DAK Tank Riders - "Fantastic Four" (1 Viewer)

Nov 18, 2012
Hi all; so to switch subjects a bit from the Desert Junkers debate (nice plane I would add), my collection of K&C Afrikakorps has grown a bit more in the recent months. After purchasing a few older sets not too long ago, one in particular stands out; a set that I almost didn't buy but glad I did, the DAK Tank Riders set.

Thought I'd share a few pictures of the "fantastic four", a very nice figure set and a perfect addition for one's Afrikakorps Tiger:


What is especially nice is that these figures can also be utilized in open bed trucks, sitting atop other vehicles, or just grounded for action scenes.

Here's an example with my favorite figure of the set:


Comments welcome and have a great day!
I still think the desert Tiger is the best, most accurate Tiger K&C has made and the poses of the tank riders only adds to it. I especially like the way the riders are posed to scan the horizon for threats.

Very nice. I liked the Tiger also and agree that it is the best version they have released. I have 6 now and will be repainting the DAK version I have in the new year. I did not get the DAK riders as I was happy that there was five crew with it
Thanks for the comments and favs, guys.

I still think the desert Tiger is the best, most accurate Tiger K&C has made

I liked the Tiger also and agree that it is the best version they have released.

I had not planned to buy the DAK Tiger as the price had already climbed considerably; however, I was able to find one that was pretty reasonable. It's probably the "flag ship/tank" of my collection. The Tank Riders are certainly a nice addition. Debating on what my next piece will be...
Those tank riders are good looking figures. Nice photography WO.
Excellent pics and effects, thanks for posting!

The tank metal is usually scorching hot in the desert - I saw a video AK tank crew frying an egg on his tank

And these guys able to catch a ride on such a tank ^&confuse

Maybe when the tank is cooler morning or evening I'll agree to that... ^&grin
Yup, The AK Tank Riders set is a really good one that as you said can be used with or without vehicles ! Nice looking pics :salute::
The Tiger tank and tank riders are outstanding the only problem is Rommel has been waiting for months for some fresh troops and Armor to fight the British {sm4}
This figure and pose has always been a favorite. Would love to see a German grey version.


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