E-Bay Philosophy (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Feb 8, 2006
As a collector, I have always felt that it was wrong to break up sets for resale on e-bay, yet everywhere I look dealers and others are doing just that .It seems that it no longer matters if there is a complete set with box anymore, at a fair price. Is the new breed of buyer now a pick and choose type as opposed to wishing to keep the fidelity of the complete set. It does seem at times that one could make more immediate money breaking them rather than wait for years after to make the complete set rare...Michael
Sometimes pieces are damaged in a set, what does a dealer do? I know at

least one dealer that began selling the other pieces from damaged sets. This

is a service to a collector that damages a piece (fall) allowing him to make a

damaged set hold again.

There are now several people selling single figures, perhaps doing it to make

extra money on common sets, who knows? The silliest idea I saw was a

broken up Limited Edition Winter Tiger Set........now that was crazy.

There are a few dealers who are doing it because it's profitable. I know Andy doesn't like this but I also think it's helpful to the collectors. I've dropped and damaged a couple of pieces so when I needed to replace them, I looked on their ebay stores and found the pieces I need. Without sets being broken up, I would have to buy the full set, which doesn't make sense to replace a couple of pieces. From a financial point of view, it makes sense because sometimes the the sum of the parts are greater than the whole. So, it doesn't really bother me that much.
I've bought a few single pieces to replace damaged figures on ebay. A few years ago I started down sizing some of my Civil War collection. I listed a few loose pieces on ebay, and ended up making more money for the individual figures then the complete sets were selling for. But none of them were retired sets. In fact I got some outrageously high prices for individual figures. Now does any one have any loose figures from K&C set DD20 ? :) I had a little mishap.

This could be a good idea for a new business. They have dealers who sell replacement pieces of china dinnerware. Why not the same for toy soldiers.
I like the loose figures concept, I can't afford every set, but sometimes there is a paticular pose or two I just must have! I'm sure we've all bought sets for just 1 or 2 of the figures?
Toy Soldier Brigade said:
Now does any one have any loose figures from K&C set DD20 ? :) I had a little mishap.

I might have an extra but I'm not sure which one you need. Can you tell me which one you need, using Bill Sager's site as a source: left, middle or right soldier.
Also you might just want a certain pose for a diorama, so singles is a good option.
the perfect set don't existe, there is always a little paint chips from the factory in a set of four soldier or in a vehicle set ,i have see this,maybe is in the nature of the product hand-made,

I think splitting up sets might come in handy when you need a particular figure that's broken or has chipped paint ( I'm not the handiest person in the world :p ), or if you don't like the set, but one particular figure. But what makes me angry is that some dealers split up long retired or very valuable sets, so they can get more profit out of selling each figure individually. Njja is right: why split up a LIMITED winter tiger set? From a business point of view: yes, it makes sense. But when you're a collector, you want everything ( at least I want the whole set).
Hi Guys,

I have to tell you that I'm not a real big fan of breaking up sets on purpose. I understand the idea behind it because they feel they can get more bang for the buck sometimes, for instance, I recently put together a set of Marlborough figures plus an extra because I was able to get all of the ones a fellow had for sale. But I ended up paying nearly full retail price for a set that is still available from the company so it was good for him but not so good for me, but when you see a set you dont have you sometimes pull out all the stops to get it. So like I said unless I have a broken or damaged figure I'm not a big fan of the concept.

I have bought a few single figures from different sets. I was looking to get all the German prisones and did not need the British or Russians that comprised half of the sets. And if I bought the whole sets I would have to sell off the others, so it is easier to buy singles.
I don't do this on a real regular basis - mostly because of Andys' feelings about it BUT, BUT, BUT, I have a number of customers who truly appreciate the luxury of creating their own sets. Quite a few, actually.

I've even been thinking of offering them that way on my website. People do not always the pre-packaged poses.
I applaud any seller that breaks up sets to allow the sale of indiviual pieces because it provides a service to the following people:

* Collectors of individual posses
* Collectors that don't have the money to buy complete sets
* Collectors/Investors that need to replace lost or broken a piece from a set
* Collectors that like multiples, such as marching soldiers etc.

I understand Andy C doesn't like his sets being broken up. Personally I hope he changes his thinking as the practice can only increase his sales by widening his customer base as many large collections started with just one figure.
Agreed, I think many kids might start with one figure - did anyone here do that?
OzDigger said:
... I understand Andy C doesn't like his sets being broken up. Personally I hope he changes his thinking as the practice can only increase his sales by widening his customer base as many large collections started with just one figure.
But Andy C. has listened.:D At the West Coaster K&C seminar sponsored by Mike and Myszka of Sierra Toy Soldier, Andy said that the new DD figures currently planned for June, 2006 will be packed in single and double figure sets.:)
Steven Chong said:
But Andy C. has listened.:D At the West Coaster K&C seminar sponsored by Mike and Myszka of Sierra Toy Soldier, Andy said that the new DD figures currently planned for June, 2006 will be packed in single and double figure sets.:)

Single sets, HUZZAH!

And maybe that is another reason why the LAH range is so popular, most of them are single figures.
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