December news - the figures! (1 Viewer)

The Republican Legionaries will be historically accurate with the Roman War Elephant in the Carthaginian and Macedonian wars.

ROM-REP 001 Our first Republican Roman for all you fans of the Ceasarian era. The Roman Republic was the age of ancient Roman civilization beginning with the overthrow of the Roman Kingdom, traditionally dated to 509 BC, and ending in 27 BC with the establishment of the Roman Empire. It was during this period that Rome's control expanded from the city's immediate surroundings to hegemony over the entire Mediterranean world. During the first two centuries of its existence, the Roman Republic expanded through a combination of conquest and alliance, from central Italy to the entire Italian peninsular. By the following century, it included North Africa, most of the Iberian Peninsular and what is now southern France. Two centuries after that, towards the end of the 1st century BC, it included the rest of modern France, Greece and much of the eastern Mediterranean, internal tensions led to a series of civil wars, culminating with the assassination of Julius Ceaser, which then led to the transition from republic to empire. Our stunning looking Legionnaire stands ready to be called forward to do battle or perhaps on sentry duty – possibly manning the John Jenkins fort wall soon to be launched?

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These figures come in 2 shield versions with the A version carrying a shield of the 10th Legion and the B version figure carrying a dramatic leaping wolf design shield. A and B variants also have different colour plumes attached to helmet.
Both limited to 100 in number and priced at $49 per figure.
I think the Republican Romans surprised everybody here on how nice they looked as a group. If these sell out then we can always make another version with a different shield so no problems with obtaining future figures in this pose. We would like to make fighting Republicans and because so there was so much infighting it would be easy to have these guys fighting each other as well as the Gauls recently offered by JJD. So we will see how these guys fare and then decide on a course of action. There will also be a couple of all action Velites from the earlier republican period to take on Hannibal's forces being released next year.

Good enough for me. I will be buying these figures and hoping the line is successful enough to see more poses in the future. I don't think you could go wrong by continuing another static pose such as standing with the shield held up and either a pilum or a gladius in the hand. Marching figures carrying the shield in one hand and gladius/pilum in the other would also be fine. These are all coherent with each other for a deployed army/camp assembly etc. However, a few centurions and a mounted consul would not go amiss....... thanks for this surprise!
Good enough for me. I will be buying these figures and hoping the line is successful enough to see more poses in the future. I don't think you could go wrong by continuing another static pose such as standing with the shield held up and either a pilum or a gladius in the hand. Marching figures carrying the shield in one hand and gladius/pilum in the other would also be fine. These are all coherent with each other for a deployed army/camp assembly etc. However, a few centurions and a mounted consul would not go amiss....... thanks for this surprise!

Thank you, here's to more Republicans!
Thank you - most useful!

This is an excellent point. If you are indeed going to be doing Carthaginians (and I very much hope you are), then these figures are quite suitable as opponents. As is they would represent well-equipped Principes (the middle line of the legion deployed). For the Hastati (the first line) the same figures without mail armor, but with a small square chest plate (pectorale) would be be perfectly acceptable. Although the Triarii (the last line and reserve of the legion) probably wore mail, personally I would rather see some bronze cuirassed figures (or alternating with some mail-equipped figures) to define their "heavy" infantry(and relatively wealthy) status.

By the time of Caesar, the differences between the three classes of legionnaires had disappeared, but the equipment remained quite similar (as depicted by your new Republican Romans).
This is an excellent point. If you are indeed going to be doing Carthaginians (and I very much hope you are), then these figures are quite suitable as opponents. As is they would represent well-equipped Principes (the middle line of the legion deployed). For the Hastati (the first line) the same figures without mail armor, but with a small square chest plate (pectorale) would be be perfectly acceptable. Although the Triarii (the last line and reserve of the legion) probably wore mail, personally I would rather see some bronze cuirassed figures (or alternating with some mail-equipped figures) to define their "heavy" infantry(and relatively wealthy) status.

