Cheer for that Mitch , do you have the booster set ?uksubs...
We spoke a little while back about the hanomag when I got the winter one which, I have painted grey it will work fine with K&C and although I have not stood it next to any Arnhem figures it works with the german ranges. As for the hanomag I can only say that its a great set with very good exterior and interior detail IMO
Will they work ok with K&C as welluksubs...
No don't own them but have seen a set and they do look very nice
That the problem CS figures do look over sized witch does put me ofgood luck locating them as I had a heck of a time back in early November getting mine. CS website shows them both sold out. Either way, the troops are slightly larger though I think the vehicle looks a-ok.
That the problem CS figures do look over sized witch does put me of
trust me mate, it really isn't that much of an issue. They are ever so slightly larger, it really isn't that noticeable and they work well imo. I really wouldn't drag your feet on this one.
But not against my Airfix 1/32 seventeen pounder anti tank gunIt will work perfectly with the Stugs.
I am sure this year a seventeen pounder will be released in 1/30th
Figarti have done a lot of English stuff and CS are bound to get into the area and K&C have done some. so, it looks positive its gonna happen I would like to see a 25ILb gun limbar etc done so, hopefully people are listening
The good thing now there lot more choice now with all the different manufactures so you can mix and match, I like the Mickey mouse job K&C doneI do think that all the main manufacturers have their own variation to allied green. I was just looking at the Vallejo variations of green for allied tankers so, as I said to Arnhem the other day I just don't worry too much about the hue of the colour tone as they are all IMO there or there abouts