Hi All,
I thought I would let you all know I found the Collectors Club magazines I was looking for with the help of Richard Walker (many Thanks) and the MKL folks over in the UK. They were able to send me the entire years worth of magazines for 2001 which had many interesting articles including the one I was looking for on the Durbar.
I thought I would share some of the numbers of troops that attended this massive display of Imperial Pageantry.
There were over 35000 troops involved in the reviews.
2000 Bandsmen played for the Proclamation Ceremony.
During the Church Services on the 4th of January they had 500 soldiers singing through megaphones so the massive crowd at the Polo Grounds could hear them they also coordinated the various prayers for the crowd by use of a semaphone signalling device That would be a very cool add on set wouldnt it?
The encampment or what we would refer to as the Tent City was 25 square miles located just north of the Mutiny Monument to the North of Delhi. It had a postal, veterinary, and medical service. They also had 1000 men that did nothing but pick up dung from the animals every day and load it on a train for daily disposal. That was some honey wagon I bet
This was all coordinated by Lord Curzon and his obviously most able staff.
Some idea of how long it took for the various Princes and other dignataries to assemble and set up their own tent cities is the Shan State Chiefs from Burma had to begin their trek to get there the previous October. Most of the rest were there for a fortnight (two weeks)
All in all this was a massive exercise in Logistic Coordination that would be difficult to match these days.