Destination: Chicago! (1 Viewer)

King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

As September approaches here at K&C we are putting the final touches to the displays and dioramas we will be taking to the Chicago Show this year.

Here is one of the smaller displays, just 21” X 21” that will be featuring a ‘Battle of the Bulge’ theme for this the 75th Anniversary.
In this particular version of the scene we are featuring all of our currently available ‘BoB’ GI’s and vehicles together with some vintage additions of some earlier, now-retired pieces. At the show itself we will preview samples of the 3 x upcoming three-man ‘winter’ GI’s in action sets on display.

We also today ‘shot’ the same scene with the German opposition...
I’ll post some pix of those before the weekend.

All the best and enjoy!

P.S. It was fun ‘winterizing’ the K&C buildings and making the occasional Belgian adaptation.
It’s also good to see what you can create in a relatively small space.

P.P.S. The idea behind this little vignette was borrowed and adopted from young Lee, one of our K&C collectors in Brisbane who I met during the recent ‘OzTour’ down under.
Thankyou Lee!


Always so much fun to see your guys works. Visually a fun way to start the day as well as (consistently) educational!!
See ya' in a few week, Andy. ^&grin

--- LaRRy
Looks Great, cannot see anything new?

Hi there, thanks for the compliment...the 'new items', which I mentioned in my post, will be on the dio itself in Chicago...

I just wanted to share the finished set up with fellow collectors ...and remind them of what's currently available in 'Battle of the Bulge'.

All the best and happy collecting,
Good to see you "Hard" at work mate looks good.

P.S. Sleeves up or down looks like a sleeves up to me ^&grin
That looks great Andy,the extra width to bottom tier and wider steps make a big difference
Good to see you "Hard" at work mate looks good.

P.S. Sleeves up or down looks like a sleeves up to me ^&grin

Thanks Wayne,
"Hard work"'as my Dad liked to say,"never killed anyone!"

Only thing no work.
Ah well, back to the salt mines!

All the best,
Like the way you have roped in various items from other series Andy, to produce this scene. Always good to see a reuse and out of the box thinking. This will turn heads at the show. Robin.

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