current series status and future releases (1 Viewer)

The French in Indochina would be interesting in either the 19th cen.or the 1950's.
Well....Sudan is my only interest from John at this point and would like to see this line expand. There have already been some great suggestions from others on the forum for the Sudan line. If there was another vote would be for the Boxer Rebellion.
The French Army and colonial marines in the far east in the late 19th cen. could be used for Indochina or the Boxer Rebellion.
It's fun to speculate on John's direction...

he has come so far in the short time I have collected his figures...

when I started on Jenkins it was all 7 Years War only...

Indians...Indians...and more Indians...along with some Jacobites....

now with the starting of Ticonderoga...

First Sudan War...
Knights of the Skies...
The Wehrmacht's Training Ground...

John has really branched out...

John has so many plans...but sadly only two hands...

with so many requests from fans...I know it must be difficult to please the many people pulling for his attention in so many directions...

I sometimes feel I'm the worst when it comes to begging....

he once told me he needed to "lie down" after reading my "email wish lists"...


but I got to give him credit...he always indulges me and never really says "no" to a request...

if he doesn't really like an idea...he politely and ambiguously says...

"I'll put it on my list"....hehehe...

John seems to have a very full plate at the moment. Would be surprised if he adds anything new in the near future. I know there have been some complaints about the lack of releases in existing lines like Quebec. And now a full blown new series with Ticonderoga with any number of possibilities. Some of these ideas I see posted are certainly interesting, but would they really sell? Particularly in the US. Many seem to be UK oriented like ECW and Boer war.
A couple of points on the French and Indian War series. Especially the Monongahela. There are at least 2 more pieces coming out. One is a 2011 Collector Club figure of a mounted G. Washington in red uniform (I petition everytime I talk to John :p), and a Supply wagon pictured below. I also pictured below a photo taken out of a book of what this piece should look like, from Fort Ligonier artillery park. After that, Monongahela will probably be closed. I also petition for Fort Necessity/Jumonville, John tried to release his ranges to coincide with the 250th anniversaries, but missed out of Ft. Necessity. He said he may return to it, but that will be the last F & I War range.


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The Ticonderoga and Quebec figures can interchange quite a bit for both ranges can't they?
The Ticonderoga and Quebec figures can interchange quite a bit for both ranges can't they?

Many of the same regiments and probably many of the same soldiers...Ken Dunne...this question is for you...expand on this please...
The Ticonderoga and Quebec figures can interchange quite a bit for both ranges can't they?

Unfortunately, not the Black Watch which changed facings from buff to blue after Ticonderoga. Hoping John does some in blue since he has gone the "unlimited" path, but it seems doubtful.
Unfortunately, not the Black Watch which changed facings from buff to blue after Ticonderoga. Hoping John does some in blue since he has gone the "unlimited" path, but it seems doubtful.

I should have said..."of the French regiments"...

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