Does your spouse know.... (1 Viewer)

My Wife Had No Idea The Cost Of The Hobby Of Collecting K&c Till Recently. I Like Gary Put Some Earnings From Parting With Pieces Into The House. Now She Will Search The Bags I Bring Home From The Toy Soldier Shows
Doug Stork
Hope She Likes The New Russian Sets


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Now that is one way of explaining it. Laundering money through K&C to invest in home improvement. The problem is I am not willing to let go of any of my sets.


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:rolleyes: I like Louis B's answer. Mine just called me and said she & my grand-daughther got to London OK. I may get my want list filled. In 2003 It was Rome.
I stayed home with my 3 dogs and look forward to maybe going to Toy Soldier shoe in Sept.


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My wife tells everyone I collect "Dolls." She thinks it is pretty funny that grown men still collect toys, I guess I have her support for now!


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I don't collect King & Country as avidly as most of you. I actually collect older tin toys with a focus on windup tanks. Louis has seen this collection and can attest to how awesomely cool it is.

My fiance, while she doesn't share in this interest, knows that I have a lot of fun with these things and doesn't mind an occasional addition to the collection.

She did get annoyed when I brought home a near 2 foot long windup Renault tank from the early 1920's and especially when I recently came home with a brand new pair of magnepan speakers for my audio system.

I personally feel that being in a relationship with a woman who can't, at the very least, respect what we love to do or collect is a relationship that will eventually be imposible to remain in.


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I must say my wife has actually been rather tolerant of my addiction. I don't think she even mind me having the stuff. I have three curios in the bedroom for lack of space. :rolleyes: I think her biggest shocker would be the cost and she has asked before but I have always managed to change the subject. It also helps if I don't give her grief whenever she receives a package of her own.


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I really don't have any costs. After 35 years the collections pay for themselves. Something new comes in the front door something goes out the back to another collector. I don't believe in storing items in boxes, I have to many friends with rooms filled with boxes. I like to look at and enjoy the items, no fun looking at stacks of boxes.
I'm not like you, Njja, I'm a pack rat who can't part with anything unless I trade or give it to a friend and fellow collector who will enjoy it as much as I do. I just can't get myself to sell. My collection totals somewhere around 8,000 figures from just about every company around (about 3,000 of which are K&C). I have only about 500 figures on display (pretty much all K&C), along with about 45 wood, metal and resin K&C vehicles and about 30 K&C Warbirds. The only non-K&C items on display in my apartment are two of the big Trophy Boats. The rest of my stuff is in storage in three different relatives houses.
I'm like Njja. I don't see the point in having it in boxes. There's no fun if you can't see and see in your mind's eye the battles the soldiers went through. I suppose my wife tolerates because she knows how much I like it, how my son enjoys it also. Fortunately, I've been able to buy most of it with ebay sales but she does I think I spend too much money on it and I wouldn't be honest if I didn't admit that myself. When we look at our respective collections, we know we've all spent a lot of money.
Louis I know a couple of fellows that have most of their collections in boxes, so you are certainly not alone. I came to the conclusion as I got a little older, that we are just the temporary custodians of these items. If taken care of they will be around a lot longer then we will. I have seen massive collections sold without ever being enjoyed due to divorce, death ect. And it can really be a pain for the inexperienced. A moderate collection can easily be 100 boxes.
So I like to now keep mine fluid where the daughter could blow it all out in a heartbeat if something happened to me.
But the Harleys Stay!

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