Actually, there were three different dinner figures (all Confederate ACW) which were modified and repainted by Ken, and randomly handed out to each guest as they arrived at the dinner. Each figure came with a Limited Edition certiicate which read, "2013 Chicago Evening Event W. Britian Figure: This is to certify that this is one of seventy pieces modified for the 2013 Chicago Evening Event". The certificates were signed by Ken and dated 9/13/2013. The figure I received was a modified WB #31117 "Confederate Advancing at Right Shoulder Shift with Havelock #1". The original production piece had a white "buff" leather belt and cartridge box sling with a gray frock coat and trousers (see stock photo below). My figure has a black leather waist belt and a black cartridge box sling and the trousers are blue kersey instaed of gray.
:smile2: Mike
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