Custers Last Stand with my first Background (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
Aug 22, 2013
Hope I am not b0ring you with this scene again, but I have finished my first background and I am excited and pleased with it. I have worked on this all week and finally got it completed with the help of a print shop. An interesting learning and production experience that I hope you will like. It was quite a job getting the pixels to inches formatted right and then figuring what to print it on and even better what to apply it to, Mike.
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Mike, The back drop looks good. Along with the grass base it is a nice looking set up ! :salute::
Even the high ground won't save them mate,great setup finding back-drops is a pain but makes a huge difference.
A vey nice diorama here
Perhaps more info about the figures would be welcomed
Who is/ are the makers ?
Very good Mike and the backdrop is a goody as well!

A vey nice diorama here
Perhaps more info about the figures would be welcomed
Who is/ are the makers ?

They are all from King & Country, with more to be released. Certainly are colourful on mass. Robin.
Much, much better it adds realism to the scene
looks very very beautiful.
And the background fits well with the dio.

later today I put a photo on the forum of my custers Last Stand dio.

Or have you already seen this Dio ???

regards harrie
Thank each and everyone for your words. First let me answer Brad.
I actually took this photograph while traveling around during periods where clouds like this were prevalent as this is the way I always thought it would have looked. I took various pictures on various days using the panoramic function on my Sony digital camera. This was new for me and I only discovered how great this function is on a recent vacation where my son pointed it out to me. This camera does more then I will ever figure out. Next I copied the photos onto the computer and started to pick out the one I found to be the most like I had envisioned. Since the panoramic view is long and skinny so to speak, it fit the profile of what I had in mind. Now the hard part started. To size the picture to 44 inches by 8 inches was my goal. Through trial and error and many cuss words Shannon will not allow me to write on here {sm4}, I eventually searched a pixel calculator on the internet that would show me what 44 by 8 was in pixels. Had help from our children as well. I plugged that in on my photo program and there it was appearing to be just the right size. Wow, I was amazed. Next I went in and did the usual picture editing for color and light. Now the harder part. Where and on what medium to have this long thing printed as I did not want to try printing and cutting and pasting on a normal printer. The media was in question because I was hoping to find something that would not reflect or glare during flash photography. I wanted it to be perfect to do justice to what I consider little works of art King and Country hand crafted soldiers. I started at our local Walmart photo department. They were not able to do it without ordering it and having it mailed. I messed around on one of their terminals for a few minutes until one of the workers suggested a local sign and banner company. I took this advice and went there. After looking at all possibilities with one of their designers I decided to have them print it on a film and adhere it to a piece of sheet aluminum. Low gloss with high color. They actually wet the film and squeegee it on when the print is ready. There you have it. Same day service and it cost just under thirty dollars! I was so pleased when I got home and just set it up right behind the scene. Easy to move it and maneuver it do to the rigid aluminum stock. YES!
Normandy I am looking for your scene next. Bombon and Wayne 55 and Wayne poo, and Panzer ace 1944 and TomT, thank you too. Mirof and Villagehorse, yes, these are all King and Country figures!! They are beautiful, stupendous, marvelous and I cannot wait for the next five or so to come out here next week?! and then a dozen more next month Andy and Company? :rolleyes: Mike
Love the back drop, but more appreciate the detail on how you produced it. Fine explanation, and the suggestion to use a professional print shop at a very reasonable cost. I now have an alternative I hadn't considered before

Walt damon
Thanks for the explanation Mike. I was considering doing something like that but getting it off the web and then have the camera shop in town put it on a board.

Very nice diorama of Custer's Last Stand On "Last Stand Hill"! I was on a trip to Yellowstone Park in Wyoming last week and on the way back home we took a side trip up to the Battle of the Little Big Horn Monument in Montana. Indeed the Last Stand Hill that Custer and about 45-50 others that died on this hillside was fairly steep going down the Western side of the hill and you have captured the steepness of this hill side very well. The balance of his two companies under Custer's immediate command at the end were killed down toward the Little Big Horn River or down the other side (Eastern) of the hill trying to escape.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary
Great looking scene and your backdrop works very well. {bravo}}
This is a terrific scene that showcases these figures to perfection, congratulations on a fine dio.


Have you got the latest Custer additions, would really like to see your updated display.

Seems there's more releases coming over the next few months. :salute::

Thank to Old Dragon, Rob, WW2buff and Iron Brigade for your compliments. I have been a little out of pocket with vacation and returning to work and all. Not much time right but I will try and get back in he swing here this weekend.
These figures are great. When you get the Terra and background right they just seem to come alive. I think this series of soldier figures are just marvelous. To answer one reply I have not picked up the new five releases yet as they were not quite available yet. But rest assured they will be in this diorama before long. Thank you all again for the comments and motivation. Mike :salute::

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