Died 16 years ago today - Princess-Diana-SAS-murder-claim (1 Viewer)

The Military Workshop

1st Lieutenant
Jul 31, 2005
From todays Daily Mail.

Interesting read

"However far-fetched it sounds, all the Establishment concerns about Diana were genuine. But could this really have led to her assassination? And if so, how could it have been carried out?"

"He named the same two men, X and Y, who had overseen the ‘Paris operation’ and said the crash was designed to frighten Diana into halting her romance with Dodi because he was considered an unsuitable partner".

‘We hoped to break her arm or cause a minor injury,’ said my informant. ‘The operation was also overseen by a top MI6 officer known as the tall man, who is now retired and living on the Continent. He admits it went wrong. No one in MI6 wanted Diana to be killed.’

And this week the men’s names were mentioned again, this time by Moscow intelligence".

‘From the very beginning, it was clear to me it was not just an accident. My sources in the SVR and other Russian secret services are sure it was a very English murder.

‘They have talked to me about an SAS squad called The Increment, which is attached to MI6, being involved in the assassination".

According to the author of a new book, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, the SVR, knew that X and Y were in Paris on the night Diana died. And after the car crash the SVR set out to find out why.

Gennady Sokolov, whose book The Kremlin vs The Windsors will be published next year, told me this week: ‘Of course our people were following your agents". (My minor note : I googled Sokolov and he is a Russian author with contacts but not actually Russian intelligence as I thought from reading the article).

By my count, if you believe the story, at least 7 people involved :

Two on motor bike
One driver of saloon
One driver of Fiat Uno
X and Y
and top MI6 officer known as the tall man

Plus add the people who instructed top MI6 officer (say at least 2 more)

More believable if take the view the operation was meant to scare Diana. However run the risk, if she survived, she and others in the car might say somebody had caused accident deliberately. Highly risky considering Dodi's Dad not afraid to go to the Press and high profile and rich.

So is the journalist naming her sources / X and Y to the Police or is she protecting them ?. Will be interesting to see Gennady Sokolov, whose book The Kremlin vs The Windsors which will be published next year. Is the new story part of a scheme to promote new book ?

England's grassy knoll ^&confuse
Full story at

Someone trying to make money out of the anniversary? If the S.A.S. wanted to bump off anyone, why would they choose a foreign country. Especially when they know they'll be surrounded by photographers. A tragic accident while sailing in the med, slipped and fell down Ken palace stairs. There would be any amount of ways to do it without leaving evidence. Or of course you could always leave evidence that one of your enemies did it.


p.s. Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!!^&grin
Good God was that really 16 years ago?!{eek3}

I think the DM is not happy our MP's voted against action on Syria so have given us this instead!

you would be pissed too if 24 of your colleagues either forgot to or couldn't attend the vote for reasons best known to themsleves and you lose by 12 votes .

not agreeing with the action on syria 100% but losing the special relationship with the US is a disaster waiting to happen especially if the Frogs take our place.

and yes i am a DM reader
I dont think the relationship between the Uk and US will be lost over this, there have been differances before and will be again. Its a strong bond none the less.

You cant go against parliament, Cameron should have slowed up a bit.

The Daily Mail article is a bunch of baloney. Everyone knows Diana's death was ordered by the Tri-Lateral Commission, working for the Illuminati. It was carried out by a team of Sasquatches on hover bikes. Either that, or it was the Pentavirate.

The Daily Mail article is a bunch of baloney. Everyone knows Diana's death was ordered by the Tri-Lateral Commission, working for the Illuminati. It was carried out by a team of Sasquatches on hover bikes. Either that, or it was the Pentavirate.


The fifth member of the Pentavirate was Colonel Sanders . . . he put a secret ingredient in his chicken that made you crave it fort-nightly . . . he had beady little eyes . . . I hate him!

Heid! Pants!

(All a quote from a rant about the Tri-Lateral Commission, Illuminati and the Pentavirate, by Mike Myers, playing his character's own father, Mr. Mackenzie, a nutty Scottish expatriate, in the movie "So I Married an Axe Murderer")
"That was offsides, eh? He'll probably cry himself ta sleep t'night, on his huge pilla'!"
"That was offsides, eh? He'll probably cry himself ta sleep t'night, on his huge pilla'!"

Heid's heid reminds me of Sputnik . . . its spherical, but pointy in places . . . :tongue:

But my favorite line in the whole movie:

A piper is down . . . there is a piper down!{sm4}
It's unkind but I was absolutely sick of this woman. The media never ler me get away from her foolish antics. I haven't missed her at all and I wonder at the mental health of anyone who sees a conspiracy in a woman who wasn't wearing a seatbelt, dying in a speeding, car driven by a drunk.

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