eBay threatening to with hold my payments (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
May 22, 2005
After a straight long run of stellar feedback (only 12 years) and great detailed seller ratings, ebay has told me I'm not meeting their minimum seller requirements and that they will with hold payments from me until three days after an item has been confirmed delivered.

Soooooo, if the post office doesn't scan an item, I don't get paid. If a customer requests First Class which is unscanable, I don't get paid, etc. Not to mention that with holding funds means I have to pay out of pocket to roll the dice.

Fortunately, I have had two or three lost packages in the past 10 years but thats not the dang point.

Shame on eBay, yet again. Last time they pulled something like this I didn't sell anything for 4 months. Then I got a call from an American based customer rep and I described to her what was going. THat is the only way to get stuff done. Other than that, their customer service line is philipines based.

After a straight long run of stellar feedback (only 12 years) and great detailed seller ratings, ebay has told me I'm not meeting their minimum seller requirements and that they will with hold payments from me until three days after an item has been confirmed delivered.

Soooooo, if the post office doesn't scan an item, I don't get paid. If a customer requests First Class which is unscanable, I don't get paid, etc. Not to mention that with holding funds means I have to pay out of pocket to roll the dice.

Fortunately, I have had two or three lost packages in the past 10 years but thats not the dang point.

Shame on eBay, yet again. Last time they pulled something like this I didn't sell anything for 4 months. Then I got a call from an American based customer rep and I described to her what was going. THat is the only way to get stuff done. Other than that, their customer service line is philipines based.


Amazing. I didn't know they even had a customer service line {sm2} But Paypal will release the funds without delivery confirmation or feedback 21 days after the sale(it's around 21 days?) But with your history, how are you not meeting their minimum seller requirements. Were they some disputes filed or several negative feedbacks? Or did ebay just decide to screw a seller.

the later. my ratings are as follows over 12 months:

Feedback: 100%
Three neutrals - from same buyer last spring
DSR's: 4.9, 4.9, 4.7, 4.8

Last summer, I was overwhelmed with several things and my shipping time lagged a bit. I got a couple of "1's" from some of the more "difficult" buyers even after emailing everybody and not having received some payment notices.

This is what eBay is basing this on. Not fair and NO appreciation of who pays their fees. I would be fine with all of this if it were the buyer who pays to be on eBay but they don't. I get from 9 to 13% carved out of my listings to have to deal with crap like this.

eBay has become the really annoying manager who's always looking over your shoulder and giving you bad reviews even after you've proven quarter after quarter that you produce. What ever.
WOW, that makes no sense with your ratings. I would call and at least try to clear it up on the phone, that really makes no sense.

About a year ago...Paypal gave me "pending" status on some of my payments received...they basically just held my money...stating that funds would be distributed after the buyer received his package or left a positive rating...

I got paid a few weeks later...a little of an inconvenience...but mostly principle to me...

I didn't like the idea that they could hold my payments up...

I know a class action suit was started...

I spoke to a representative from their law office...he took my info and I never heard from them again or have had a payment put in "pending" status since...

whatever happened on that deal...does anybody know or remember?
the later. my ratings are as follows over 12 months:

Feedback: 100%
Three neutrals - from same buyer last spring
DSR's: 4.9, 4.9, 4.7, 4.8

Last summer, I was overwhelmed with several things and my shipping time lagged a bit. I got a couple of "1's" from some of the more "difficult" buyers even after emailing everybody and not having received some payment notices.

This is what eBay is basing this on. Not fair and NO appreciation of who pays their fees. I would be fine with all of this if it were the buyer who pays to be on eBay but they don't. I get from 9 to 13% carved out of my listings to have to deal with crap like this.

eBay has become the really annoying manager who's always looking over your shoulder and giving you bad reviews even after you've proven quarter after quarter that you produce. What ever.

Funny think is ebay does not take into account real life matter witch are out of are hands , take last week for me sold item on the Sunday & boxed parcels up ready to be collected from my mums on the Monday & Wednesday & he never collected them till this Monday after me sending loads of emails to the shipping company but will ebay care when I get a low shipping score I don't think so{sm2}
If eBay pulls this on me, I'm going to cancel the transaction and collect payment directly - circumventing them and their fees. I have a long standing record of service so I don't think there would be an issue with most buyers.

Good for eBay. They'll lose all but their listing fees if I even list anything over 50. Good plan eBay. Good one.
WOW, that makes no sense with your ratings. I would call and at least try to clear it up on the phone, that really makes no sense.


I did call and had a very pleasant representative in the Philipines explain it to me.

It is based on stuff that happened last summer. Powerseller status is now based on 12 months instead of quarterly. Now theres all sorts of minimum requirements - number of transactions, total sales, etc. When I had powerseller status I was getting 5% discounts + and free listings. Now I'm paying through the nose.

I kind of hope they try this on me. The moment it happens, I am cancelling the transaction and selling direct. If eBay has a problem with it, well, so what. They've made it un-profitable to sell through them and are becoming too bureaucratic for their own good.
Totally ridiculous on E-Bays part. Don't they realize that they are totally one sided and biased towards the buyer. The sellers continue to get the short end of the stick !!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Totally ridiculous on E-Bays part. Don't they realize that they are totally one sided and biased towards the buyer. The sellers continue to get the short end of the stick !!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

they know it. I don't understand why they are going to these lengths to put sellers over a barrel. you know?

it would be one thing if they say "if you receive three negative feedbacks during the course of a month we'll do the following" but they broad brush it to all of us.

my guess is that they've become too large a company and some executives justify their existence and their pay by doing these types of things.

i'm the guy they want to encourage to sell more - not push around and make me resentful.
I agree, I used to be a power seller but with all of the new ebay rules they really are unfair to the sellers. No more
By accident I stumbled into the heart of the beast, Ebay headquarters. I stood in amazement, awe, and wonder in the center of the pagan temple to Meg. Virgins, both male and female, wondered aimlessly, as if waiting for some life changing sacrifice, err’ I mean event, yeah, that’s it, a life changing event were about to occur.

And, what did mine eyes behold while the virgins danced amongst the piles of bloody headless bodies? Why it’s a wall filling golden sign with jewel encrusted words printed in some kind of red substance. As I drew closer, I began to realize that the jewels were actually the heads of sellers whom have offended the great Oz. The gold was real as was the blood used to write these words, “Seller’s Are Our BEST Friend.”

All of the virgins were chanting, “SELLERS, SELLERS, SELLERS…..”. And there seated in thrones of pure platinum were the Ebay Corporate Officers, the CEO, CFO, President of the Board, Chairman of the Board, Secretary, and others, all staring at me, they Buyers and me…. A seller. I knew I was done for like all the others of my kind, devoured by the beast (small case b). I have to think that somewhere in the world is a beast with a capital B, but that beast would be a world consumer, not just a seller consumer. Well an organization has to have goals doesn’t it?

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