Down On the Farm (3 Viewers)

Here's a pair of rather small damaged figures from Britains: first one - originally (No.507).

First pic shows a Shire Colt with only one leg remaining - the others having been drilled and pinned using paper clips cut to length and shaped to fit into a new stand for him. The lack of a stand and very thin legs for this size figure undoubtedly contributed to the previous damage. Mine are fabricated from thin alloy offcuts, bought, as usual from a local Engineering Firm - at very reasonable cost - and cut to size wth a hacksaw and filed to shape.

next pic shows him now fitted to the stand - and also how I have begun putting flesh (milliput) onto the bones of the legs (paper-clips).

Next pic shows the same figure at the top - now having had four hooves added - milliput again, modelled after the legs were solid and dried out a bit. The lower figure is another Britains foal (No.602) which had damage to all four legs - all snapped off again below the knee joint. I have fitted the two front shaped and cut pins, and left the two rear pins to show the holes that I have drilled into each rear stump - for my two new pins to be glued into, before fitting to the new stand once again.

You may also be able to make out minor repairs to ears - and rear of horses - where breakages and holes previously were. Once again, epoxy putty is used as a filler - and once dry, can be sanded to the finished shape. This may seem a lot of fuss for two small Farm figures - but they are rarely found unbroken now, and I like the challenge of putting them back in order, anyhow.^&grin

I've also included my pin-vice and straightened paper-clip - which is the tool used for making the pin - and pin respectively. Each hole is carefully made - using a 0.09 mm drill bit. Takes a steady hand and a bit of patience to make each hole - but the resulting repair into a stand - means that each piece will be much stronger than the original ever was, when finally repaired. Nearly ready for some paint next. jb

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Here's a pair of rather small damaged figures from Britains:


We should start calling you "professor", for the education you provide for rehabilitation of these figures.

Don't know what I would do without my "pin - vise"...wish I had discovered decades ago.

Always view your "repair" posts with great interest.

Thank you.

We should start calling you "professor", for the education you provide for rehabilitation of these figures.

Don't know what I would do without my "pin - vise"...wish I had discovered decades ago.

Always view your "repair" posts with great interest.

Thank you.

Just jb suits me fine thx old pal. Glad you enjoy my bit of very pleasurable "tin bashing" too.:D My real reward comes when I've completed repairs and refurbishment - and I have some more nice "new" glossies in my collection. The enjoyment is all the better when my figures cost me very little to begin with - as with these Farm figures. :salute:: jb
Here's another update pic on some of my four-legged friends - all in different states of repairs ( and sometimes modification).

My top left trio of foals show my Johillco one nearly completed ( holes at the rear of horse). My two Britains foals, who only had one leg between them - now have four apiece - and I've begun painting both. Just behind these are a Britains cow and calf. Mum had no legs and calf was missing one rear leg - but now they are ready for some paint, and will then join the herd.

My Pixyland-Kew Shire horse is now completed - and has also been modified a little. he was missing his front right leg completely when found - and this leg was raised and bent when first made around 1930's. I didn't have one like that as a spare - so decided to make him just stand on all four legs to a stand - as this would be a stronger repair. I also made his feathered hooves a bit stronger, using modelling putty. I like him very much now.

My last two horses are grazing. At front is a Britains (No.543), with a re-instated rear right leg - and behind him is another - clearly modelled like the Britains - but I have been unable to identify the maker. As you can see - I've dropped a saddle onto his back, as his days as a farm horse are numbered. I'll be fitting the loose saddle on properly one of these days - and giving him a cowboy rider - when I get around to fixing up some more Westerners in my stash.

You can see from this pic - the stages that I go through when I've completed repairs - and start painting. I go from undercoat/primer to basic colour - and then start adding in details to suit - and then finally complete painting the stand - and then varnish ( as I've done with my latest Shire. jb
Haven't been here for some time - and seems the place is devoid of pics now.

BUT - I was watching e-bay, the other day - and came across a Milkman with only one arm. a Milk Delivery Cart from "Britains Dairy", with only one shaft - and a horse, (the wrong one for this cart - but all parts originally by Britains) - with no head - and I thought - I like that - bet I could fix it - but it's bound to go!

Anyhoo - I watched it for a while - and with five minutes to go................., nobody wanted it!! So..........I bunged in the low bid .................and to my great surprise, I won!{eek3}

Now.............., I had a few farm spares in my spares box - so when it all arrived, I dug them out and "had a go - with what I had"

The result (so far) is a bit of a mish-mash of parts - but at least the Milkman has two arms - the wrong horse has a head again, ( wonderful things horse-collars, as they help join things up beautifully!), and the cart has two shafts once more (thanks again to Dorset Model Soldiers spare parts department).!

And..............they all fit together, rather well - as you can see below! I'll paint them up over the next few days - and we can all see how it turns out. jb

Here's an earlier pic of them all - before I took the paint off the milkman and horse - this was just to see if all parts would fit. Note the broken top of the Milkman's "spare" arm - which I later repaired with metal.

