Hey Moe,
All military dependents participate in yearly (or semi-annual) evacuation drills to get the civilians out of the country at a moments notice. The people in Seoul live there and that is there home, so I don't know if they have any where to evacuate. Maybe the far south of Korea like Kunsan or something.
The South Korean government just went through a HYUGE Presidential scandal with missing money, abuse of power and some creeped out religious cult attached to the President. The new government under President Moon is just setting up shop since May and the public's confidence in the government is at an all time low. Sound familiar. Fat Boy Un is taking advantage of this SK political instability and is taking it to new heights.
The ROK military could re-act and "get it on" with the NK if they wanted to, but won't out of respect for Joint Operations with the US. Right now our Navy look like a bunch of buffoons with all the ship accidents and deaths Ole Fat Boy Un is laughing at us and probably telling his circle "See, they can even float right".
As far as exceptions of SK to defend them is kinda true, but not entirely true. The ROK military are some tough som-*****es and perform some really, really crappy duty along the DMZ, the sea and air. Their military is not inept, but on constant preparedness. The Vietcong feared the ROK marines during the Vietnam War as they were 10 times more brutal than any enemy they encountered.
So, the Nuclear test is alarming, but nothing new. They do it every so often and it just sucks to stir up the war bells in the Peninsula. Just, remember "winter is coming" and that is the time to wage a full scale ground war on the North. As far as what do we do now...well I just hope cooler heads prevail. We may have to bring Bill Richardson out of retirement to work some magic on negotiations.
Send Dennis Rodman to do it.
God help us...
John from Texas