Doppel Adler Soldaten (1 Viewer)

I also found the Kober shop at Wollzeile 16 while in Vienna in July last year.


In the front window they had these on display


and more in boxes down at the back of the shop.

Well worth a visit, and very close to the centre of the city.


I also found the Kober shop at Wollzeile 16 while in Vienna in July last year.

View attachment 171719

In the front window they had these on display

View attachment 171720

and more in boxes down at the back of the shop.

Well worth a visit, and very close to the centre of the city.



John, etc.:
If one is in Vienna one would do well to visit Zinnfiguren Boehm (It is actually Bohm with the umlaut or the 2 dots over the "o" in the signage over the door) shop. This shop is one of the last 2 shops that specialize in "toy soldiers or tin figures" in Vienna. It is located at Schulerstrasse 7 opposite The Koenig (actually it is with umlaut over the "o" again) von Ungarn Hotel (King of Hungary Hotel) which is just a few steps down the block from Stephansdom (the Habsburg Imperial Cathedral). The shop is closer to the front of Stephansdom than Kober due to its address. Herr Florian Boehm (convention is that if one is typing on a machine without the ability to insert umlauts one types in an "e" after the letter "o" so it is spelled correctly). That way a German can understand as umlauts change the pronunciation and meaning of the word. Anyway back to the shop. Odd hours usually around 10:30 or so to around 5:00 PM or so Monday through Friday. Saturdays from around 10:00 to noonish. His hours are some what flexible, like his father whose business he took over. He takes cash only, no credit cards. Florian Boehm speaks excellent English and does not mail order. A truly unique Viennese business. A good source of many varied figures from flats to rounds, busts and other unique figures. Figures from many manufacturers but not figures like King and Country, Figarti and such. A good place to see a range of figures including the range of scales of Wollner. Because of his location he gets figures from families who are disposing of collectors who have passed away. Perhaps I will write more later on the other shops where one can find "toy soldiers and tin figures" in Vienna.
John, etc.:
If one is in Vienna one would do well to visit Zinnfiguren Boehm Perhaps I will write more later on the other shops where one can find "toy soldiers and tin figures" in Vienna.

Yes, I went there too, on 2 occasions as the shop was shut on the first attempt.


Displays inside

Opening hours in summer 2014

Purchasing some Hecker Goros kits (retired) of Austrian / Hungarian infantry from the 1750's that I hope to construct and paint next.

Its well worth a visit just in case you also find a bargain, or some long lost / retried figure or kit.

I also visited another shop, and will post those images and details later


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