Desert Airbase Attacked! (3 Viewers)

Brian: That is one nice diorama you made. I enjoyed your work at Chicago also. The few planes I buy are those 21st century ones. They are made nice and you don't have all the work of a kit. Thanks for posting. Leadmen
Thanks all for the kind remarks...glad you enjoy. Yes I did "weather" the plane some....cant stand new planes....they have to have seen some combat in my book to look real.

Still waiting to see other airbase pics....come on plane buffs...where are they? :D
I'm sure Brad will shoot and post some shots of my desert airbase under atttack, as well as my RAF airfield at the Symposium.
Yup, for sure.

The Barzo stuff looks really neat and thought this was a great idea when I saw it in Chicago in Shannon's room. Was planning to use one myself but was just too big for the room I have.
I haven't made the leap into SOHK yet. However I can confirm that the LRDG seem to have lost direction in the desert. They turned right at the palm tree instead of left and ended up in Durban.
PS I tried to get my wife to stop buying Barbie dolls for the girls by telling her that Barbie's hair is actually purchased in bulk from Thai Aids orphans just before they are shipped off too slave labor camps.
She just looked at me. I think she realizes by now that I am a bit of a wind-up merchant.

But the SOHK figures are made by Chinese artisans on US$1000/week and they only work 10:00AM to 16:00PM, Monday to Thursday - and none of them ever disappear.
So Bob Neville tells me.

Hey Warbuff!!

A big STANDS ALONE to you sir- I have been hearing how everyone loves these desert figs and how they are so hot and all but no one has propped em up- great job!!! The dio looks fantastic.

Another added bonus- the Barszo building- thanks to Leadman and yourself for steering me to those cool desert buildings. I plan on picking some up here in the future to go with my KC SF series- it looks like they scale perfectly with KC.

Well done!!

I have been hearing how everyone loves these desert figs and how they are so hot and all but no one has propped em up
Have a look in the Diorama Section of the Forum Chris. Go to the beginning of the "More Close Encounters of the Best Kind" thread. You may be in for a pleasant surprise. :):)

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