Director Peter Jackson's WW1 Footage Brought to Life. (1 Viewer)

Seems to be a magnificent work performed by Jackson and his team. I hope it’s released soon. I think it will definitely change the perception of wwi buy many people, making it more vivid and close to the brutal, violent and mortal reality it really was.
Saw an interview with him on this film I really hope it shows here in the states too! Looks amazing

Excellent! Thanks for sharing. Anyone know if this will be released on DVD?


The Doco has yet to be released Brendan, but know PJ is big on making his films available to as many folks as possible so would be surprised if there isn't a DVD release further down the track. He's also given the impression that there could be further releases and we all know how he loves WW1 aircraft so fingers crossed.
Cheers Toddy
According to the BFI(British Film Institute) and IWM(Imperial War Museum) the film is intended as a teaching aid and a copy will be sent to every school in the UK - probably for Armistice Day - not sure if physical copies(DVD's) or by way of a download.
PJ is a great Director but his role in preserving history, mainly WW1, is also unsurpassed. Other projects include : Omaka aviation museum, his memorabilia collection including double decker bus, the 5,000 figure Gallipoli diorama and the WW1 aerial combat footage he did for the Australian War Memorial over 10 years ago.

He is obviously very wealthy due to the LOTR movies but where others might buy a mega yacht etc he spends his money and time preserving history.

His only negative is that he has not made his planned Dambusters movie. {sm2}

Please note all my praise is cancelled if he makes another Tin Tin movie.:mad:

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