Do we still have a date tonight ?? (1 Viewer)


Feb 11, 2010
This is my first Luftwaffe dio :The scene is set at one of the entrances of the " Fliegerhorst Fürstenfeldbruck". The driver of the VW is asking the Luftwaffe helferin if their date is still ok for that evening . The answer comes back" I don't know; I did not receive your application form drawn up in triplicate". This is a typical example of German gründlichkeit .
Joke aside : Fliegerhorst Fürstenfeldbruck was a German air force field in Bavaria near the city of Munich. It was the main pilot training centre for the Luftwaffe during WWII. In 1935 it started as an air warfare school. In 1937 it was handed over to the Luftwaffe and a new concrete runway was completed in 1943.In 1945 the runway was rebuilt to allow operations with the Me 262. It was destroyed by a US airstrike in april 1945( 8th air force)
here you have a picture of my new dio, more to follow ( do you remember my thread about building a concrete road , well here is the result)
I must say Thank You for the history lesson {sm4} and the great dio. Keep up the great work and keep the photos coming,^&grin
Some more pics:Just a couple of close up pics of the same dio. Figures and vehicle are repaints . The concrete road, the fence and the gate are scratch built. The petrol pump comes from my scrap box


Excellent as always Guy, the detail is outstanding.

Great looking dio Guy. Your details are terrific. I just purchased this helferin figure recently and haven't used her in a dio yet. Your scene is well thought out. Nice job.
With so many one off's Guy, you know your diorama's are always original. Like the close up shots, the detail is all there to allow these.^&cool, Robin.
Very good mate BUT whats going on here hidden around the corner.........................{eek3}
Seriously mate looks great.

Will post some pics with another back drop next week in the meantime here are few more close up photographs

Great dio {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}} so realistic, interesting situation, and so nice the concrete road.


Love the concrete road. Very beautifully executed. Romance in the Luftwaffe must be tough as the pilots will keep flying until they get shot down. So, maybe she is trying to find a more secured GUY.


Well done. I like the "romantic" theme. The VW driver looks smitten with the lady. The flyboy in the corner looks on with disapproving envy. I can tell she is going to say yes in triplicate. ^&grin:tongue:

Raymond. :)

Well done. I like the "romantic" theme. The VW driver looks smitten with the lady. The flyboy in the corner looks on with disapproving envy. I can tell she is going to say yes in triplicate. ^&grin:tongue:

Raymond. :)

SPOT ON RAYMOND !!!!!! The flyboy is looking from behind the corner with great envy
There would be little turn over in trade in this shop Guy at this stage of the war{sm4}, Robin.
Just a picture of the house I am preparing for my next dio in which K&C and TGM figurines will be used. It is a Normandy butcher shop. The scene will be set in a small village early morning of the 6th june 1944, kids going to school ................ The front door of the house and the gutter and some onther details ( telephone cables and other things ) are still missing, will finish them in the coming week. Once the house is finished I"ll start repainting the figurines.
The rest will follow later when the dio will be completely finished

There would be little turn over in trade in this shop Guy at this stage of the war{sm4}, Robin.

In the bottom corner of the shop window on the right of the picture there is a sign that says in French: " Plus de viande" which means : No more meat
That says it all

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