Done With E-Bay....Period (3 Viewers)

Larry this is just a very casual observation in regards to scorchexx sales. Every once in a while I too wonder who pays those enormously high prices. I then go to his "sold" listings. It appears that about 70% are sales of figures from companies like Collectors Showcase which he must be a dealer and sells at regular retail. It's not those high priced retired K&C items. In fact, again just a casual observation, he has lowered prices on retired items. When we were speaking, he told me he would list an item for a year and it would eventually sell. So you must give the devil his due, he does have a sound business practice.
Larry this is just a very casual observation in regards to scorchexx sales. Every once in a while I too wonder who pays those enormously high prices. I then go to his "sold" listings. It appears that about 70% are sales of figures from companies like Collectors Showcase which he must be a dealer and sells at regular retail. It's not those high priced retired K&C items. In fact, again just a casual observation, he has lowered prices on retired items. When we were speaking, he told me he would list an item for a year and it would eventually sell. So you must give the devil his due, he does have a sound business practice.

I hope that nobody misunderstands my post. I have no issue with Scorcher or his business model, it is just that there must be a huge capital investment and/or backing to tie up that much cash for a ... YEAR.

IF anything, for me, he has raised the bar on what people are going to pay for my figures ... if I ever decide to sell .... but not in any foreseeable future.

My only "unhappiness" is that there was a large number of folks who would list their soldiers and at a price that I might consider. It was an enjoyable way to end a long and tiring day and the anticipation of finding a buried treasure was always in the background. Now it is the same-old-same-old every day; well, at least in all the TS categories.

All good things must come to an end I guess ... :(

--- LaRRy
Unfortunately , of the 5 series that I collect, the dealer Scorcherxxx has between 95% and 97% of the total available. The same ones seem to go around and around and get relisted time after time. :confused:

Same guy bought up a lot of Conte a few years back. Simply relisted at a higher price on Ebay. Still has the itens for sale. Round and round they go. Eventually I'll find the pieces I'm looking for.
I hope that nobody misunderstands my post. I have no issue with Scorcher or his business model, it is just that there must be a huge capital investment and/or backing to tie up that much cash for a ... YEAR.

There's a similar dealer in the UK. Doesn't have to sell much judging by the mark up's!
I'm sorry but Scorcher is a perfect name for this guy, he floods the category with ridiculously priced items in an attempt to obscure others listings forcing everyone to scroll thru his ridiculous listings. He preys on the ignorant and the impatient, he listed this morning SP014 tenament for 575.00? no gouging there. His attempts at monopolizing the category merely demonstrate how even the best system in the world can be abused( free enterprise).
I'm sorry but Scorcher is a perfect name for this guy, he floods the category with ridiculously priced items in an attempt to obscure others listings forcing everyone to scroll thru his ridiculous listings. He preys on the ignorant and the impatient, he listed this morning SP014 tenament for 575.00? no gouging there. His attempts at monopolizing the category merely demonstrate how even the best system in the world can be abused( free enterprise).

Good luck on the SP014 Berlin tenement at that price........jeeez
Anything over $400.00 is crazy. Secondary market price on these
Was usually around the $350.00 range !
I've been done with EBay for a long time, but not for the reason stated below.

It used to be enjoyable to browse the items an "maybe" bid on one every now and then.
Unfortunately , of the 5 series that I collect, the dealer Scorcherxxx has between 95% and 97% of the total available. The same ones seem to go around and around and get relisted time after time. :confused:

Still, his "feedback number" is well over 20,000 so he must be doing something right.

--- LaRRy

Larry Allen:

First of all, "Scorcherxxx" is a member of the Treefrog Treasures Forum. This eBay seller has purchased some K&C sets from me in recent past years. He has been an eBay member going back to at least the late 1990s (eBay was founded on Sept. 3, 1995). He is a big time seller on eBay and knows all the eBay rules and I have had no problems with him to note as a seller to him. I am amazed at the very high prices on many of his eBay listings of retired K&C sets and while they do not sell often he has the patience to wait which I do not have. When I list some toy soldier type items on eBay I want to sell them as soon as possible as I do not like to keep relisting them.

Good evening Gary,
I am not sure what the intent of your message might be, but to be clear, I have not been speaking about Scorcherxxx or his business methods at all as either good or bad. My comment was that he has something like 95% of all the items that I hunt for and listed at prices that are beyond my limits. The fun of eBay for me was all the various people and all the items that they listed. Now there is only one who has dominated the eBay space. Good luck to him and hopefully continued success.

As many have already covered E-Bay's policies that are pretty much Biased in favor for Buyer's and strong arming seller's to "COMPLY"...................I pulled the plug on that Circus last month.
Myself Trying to be "Fair" and charge a buyer $10.00 shipping for an item that actually costs $15.00 to ship and then get dinged 10% of that going to E-Bay from your charged shipping costs you "Lose Money"
Then they offer the "Top Rated Seller" program which drops final value fees from 10% to 8%. Great.....but once a buyer has the nerve to buy an item and 2 days later sends an inquiry to E-Bay
stating that they have not received their item, E-Bay holds this against the seller. Anything above a 2% Defect rate knocks you out of the Top Rated Seller Status, no matter if you ship same day
to the buyer with tracking info uploaded !!!!! Now strictly dealing with customers on a Military installation I answer the following questions 10 times a day or more:
Wow, did you make these all yourself ? Why don't you have modern era figures and Vehicles ? Striker....Bradley, Abrams, etc........Where are the Vietnam figures and vehicles at ?
The saga continues................................
If you or anyone are interested I'm willing to allow members to post for free their soldiers for sale on a fun page I created. I think it would work as a fun place to browse for items for sale...I don't know whatever, I'm offering for those who want the free option with a cool looking layout and easy to browse.
Re: Done With E-Bay....Period (looks like everyone is?)

I did a recent search on eBay and there use to be 5000 plus K&C there is 57...LOL!
I too have been a long term Ebayer
Its a pity we cannot have a eBay seller filter as it annoys the hell out of me to see this seller and his so called business model {sm0}
Comic books, paintings, wine and antiques have the same issues so why should toy soldiers be any different? They are collectibles and like most collectibles the men with the most money own the best of the best! I know this isn't comforting to hear if your on a budget with limited funds but for everyone who collects something of interest, money & affordability will always be the issue restricting growth of a collection.
Comic books, paintings, wine and antiques have the same issues so why should toy soldiers be any different? They are collectibles and like most collectibles the men with the most money own the best of the best! I know this isn't comforting to hear if your on a budget with limited funds but for everyone who collects something of interest, money & affordability will always be the issue restricting growth of a collection.

Remember the Teddy Bear craze. Die cast cars. Everything moves in cycles. Go back through the decades and it was tulips. Where there's money to be made then people will flock.

I've been searching for various Conte sets for a long time. In the past couple of months I've picked up a lot without paying over the odds. Whereas a year ago silly prices would have been bid.

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