Dark ages (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jun 27, 2005
dark age3.jpg

dark age 5.jpg


viking 4.jpg

Hi gang. Managed to get some time for a small wragame last weekend. I've been painting a few Emhar and Conte figs that have been on the workbench since last winter.All were in various stages of completion so I concentrated on a couple each evening last week and finished them off.

We had a Norman / Saxon alliance defending the village from a huge warband of Viking warriors. Vikings never even got close to the WARLORD tower to lay siege.
A stout shield wall of Heavy infantry on a slight rise kept them at bay . Touch and go and the wall was temporarily broken but the Northmen were too exhausted to exploit the breach.

1st wargame here in months and we mostly enjoyed the company.
Was a fun game though . I threw it together about an hour before the chiefs arrived.
Mostly painted plastics and about 40 Conte Metals. Some of which were playset figures I painted and some others I REPainted because I had duplicates. Love painting Barbarians as no 2 need be the same.Need more Normans too!
We're going to do a WW2 game November 10 for Vetrans day.2 guys want to do US airborne and the other 2 want to do Pacific . I think I'll split the differance and do the US airborne drops on the ROCK.Hopefully I'll get some better pix.


Outstanding! I still have a lot to learn.

Question. Is there any historical era you haven't covered in that garage of yours?
Fub, those look brilliant! Looks like you had a lot of fun.:)
Fubar, nice job, you don't see to many Viking , Norman dios. The paint jobs and pics are excellent, Mike:)
Fub the photos speak for themselves and are nicely done and looking forward to what's next headed our way........The Lt.
Give us an F, Give us a U Give us a B, Give us an A, Give us a R.
What do you get
Who do we apprecaite
That is what I think about those stupendous displays
Hi Fubar,

Once again, you provide evidence to document that you must be the Supreme Champion Diorama Builder of all time! My highest compliments for an outstanding display!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Harold GREAT DIORAMA!!!! The figures look great!!!
I only wish you had some larger photos to show them off better.
You should try a photo bucket account. Reducing photos to fit on here takes all the resolution out of the photos or just makes them to small to enjoy.

I will walk you through starting a photo bucket account if you like? Its free and you won,t have to resize any more photos to fit into your posts.
Harold GREAT DIORAMA!!!! The figures look great!!!
I only wish you had some larger photos to show them off better.
You should try a photo bucket account. Reducing photos to fit on here takes all the resolution out of the photos or just makes them to small to enjoy.

I will walk you through starting a photo bucket account if you like? Its free and you won,t have to resize any more photos to fit into your posts.

FUB, Tim's a master at it and I agree with him that you should be able to show them off better. He taught me and look at the monster he created. Take care and be well........The Lt.


Okay, I guess the puters got the best of me tonite. These are old images of my 25mm Vikings and Norman castle. I have something all messed up with the sizes, pixels, KB, ect.
I'll have to figure out where I am going wrong, never had problems loading images before. Tomorrows another day.Logged into photobucket. I couldnt get it to work , kept saying invalid file or image sizes too big.I'll sort it out .
I still have at least 20 1/2 done figures + I cherry picked about 10 Barzo Norman :confused:Archers from a dealer at OTSN primed up. Not exactly accurate but close enough for me!
Thanks for all the kind words. Wish you were here!
View attachment 10312

View attachment 10313

Okay, I guess the puters got the best of me tonite. These are old images of my 25mm Vikings and Norman castle. I have something all messed up with the sizes, pixels, KB, ect.
I'll have to figure out where I am going wrong, never had problems loading images before. Tomorrows another day.Logged into photobucket. I couldnt get it to work , kept saying invalid file or image sizes too big.I'll sort it out .
I still have at least 20 1/2 done figures + I cherry picked about 10 Barzo Norman :confused:Archers from a dealer at OTSN primed up. Not exactly accurate but close enough for me!
Thanks for all the kind words. Wish you were here!

Harold are you having problems Putting the photos onto your photo bucket account or getting them from photo bucket to here???

I have never had a problem with a photo being to large to add to my photo bucket account and have loaded some larger sized photos.

Here is a link to a step by step that might help you out.
In my spare time when i aint painting 54mm i like to sqeeze in the
odd miniature :eek:


...Okay, I guess the puters got the best of me tonite. These are old images of my 25mm Vikings and Norman castle. I have something all messed up with the sizes, pixels, KB, ect.
I'll have to figure out where I am going wrong, never had problems loading images before. Tomorrows another day.Logged into photobucket. I couldnt get it to work , kept saying invalid file or image sizes too big.I'll sort it out .
I still have at least 20 1/2 done figures + I cherry picked about 10 Barzo Norman :confused:Archers from a dealer at OTSN primed up. Not exactly accurate but close enough for me!
Thanks for all the kind words. Wish you were here!
Impressive shots, I would like to see those larger even.

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