Crusaders and Saracens-Need More Wounded (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Oct 17, 2006
I was admiring my KC 'Crusader shelf' during a Tele-conference this morning (where I do my best thinking-such as it is) and it dawned on me that I've got archers and crossbowmen from both sides-but no one with arrows/bolts sticking out of them. Now either my archers/crossbowmen are LOUSY shots-or we need some wounded.
I like to think my guys hit what they aim at....:D
I will third that idea...sorely needed...but almost all series and all manufacturers seem to lack in this department...not just K&C.
Great idea, I was thinking of RO26 from the Roman series. The Crusader series definitely needs something along those same lines.
I've been making arrows and crossbow bolts out of wire of the same thickness as the arrows of the K&C crusader archers and have been making the fletchings (feathers) out of notecard weight paper. I get the wire at my local hobby shop. I use a fine bladed Exacto type knife to cut the tiny fletchings and glue them onto the wire with Crazy Glue. They are quite strong when finished and actually look quite realistic when painted. I stick the arrows into tiny holes drilled into shields, figures, wooden gates, etc. with a tiny, manual hand drill that is fitted with a very tiny bit of the same thickness as the wire arrows and bolts. of all of the stuff I've been working on will be posted on this forum. Sorry it's taking me so long to post images. Responsibilities have forced me into a very busy work schedule lately. George
I've been making arrows and crossbow bolts out of wire of the same thickness as the arrows of the K&C crusader archers and have been making the fletchings (feathers) out of notecard weight paper. I get the wire at my local hobby shop. I use a fine bladed Exacto type knife to cut the tiny fletchings and glue them onto the wire with Crazy Glue. They are quite strong when finished and actually look quite realistic when painted. I stick the arrows into tiny holes drilled into shields, figures, wooden gates, etc. with a tiny, manual hand drill that is fitted with a very tiny bit of the same thickness as the wire arrows and bolts. of all of the stuff I've been working on will be posted on this forum. Sorry it's taking me so long to post images. Responsibilities have forced me into a very busy work schedule lately. George

That should be pretty cool!
I've been making arrows and crossbow bolts out of wire of the same thickness as the arrows of the K&C crusader archers and have been making the fletchings (feathers) out of notecard weight paper. I get the wire at my local hobby shop. I use a fine bladed Exacto type knife to cut the tiny fletchings and glue them onto the wire with Crazy Glue. They are quite strong when finished and actually look quite realistic when painted. I stick the arrows into tiny holes drilled into shields, figures, wooden gates, etc. with a tiny, manual hand drill that is fitted with a very tiny bit of the same thickness as the wire arrows and bolts. of all of the stuff I've been working on will be posted on this forum. Sorry it's taking me so long to post images. Responsibilities have forced me into a very busy work schedule lately. George

I look forward to seeing pictures of these !

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