Cross dressing with K&C!! (1 Viewer)


Major General
May 1, 2010

Different type of crosses. Would anyone else like to see more captured AFV's being incorporated into releases?

Thought I would post a few that would look good especially, the Char B and the armoured car


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Whatta disappointment!

I was expecting to see Frenchies dressed in kilts! :confused:
Apologies. Probably would not ahve allowed some of the pics that could have been posted here. lol
Neat idea- the T34 was a big seller-

I didn't know the Germans used captured Sherman's- looks like one of the big gun 76'ers

Different type of crosses. Would anyone else like to see more captured AFV's being incorporated into releases?

Thought I would post a few that would look good especially, the Char B and the armoured car

I have one of XXX Corps with a catured german halftrack!:D:cool:
Neat idea- the T34 was a big seller-

I didn't know the Germans used captured Sherman's- looks like one of the big gun 76'ers

The Germans used lots of captured armour. Czech 35(t) and 38(t) were very important in Poland and France, were a large part of their tank compliment, and then became the platform for some successful tank destroyers and SPGs. Captured French tanks were used for anti-partisan operations and as the base for some SPGs and tractors. Some of the captured Italian SPGs were taken in to the German Army. In North Afrika they used captured Matildas. and Grants.

The most prolific captured tank the Germans used in combat was the T-34. German advances captured plenty of T-34s.

But not too many Shermans were used as by the time the Shermans arrived, North Afrika was coming to a close and after D-Day the Germans were in retreat so rarely held a battlefield long enough to recover many Shermans.

About the only tank they didn't use was the Churchill. They didn't recognize it as a tank and weren't sure what to do with it. :eek::D:D


Strangest thing I saw was a knocked out churchill being used at Kursk as command post by the SS. A lend lease job and a couple of Lee Grants not what you expect to see when you think of the Kursk salient. These pics were in the 6 volumes of Kursk photo books by spezzanno.

I could never understand why the germans did not bring all the soviet captured armour to the west and shipped all thier good armout to the east. Would have stopped the concerns of crew of being shot by their own side

Strangest thing I saw was a knocked out churchill being used at Kursk as command post by the SS. A lend lease job and a couple of Lee Grants not what you expect to see when you think of the Kursk salient. These pics were in the 6 volumes of Kursk photo books by spezzanno.

I could never understand why the germans did not bring all the soviet captured armour to the west and shipped all thier good armout to the east. Would have stopped the concerns of crew of being shot by their own side

Logistics. The cost of moving all those T-34s would have put a strain on the transport system. By the time they had captured many T-34s, the tide was turning and the allies were bombing the rail lines in the west. The earlier Russian tanks weren't worth using as tanks.

And while t-34s would have worked in the west, all the spare parts and ammo for the 76mm gun were all in the east. And the mobility of the T-34s in some weather conditions was better than the Panzers. The T-34 wide tracks could get through mud and snow better.

Phantom Warrior...

Cheers for that. Must have been some jittery germans in those tanks big crosses or not wonder what the casualty rates were for friendly fire? As a german if you saw ashape of a T-34 I would think you would fire first and look second

Logistics. The cost of moving all those T-34s would have put a strain on the transport system. By the time they had captured many T-34s, the tide was turning and the allies were bombing the rail lines in the west. The earlier Russian tanks weren't worth using as tanks.

And while t-34s would have worked in the west, all the spare parts and ammo for the 76mm gun were all in the east. And the mobility of the T-34s in some weather conditions was better than the Panzers. The T-34 wide tracks could get through mud and snow better.


I could never understand why the germans did not bring all the soviet captured armour to the west and shipped all thier good armout to the east. Would have stopped the concerns of crew of being shot by their own side

Probably to do with logistics (ammo and spare parts etc.).
Logistics. The cost of moving all those T-34s would have put a strain on the transport system. By the time they had captured many T-34s, the tide was turning and the allies were bombing the rail lines in the west. The earlier Russian tanks weren't worth using as tanks.

And while t-34s would have worked in the west, all the spare parts and ammo for the 76mm gun were all in the east. And the mobility of the T-34s in some weather conditions was better than the Panzers. The T-34 wide tracks could get through mud and snow better.

The logistics is a good answer, which makes the use of all that transport to move the Jews throuhout the war such a bad idea from the get go. Germany fighting for it's life and they divert so much in resources to eliminate a harmless people. Not only was the Nazi regime immoral, they were just plain stupid. -- Al
Terry/ Frank/ Mitch

thank you for all the brilliant posts!! Very informative to say the least.
Here here.

The logistics is a good answer, which makes the use of all that transport to move the Jews throuhout the war such a bad idea from the get go. Germany fighting for it's life and they divert so much in resources to eliminate a harmless people. Not only was the Nazi regime immoral, they were just plain stupid. -- Al
Phantom Warrior...

Cheers for that. Must have been some jittery germans in those tanks big crosses or not wonder what the casualty rates were for friendly fire? As a german if you saw ashape of a T-34 I would think you would fire first and look second

It was a problem all right. The T-34s tended to be used in Kompanie sized units and not piecemeal. Up until then, the worst order had been "you are being transferred to the Russian Front". It was replaced by "you are being transferred to the Russian Front to a T-34 Kompanie"

"you are being transferred to the Russian Front". It was replaced by "you are being transferred to the Russian Front to a T-34 Kompanie"


Kind of like the super happy news I got when I was with the Second Infantry Division and got sent to the DMZ between North and South Korea- "you need to go back through the equipment issue line and get the extreme cold weather gear!!" :D:D

Neither sound very pleasent to me!!!
The Germans regularily maintained as many as 300 operational T-34s at any given time at the peak of german occuption and later in the war.

Friendly fire was a big problem. They painted huge white crosses on the tanks and draped them with air recognition swastika markers. They also tended to use them in infantry support roles and away from German Panzers where possible. Even more damaged T-34 were converted to tractors, flak gun carriers etc.

Conversions and Repairs were done in the captured Russian tractor factories until they were lost and then in Germany. Typically, the T-34 was converted by adding a commanders cupola from wrecked Panzer III and IV tanks, adding a radio, and sometimes adding schurzen which also helped with the recognition problem. The K&C captured T-34 has all of those features


I have seen one with 20mm flak mounted and looked a great mix. Cheers for the update had not realised or read that they had so many T-34's in play

I have seen one with 20mm flak mounted and looked a great mix. Cheers for the update had not realised or read that they had so many T-34's in play
Hey, Mitch how goes it Dude?

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