Double Dutch - Allied Paratroopers on Holland 1944 (1 Viewer)

The paratrooper sees a german officer who unbeknown to the paratrooper was on his way to check the other side of the building where the para landed before crossing to the other side...the officer sees a paratrooper straight to his front and turns round to shout the alarm to his men...but he is quickly silenced...another paratrooper comes off from the side to attack the position before the 101st try to cross...

The 101st have reached the other side of the bridge and waist no time in assaulting it. They try to keep the german position under fire while some men attempt to run across...the German patrol on the bridge stops and tries to hold back the attackers...they are quickly forced back and try to retreat...a bazooka man is brought up and takes aim at the german position from the other side of the bridge...


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The Germans move out and the paras move in...prisoners are taken, including a high ranking officer who the 82nd Major discusses German units in Holland with. The german officer is only too happy to tell of little children and old men in the ranks of the German army. But is he telling the truth...?



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The prisoners are rounded up and marched through the village and across the bridge to the 101st hq positions...


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Several hours later an nco discusses the defensive positions of his troops. Movement across the bridge causes the sentries to give the word for the men to get into positions...could it be XXX Corps...or a German counter attack else...


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Movement can be seen through the trees...hmmm...what could it be?...

A member of the Glider Infantry shouts for the paras to hold fire...

XXX Corps have arrived!


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An Officer of XXX Corps discusses the surrounding defenses with the Major of the 82nd Airborne as XXX Corps moves into the town. It is 1800 hours and dark is fast approaching. Once the convoy has moved into the village, the advance is halted and while most of the men of XXX Corps bed down, others set up defensive positions to help the paras defend the bridge and other key areas around the village. The extra defenders gives some of the paratroopers a chance to bed down...


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The village has been quiet for hours, except for the occasional gunfire, shelling, and flares in the distance. It is now 0200 and sentries have been posted all over the village. The sentry on the bridge is a British tommy thinking of home and having a smoke. A machine gun position is set up off to the side of the bridge in the farmers field, which has had four different nationality of occupants over the past 24 hours. The machine gunner is awake but struggeling to keep his eyes open.

On the road is an American paratrooper who believed he heard footsteps and a vehicle moving close to his position, but the orders recieved to all allied units was no vehicle movement until 0400...{eek3}

To be continued...:wink2:


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Just read this with my coffee and bickys, good story Scott, looking forward to the next instalment..

You have some great figures here. Your village is great and you have put a lot of work into it. I would like to see more of your diorama's so don't be shy get them out for us to see.

Will do mate!^&grin And it will be here tonight lads as promised!:wink2:

I know the paras are in jumpsuits but considering I have early war german paras mixed in with late war, repainted vehicles, hankey parachutes and a wall as a background I think they work well!^&grin
The man quietly passes the word along the sentries and while one of them goes forward to check out what's happening from the hill, another covers, both eager to find out what the noises are...elsewhere two paratroopers move into the village to check with other sentries...

It is now 0226 and severl positions throughout village have been alerted and are waiting to see what is happening. There is a thick fog around and the other side of the river can barely be seen.

A paratrooper from the other side of the bridge runs to tell the British sentry to get his commander. The para then passes the words to the British machine gun potition. In the next few minutes many British infantry appear and quietly move into positions in the farmer's field in preperation of a possible attack...

In the next 10 minutes fire can be heard from accross the bridge. Shelling and shouting can be heard. Flares can be seen lighting up the sky, explosions light up buildings and the scenery. The men are anxious but most are veterans and are used to the feeling...yet there is a sense of fear in all men...

A glider infantryman appears on the road beside an M10 Tank Destroyer to try and get a better look at the other side of the bridge. He tells the men in the machine gun position to hold fire...

Suddenly a flash is seen at the other side of the bridge!
The glider infantryman falls backwards and the men in the position open fire at the other side of the bridge...


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The air around the bridge is lit up with flashes of guns and shouts and cries of men...

A medic runs towards the shot glider infantryman and he too is hit by incoming fire...

The wounded former crawls over to the British to ask for help. Men fire across the bridge to draw off fire so that someone can get to him...

Fire is coming from the other side of the village too...American paratroopers begin taking up positions on the hill and inside the village. Some take cover behond the parked british vehicles...

Onn the hill a para Sergeant instructs a t5 to fire a bazooka through the fog towards the place where a large amount of fire is coming from...while a pfc gives coving fire with his thompson the t5 fires the bazooka...


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German troops decide to use men running across the bridge as a diversion to set up a mg42 at the other side of the bridge to fire straight onto the allied street. They go prone so as to avoid fire from the british machine gun position across the bridge...the men running across the bridge use grenades and automatic weapons fire to create confusion for the allies...

German soldiers who managed to infiltrate the town come from the main road to attack the allied defense position from behind...the paras and infantry fall back to the bridge area...

A sherman tank is hit by a German anti-tank weapon and explodes. The smoke fills the air...

A British Sergeant shouts to an American para 'Fall back, Joe, I'll cover you'. The para replies 'No, you go, I'll cover'...fighting side by side to the end...


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British infantry continue to pour fire onto the bridge at the enemy despite knowing that they are behind them, adamant to continue the job they were given until the last bullet...

German Infantry begin to swarm over the hill. The commander of the M10 stands up to look through his binoculars and see where the enemy are to give his crew a target...a German paratrooper sees him and takes aim...'BANG'...

The paras continue falling back, but at every fellow para injured they turn back to try to help them...

Tune in tonight for possibly the final installment in this series...:wink2:


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The Germans have surrounded the village and begin taking prisoners...

The Germans find a medic and ask him to hand over his medical supplies so that they can treat wounded Germans...


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The Germans soon move back into the village in strength...

Medics help the wounded, prisoners are kept under watch and civilians are brought in to help remove wounded men...

A Panzer Officer checks a dead glider infantryman for any important documents which would be useful to the Germans. A Prisoner appears with a stretcher to remove the dead man from the road...

A German mechanic notices something in the blown up Sherman and thinks he could use this in his vehicle to increase performance.

A German correspondent snaps some pictures of the captured enemy men. A captured tommy looks on in disgust...


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The commander of the victorious German forces poses on the bridge with another correspondent, eager to hear his views on his success in battle.

This village on 'Hell's Highway' has been fought over for days now. Blood has been spilled on both sides and both sides have also taken prisoners. What will happen now that the Germans are back in town?

You decide...

Hope you liked this one lads, I know the uniforms were off, some of the scenery was rubbish, bridge is a pale wood colour, but I did make this myself years ago, there was no backdrop and I used a mixture of winter, summer and early war figures!:tongue:^&grin

I hope you all liked it and have enjoyed my pictures!^&grin


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Nice mate, I've enjoyed following this. Great photos and collection you have there.
Good effort, you are lucky to have a large cross section of figures and vehicles to portray any event that you wish. Like me you mix and match, I think it's possible to come up with a feasible reason every time why something would not normally be in the scene but is. Wearing say Winter clothing in Summer scene, the soldier was running a fever and needed the extra warmth, wrong style uniform, just been transferred to this sector and no time to requisition new one etc. Any number of ways to justify, guess the only draw back somethings, the item had not been invented yet, that can be a problem.
No doubt you had a lot fun doing this story in TS's, good on you. Cheers, Robin.
ps I was wrong, should have guessed the parachutist's would be Allied.

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