the slow kids in the back could understand. I should know I am one of them. Look forward to you sharing more of your wisdom and yes I suffer under the same circumstances as you. The wife says that looks nice and the son try's to take off with it.
I should warn you- the AIP sales can be addictive :rolleyes:

My friend Mike Taylor showed me the site in December. For $12 and 40 figures I was amazed- and instantly hooked on the large scales. I had already started to sculpt some 45mm figures for FIW and since a 54mm figure is '6 foot' that means my 45mm figs are perfect for '5 foot' and the 40mm stuff makes great 'youths'

Since then I now have a ton of Colonial Sudan, AWI, Naps, ACW, and Boxers.

I saw they added a MKI tank for WWI and suspect I'll be doing that war shortly as well :D
I saw that tank. I wonder what else they will do? I actually have a dozen boxes of the AiP s.
Then realizes I would have to be more selective
Heres some rough attempts at converting and using green stuf. I took these last week and have been working on a few more pieces. Nothing great, just "sketches" I guess. I think I'll do better but practice makes perfect.At least it's a start.





Your work is wonderful! I marvel at your talent!

Warmest personal regards,

Looking good Fubar!:cool: What else have you been working on?
I,ve been real busy at work lately getting up real early and coming home very tired and not in the mood to do anything at all lately but seeing your photos makes me want to give this green stuff a try.
The figures look great, I really like the figures in the great coats. Are you going to make moulds of these and sell these on ebay also when your done?
Thanks guys. It's all trial and error, learning experiance.Determination -lots.
I have 2 more gunner poses for the ACW figures I'm working on and some other ACW heads, kepis with different faces, a slouch hat etc.

Wanted to make a 4 man crew. One with rammer, one standing with Handspike, { in the pix, hand with baseball bat looking handspike done now}
One pulling Lanyard and a corporal { gun sighter} leaning back away from the blast.

Yes, I'll probably make molds of them all eventually.I think I'm going to use the ACW gun crew as fodder for the 1st Resin mold.I'd like to do some of them in resin like Barzo figs.

Looking very good! Be sure to show your resin casts when you get them working- people who can cast resin are always in demand ;)

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