Is the logo, "Britains Dairy", cast on the cart, John, or is it a decal? I'm wondering about how you might touch that up, or even just work around it, if you repaint the cart. If it's cast, it's simple enough. If it's a decal, then there's the question of preserving it or not, and if yes, then how to protect it while painting the rest of the cart. Masking might further damage a decal, though poster putty, or a piece of a Post-It Note might work, without being so sticky as to remove more of a decal.

In any case, it's a great piece, and I look forward to seeing your next update on this!

Is the logo, "Britains Dairy", cast on the cart, John, or is it a decal? I'm wondering about how you might touch that up, or even just work around it, if you repaint the cart. If it's cast, it's simple enough. If it's a decal, then there's the question of preserving it or not, and if yes, then how to protect it while painting the rest of the cart. Masking might further damage a decal, though poster putty, or a piece of a Post-It Note might work, without being so sticky as to remove more of a decal.

In any case, it's a great piece, and I look forward to seeing your next update on this!


It isn't cast in Brad - It's a slide transfer - which has been set by a thin application of varnish. My first thought was to retain the cart as it is - but there is some paint loss due to fair wear and tear. I think that I'm NOT going to paint over the three transfers - but yes to masking them, and then carefully repainting the cart.

Th horse is a wrong 'un for this vehicle - as it is a Britains Cart horse - originally intended for bigger wheeled vehicles. I think it will do for now though, and I'll only replace it if and when the correct one turns up. Replacing him will be easy enough, as I plan to use a removable pin through the shafts and body of the horse.

It IS a great piece, though fairly common, ( Britains 45f - post WW2) - and I'm still pinching myself that I got it for a song!:D

Yeah, that's what I'd do, too. Repaint the cart, but preserve that original dairy brand logo, if and as much as possible. I'd try to match colors for it, too and touch up any scratches on it. You'll turn it into a masterpiece!

Yeah, that's what I'd do, too. Repaint the cart, but preserve that original dairy brand logo, if and as much as possible. I'd try to match colors for it, too and touch up any scratches on it. You'll turn it into a masterpiece!


Well, I have removed the wheels and axle and carefully rubbed down the original paintwork to give the new stuff a good key. I'm going to paint it Sand (Humbrol 63) which is close to the original colour - whilst the wheels and shafts will be red. Should see him coming!.

Masterpiece eh Brad/- no pressure there then! It'll be clean and tidy and complete - and better than it was before. Now, that'll do for me.:D jb
And here's my version of Britains Dairy Cart with Milkman. Note that the horse is really the wrong one for this set - BUT - is the one that came with with the cart originally from an e-bay seller - so as it is part of this set's history - he's there for now.

I must admit that I never saw a Milk Cart like this when I was younger - but DO remember a Coal Delivery Horse and Cart - and also a local Ice-Cream seller who still used a Horse and cart when I was a youngster - and "Rag-and Bone" men with horse and carts too.

This horse had most of the head missing when found - so the remaining part was cut back to the horse-collar - and a substitute was found from my spares box (Yes......I know.........what was that doing there? - just don't throw any spare part away!!).

The cart had one shaft missing and the other snapped off, so I discarded it - and replaced both shafts with a Dorset spare (intended for a larger cart) but fitted anyway. The rest of the cart was just tidied up and repainted - taking great care not to paint over the original transfers showing "Britains Dairy). The Milkman had the top of his arm repaired and also completely repainted - and the collie dog???? - well, he was never part of this set - but I found him in my "To Do" pile - so he just follows his friend - the Horse around. Reminds me ( in a good way), of my own dog Angus ( still so sadly missed), who was brought up with horses when he was a puppy - and just loved being near them, always.

The crate of milk in the cart came from Dorset Model Soldiers - and I have a couple of milk-churns in a storeage box - somewhere, which I must unearth to take their place in the cart. Until then - here's my restored set for now. jb


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Beautiful finish, John! I hope you do get to display all these wonderful pieces. It would be great to see your village, with everyone going about his day, and the local gentry mounting up for their fox hunt.

You did a good job on this.The shaves indicate that the cart was designed for a smaller horse.In Toowoomba where i now live is the Cobb & Co museum which houses dozens of restored horse drawn vehicles of all shapes and sizes,including "tradesmen's turnouts" of various sorts.Many of these were still in use in my early childhood in the early 1950's, although I can't recall a milkcart like this.You did a good job on this.
Beautiful finish, John! I hope you do get to display all these wonderful pieces. It would be great to see your village, with everyone going about his day, and the local gentry mounting up for their fox hunt.


Still got to dig out the box marked "Farm" yet Brad. I'm also getting a bit concerned that my Dorset Model Soldiers spares haven't turned up yet. The web-site is blaming the weather.

Good idea about displaying all the bits I have been amassing - I'll look out my box tomorrow. jb
You did a good job on this.The shaves indicate that the cart was designed for a smaller horse.In Toowoomba where i now live is the Cobb & Co museum which houses dozens of restored horse drawn vehicles of all shapes and sizes,including "tradesmen's turnouts" of various sorts.Many of these were still in use in my early childhood in the early 1950's, although I can't recall a milkcart like this.You did a good job on this.

