Delhi Durbar 1903 resources (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
May 21, 2013
Hi Guys and Gals,

Would anyone be able to point me in the direction of some good resource material on this subject.

I'm particular interested in the elephants "decoration" / colours etc.

Colour plates / prints would be ideal


Hi Guys and Gals,

Would anyone be able to point me in the direction of some good resource material on this subject.

I'm particular interested in the elephants "decoration" / colours etc.

Colour plates / prints would be ideal


Look at the Beau Geste website and Marlborough also. You might take a look at my Durbar albums and William Hocker website too. Tommy
Print-wise I don't believe there is much about. I think Pat and Dave will be best to help you out along with Tommys suggestion.
I am sure Dave and Pat will be along soon. They can both give you a pretty good bibliography,.
There is only one recent book available at the moment
I'm guessing that you may have already tried it - but for a starter, try Google Images - and follow down any images you find there. For 1903 - you will probably find a lot of Black & White photographs - but there may be some in colour illustrations as well - as I'm guessing that's what you really want to see. Johnnybach.
Hi Adam,

Good print materials regarding the 1903 Durbar are difficult to find. However, there is a newer book that is excellent and is still available. It is titled:

Power and Resistance: The Delhi Coronation Durbars edited by Julie D. Codell. The ISBN Number is: 978-1-935677-10-9. The retail cost is $75.00.

To provide an idea of what the book is about, let me quote from the inside flap of the cover:

This volume explores how photography represented, idealized and publicized the Delhi Coronation Durbars, occasions marking the formal coronations of English monarchs as empress and emperors of India: Victoria in 1877, Edward VII in 1903, and George V in 1911.

The book focuses on photographs made for those who attended the Delhi Durbars and for a global audience who did not attend. It features vital photographs that were commissioned from the foremost British and Indian photographers such as Raja Deen Dayal & Sons, Vernon & Company, and Bourne & Shepherd, as well as those shot by amateur photographers.

There are a great many period photographs appearing the book, but you must remember that, at the time of the Durbars, photography was still in its infant stages. In short, the photographs, while very, very impressive, are presented in black and white colors. The photographs include dignitaries, Maharajahs, soldiers, elephants in parade, civilians, etc. In my opinion, every serious Durbar collector should own a copy of this book.

There are two other print references I often consult. They are:

The Durbar by Mortimer Menpes.

This book was published in October 1903 and follows the organizing and implimentation of the 1903 Durbar. Included in the book are 100 color plates of Durbar participants and civilians.. Rather than photographs, the plates are artist representations of Durbar scenes and events. The color plates are excellent. The book, however, is long out of print and very difficult to find. Further, if you find it, you must be prepared to pay a pretty penny for it.

The other print reference I frequently consult is:

History of The Delhi Coronation Durbar by Stephen Wheeler. (ISBN: 81-7249-004-6)

I actually find this book more useful than the Menpes book, but it does not have color renderings of Durbar events. However, the contents of the book are most useful. The book was orignially published in 1991, but it was not printed in large numbers. The book is out of print and very, very difficult to find. And, like the Menpes book, if you find it, you must be prepared to pay an handsome premium for it.

I also do not want to overlook the fine discussions of Durbar participants that appear on Ana Donzino's Beau Geste website. Ana's research is outstanding. However, her research focuses on providing some history associated with the specific sets of Durbar figures she has released. Nevertheless, it is interesting reading and filled with useful information.

I hope the above information is useful to you. Should you decide to hunt for the Menpes book or the Wheeler book, be patient and be prepared for a long search.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)

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