Downfall - movie (1 Viewer)


First Sergeant
Jul 25, 2007
Did anyone see that german file "DOWNFALL" came out in '04 ? It was about Hilters' and Berlins' final days.. I think Andy should make that "BAVARIAN HANGMAN" figure! Pair him with an SS policeman! Now thats original!
:D..Hi Guys,
Great film..although if you want a good belly-laugh,go to youtube and watch 'Downfall/Oasis' gig Cancellation...inspired..:D
Did anyone see that german file "DOWNFALL" came out in '04 ? It was about Hilters' and Berlins' final days.. I think Andy should make that "BAVARIAN HANGMAN" figure! Pair him with an SS policeman! Now thats original!

It is one of my favorite movies of all time, probably in my top three. Every time I see it I always find myself looking at K&C’s Fall of Berlin Series, especially WS 64 and WS 65.
I own the movie. After all we know about Hitler you do see that he was a nice boss to his secretaries. A couple "aww......poor Hitler" moments. Amazing!

A diorama of the Hitler Youth medal ceremony would be good as well. There is movie footage of that as you know.

A figure of his blond secretary in uniform disguise would be interesting.

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One of the better WW2 movies I've seen although the human side of Hitler is a bit disturbing in view of what he did. Excellent action and uniforms. -- lancer
Awesome movie! The Germans make some great war movies. Das Boot, Stalingrad and this one. The Microsoft parody on is my favorite spoof.
Bruno Ganz portrayal of Hitler is simply astonishing. I highly recommend this movie.

From what I understand it was filmed in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) because the architecture was appropriate for mid forties Berlin. Kind of ironic.
I agree, it is a nice addition to your video collection.

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