By the time of Caesar, the differences between the three classes of legionnaires had disappeared, but the equipment remained quite similar (as depicted by your new Republican Romans).

Carthagian soldier sculpt in the works as they say!





Best wishes Gunn
Carthagian soldier sculpt in the works as they say!

With Carthaginian Wars I hope you will consider including the many allies, hired mercenaries and soldiers from the lands they held as that was the bulk of their army. Which included Numidian horseman, Samnite, Lucanian, Liby-Phoenician, Iberian, Celt-Iberian and Celtic warriors. Thanks.
ROM69; We have replaced our ROM067 figure (the Legionnaire holding his shield with both hands) with this new figure. Essentially this figure does the same job as ROM067 but now holds his shield with his left hand and his sword with the right hand. Placed on the right side of the Testudo or in the middle he is now able to defend himself a little better than our ROM067 version. Only available in the red shield A version at the moment and limited to 100 of each variant.[/SIZE]

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All the Testudo Romans remain at $49 per figure and are only available in the red shield A version at the moment and limited to 100 of each variant.

Will you be making a front rank figure utilizing the gladius instead of the pilum? As much as I like this figure I'm a bit hesitant. I would much rather have the option to swap out the pilum front rank with a gladius front rank. Not so concerned about the center of the formation since I cant see them in the enclosed testudo to begin.
Will you be making a front rank figure utilizing the gladius instead of the pilum? As much as I like this figure I'm a bit hesitant. I would much rather have the option to swap out the pilum front rank with a gladius front rank. Not so concerned about the center of the formation since I cant see them in the enclosed testudo to begin.

Already made Joe! We have a Gladius front rank version on the way shortly as the current ROM064 with Pilum nearly sold out this end.




The Testudo version will have a rectangle basis, this is the general issue version for a shield wall.

Best wishes The Gunn Team
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Looks good, I do hope TG have made more than a hundred, as will do good service as the second line of a formation receiving an assault / attacking having used their Pilum as well as in an assault formation !

So TG are not only the leaders in wooden aircraft but now for ancients. They are smart with what they produce allowing others to compliment there lines such as JJD for the barbarians, apart from the chariot of course.

Punic Wars should sell but what about Alexander's army or Egyptians and Assyrians? Maybe a step too far but you never know.

I don't know whether it's smart to leave other manufacturer's to produce the bulk of the opposing forces to their Roman series, Gary. Seems to me that they are loosing out on valuable business. I can't fault the figures that they produce though after just acquiring some superb Spartans. Just wish we would see some fighting Persians. Regards Greg.
I don't know whether it's smart to leave other manufacturer's to produce the bulk of the opposing forces to their Roman series, Gary. Seems to me that they are loosing out on valuable business. I can't fault the figures that they produce though after just acquiring some superb Spartans. Just wish we would see some fighting Persians. Regards Greg.

TG have said that there are Dacians on the way, that will make many happy.

Many more would be very happy indeed if TG make figures for Jewish revolts against the Romans.
I certainly think this would be a niche larger than many niche interest figures that TG already have produced.
Even Vespasian himself was moved to issue a whole series of commemorative coins of their victory, Judaea Capta !
And the revolt under Hadrian had even more far reaching consequences that still echo down to today.

TG have said that there are Dacians on the way, that will make many happy.

Many more would be very happy indeed if TG make figures for Jewish revolts against the Romans.
I certainly think this would be a niche larger than many niche interest figures that TG already have produced.
Even Vespasian himself was moved to issue a whole series of commemorative coins of their victory, Judaea Capta !
And the revolt under Hadrian had even more far reaching consequences that still echo down to today.


Here are some pictures of one of the Dacians, there will be 6 and the scene will depict the final stand of the Dacians!





Hope you enjoy these pictures, please note this is not the final version of this figure.
Looks very good. I think TG will be wanting to expand on that six, just from the preview pic!
May I suggest an A, B & C version of Sword, Spear and Falx the long curved sword.
Should be getting my new release Roman Cavalry and foot figures any day !

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