Diorama "Battle of Hollabrunn 1805" (1 Viewer)


Jan 27, 2010

I am new here at this forum. My name is Sebastian, 21 years old and I live in Austria, Lower Austria. I will show you my diorama project of the battle Hollabrunn in the year 1805 in this great forum.

The history: quotation from wikipedia

The Battle of Schöngrabern (also known as the Battle of Hollabrunn) was an engagement in the Napoleonic Wars during the War of the Third Coalition, fought on 16 November 1805 near Hollabrunn in Lower Austria, four weeks after the Battle of Ulm and two weeks before the Battle of Austerlitz.

The Russian army of Kutuzov was retiring north of the Danube before the French army of Napoleon. On 15 November 1805 Marshals Murat and Lannes, commanding the French advance guard, had captured a bridge over the Danube at Vienna by falsely claiming that an armistice had been signed, and then rushing the bridge while the guards were distracted. Kutuzov needed to gain time in order to make contact near Brünn with reinforcements led by Buxhowden. He ordered his rearguard under Major-General Prince Pyotr Bagration to delay the French.

Murat and Lannes commanded the 4th and 5th Corps and the Reserve Cavalry. Bagration took up a position about 6 km north of Hollabrunn, on the hill above the small town of Schöngrabern (today part of Grabern). Murat believed that the whole of the Russian army was before him, and hesitated to attack. Bagration then suggested to Murat that negotiations for an armistice should be opened. Murat agreed, and did not attack. When Napoleon was informed of this he was furious and wrote to Murat:

“ I cannot find words to express my displeasure. You only command my vanguard and have no right to agree to an armistice without my orders. You will cost me the fruits of a campaign. End the armistice at once, and attack the enemy. Inform him that the general who has signed this has no power to make it, that only the Russian Emperor has the right, and that when the Russian Emperor ratifies this agreement, I will also ratify it. But it is only a ruse. March, destroy the Russian army. You are in a position to take his baggage and artillery.[1] ”

On 16 November 1805 Murat informed Bagration that the armistice would end at 5:00 pm. The confused action took place during the night. After sustaining several French assaults and holding the position for some six hours, Bagration was driven out and executed a skilled and organised withdrawal to retire northeast to join the main Russian army. His skillful defence in the face of superior forces successfully delayed the French enough for the Russian forces of Kutusov and Buxhowden to unite at Brünn on 18 November 1805.

[edit] The battle in fiction
The battle is depicted in Leo Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky is present and attaches himself to the artillery battery of Captain Tushin. As the battle progresses the battery ends up alone and unsupported, becoming the deciding factor in the successful withdrawal of the Russian troops. Later that evening, some Russian staff officers accuse Captain Tushin of having abandoned his artillery pieces, rather than retreating with the guns as ordered. Prince Andrei tells Bagration that there were no supporting Russian troops, and that Captain Tushin and his men might well have been the vital point in delaying the French advance.

Given the lack of detail in historical sources for this battle, it is unclear how closely Tolstoy's version of the battle relates to the historical action.

My diorama:

I starded in 2007 with the researche of the history of the battle, units, bulletins, used uniforms, formations, taktics of the napoleonic wars, etc..., all which is needed to creat a historical realistic diorma of the battle.
Then I searched for suitable figures from diverent manufactors like Hät, Revell, Italieri, ART Miniaturen, Stretlets and Zvezda. Some convertions were necessary to give the quantity on figures a good look.

I devided the diorama in four parts with diverent scenes.

The first and now to 90% complete, shows the first attack of the french 18. infantry regiment against the Russian Azov regiment:

French 18. infantryregiment in formation:

French mounted colonel and adjudant sous officer:

The secound part of my diorama will show the russian artillery battery, but it is now under construction.

with best regards

Welcome to the forum Sebastien.

Thanks for sharing your diorama with us it is most impressive. What scale is this in? and I am assuming you have painted and converted all of these figures.

Very nice, very very nice.

Welcome aboard Sebastian. I very much like your impressive diorama. I look forward to seeing more of yours excellent ground work and well researched layouts, particularly in such a grand scale.
Looks great so far Sebastian, nice to see another 20mm (1/72nd scale) enthusist on the forum as well, keep us posted as to your progress........

thanks for your comments :), the scale is 1/72, the first plate is about 80x100cm. Pictures will follow, if I have painted the first russian figures of the artillery.


Welcome Sebastian. Nice photos and thanks for posting the diorama.
Welcome aboard Sebastian. Great looking dio.
Thanks for showing.
I love to see the massed formations of troops and 1/72 is one of the great scales to do this with. Great work and I hope we see more of you here!
Ken Osen
Hi Sebastian.

Welcome to the forum.:)I love your diorama,Great work.

Thankyou for sharing.

Best wishes Mark
Welcome to the forum Sebastian.Good to meet new friends from other countries and to hear their interests and to see their projects.It is also good to see that there are young people out there in our hobby.You must be a very good painter to paint those tiny fellas and so many of them too.:D

I would not say, that I am a good painter:), because I have seen figures in this scale which looks greather than my one, with more details and a good face painting. But for my dio such details would disappear, because of the mass of figures. I have put the succeded figures outside of the formation;)
The next part of the diorama, the russian artillery, there will be more single standing figures, so I have to paint more details, I would try it as far as possible:)


Sebastian, your diorama display is aboslutely marvelous. What a great way to introduce yourself to this forum. Thank you so much for sharing this with us and welcome to the "family" . . . . . . . . . . Mike
Sebastian, das ist ein ganz tolles Diorama. Vielen Dank.

Ich freue mich schon auf die Bilder von der Russischen Artillerie ....
Servus, Bastian, und wilkommen in das Treefrog Forum!

Eine schöne Arbeit! Ich kann’s Dir mitleiden, in 1/72 zu malen, muß ich gleich nach dem Optivisor greifen ;)

Bin gespannt auf weitere Bilder!

Great job ! I'm waiting for the second part of it ! There's not so many massive dioramas in our hobby : :mad:

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