Is that TITO standing amongst the PARTISANS?!
Plastic General
Is that Trotsky with the ice-pick in the second photo?
In regards to the above sets the only one I know who will get them is Steve Weston from the UK. Now I have contacted him in regards to payment and a credit card will do. Here is my question, how do I securly give him my credit card info, there is nothing on his web site for ordering. I don,t want to send that info via an email. I guess I could call but how much would a phone call from St Louis to the UK be, I don,t have a clue? Any other ideas?
Trotsky GOT the icepick. :wink2:
Just to be nit-picky, it was an ice AXE {sm4}
I wish Engineer Bassevitch would defect/immigrate/move to the west...I mean I am sure Russia is great and all, this would be for my own selfish reasons. Here's a question, does the Engineer have less expensive production costs for making plastic figures? This assumes of course he has the figures produced in China like most other makers, and secondly assumes he doesn't incur overseas transportation costs like most other makers. The Engineer's figures get better with each set he does...I just wish we could scoop them up here at a reasonable price!