Cheers buddy, I'm always on the lookout for horses with holes in funny places, Tony - which might indicate that they were possibly pulling something. If I ever turn up the correct one - it will just mean a moment or two - to pull out my retaining pins - and replace them (and the horse) with new ones.

Your museum sounds interesting - if you have any pics of carts from the museum - maybe you might post some? I'd love to see them.

Glad you like my Milk Cart - which was a wee bit before my time too. Apparently, they held milk churns - and/or bottles of milk. Many rural customers apparently preferred to have their milk served from the churns by a measured dipper - into a jug of their own choice. jb
I haven't been here for a while - but when another old friend turns up......................

See attached my second Johillco "Tramp", who just turned up unannounced with another job-lot of assorted broken figures. I hadn't spotted him from the e-bay pics, simply because his distinctive bundle on a stick was missing. All that I could see was a figure - face down with a gaping hole in his back.

On receiving my package and unpacking - I could at last see who it was. I already had one such traveller - but was delighted to have the opportunity to repair another.

As he was hollowcast, repairs began with filling the hole with tissue paper and super-glue - which sets of really quickly. Given a solid back to build on, I used a plastic bead as a starter for his new bundle. Then more small pieces of tissue and glue built the pack up (using my existing figure as a guide) until almost there. The last bit involved some thinly rolled out Milliput (epoxy putty) until the right shape was achieved.

Bundle made, I then cemented the it to his back (now solid and flat) and finally inserted the stump of his stick to match up with his hand. The final part of this modelling was a small piece of milliput. to form the tie of the stick to the bulbous pack below. The rest is just another paint job - but I changed the colour of the spotted fabric to blue - just because I fancied it that way.

And - oh yes - because it's the week of the Centenial Armistice Remembrance Sunday - I've given him a poppy for his overcoat - for remembrance.:salute:: jb

So.............I now have two Tramps - who are seen passing each other - on the road again.

I haven't been here for a while - but when another old friend turns up......................

See attached my second Johillco "Tramp", who just turned up unannounced with another job-lot of assorted broken figures. I hadn't spotted him from the e-bay pics, simply because his distinctive bundle on a stick was missing. All that I could see was a figure - face down with a gaping hole in his back.

On receiving my package and unpacking - I could at last see who it was. I already had one such traveller - but was delighted to have the opportunity to repair another.

As he was hollowcast, repairs began with filling the hole with tissue paper and super-glue - which sets of really quickly. Given a solid back to build on, I used a plastic bead as a starter for his new bundle. Then more small pieces of tissue and glue built the pack up (using my existing figure as a guide) until almost there. The last bit involved some thinly rolled out Milliput (epoxy putty) until the right shape was achieved.

Bundle made, I then cemented the it to his back (now solid and flat) and finally inserted the stump of his stick to match up with his hand. The final part of this modelling was a small piece of milliput. to form the tie of the stick to the bulbous pack below. The rest is just another paint job - but I changed the colour of the spotted fabric to blue - just because I fancied it that way.

And - oh yes - because it's the week of the Centenial Armistice Remembrance Sunday - I've given him a poppy for his overcoat - for remembrance.:salute:: jb

So.............I now have two Tramps - who are seen passing each other - on the road again.

Well Done jb !

Do not believe I have seen that figure before this.

Thank you.
Well Done jb !

Do not believe I have seen that figure before this.

Thank you.

He was issued by JoHillco both pre and post war. He was numbered 403 pre-war, and 755 later.

You don't really see them around anymore, tramping along the roads - but I can remember from talking to my Grandparents, that they were once a quite common sight, wandering the roads and highways - looking for, and sometimes finding casual work on farms. They were frequently called Knights of the road.

I believe in the USA, they were called Hoboes.

Sad little figure, really. jb
He was issued by JoHillco both pre and post war. He was numbered 403 pre-war, and 755 later.

You don't really see them around anymore, tramping along the roads - but I can remember from talking to my Grandparents, that they were once a quite common sight, wandering the roads and highways - looking for, and sometimes finding casual work on farms. They were frequently called Knights of the road.

I believe in the USA, they were called Hoboes.

Sad little figure, really. jb

Thank you jb !

Yes, at least in the Mid-West they were called Mother and Grandparents used to tell us stories of them in the 30s...a lot of them would ride the rails, and stop and ask for work on the farm. According to the stories most of them were very hard working and quite dependable...people doing what it took to stay alive during a very rough time of the U.S. Economy.
Thank you jb !

Yes, at least in the Mid-West they were called Mother and Grandparents used to tell us stories of them in the 30s...a lot of them would ride the rails, and stop and ask for work on the farm. According to the stories most of them were very hard working and quite dependable...people doing what it took to stay alive during a very rough time of the U.S. Economy.

A similar thing happened over here during the depresssion years - due to lack of work ( and therefore, pay). I s'pose these Tramp or Hoboe figures are just a reminder of a little bit of Social History now.

There are still lots of homeless people to be seen nowadays - but they seem to stay put - and a lot of begging now goes on in City centres. Times change - but it seems the problems persist. jb

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