ESPN...Fox Sports...NFL Network...Golf Network... (1 Viewer)

Both sports talk radio stations in Boston's ratings are in the toilet, everyone is binge watching shows, working from home, going for walks, listening to the real news, staying informed, ie, they don't give a **** about sports, or lack thereof, these moronic trolls trying to talk about the pandemic is painful, I hope they all get fired and sports talk radio is gone forever.

All the nitwits who call in everyday with their little scripts all written out must be suicidal by now, they lost their purpose in life...……….like this one stooge who used to call Boston sports talk radio years ago, "Butch from the Cape", this overstuffed gasbag from NY who hated all Boston sports teams and used to recite this rant off of his script, one time you could clearly hear him flipping the piece of paper over, the host said "Did you just flip your script over there Butch?"...……….stone cold busted...…………………..he's long gone, passed away and when the news broke that he died (his wife called in to report the news), no one shed a tear, why they gave him air time is beyond my comprehension...…………………………….would be like if WFAN gave "Danny form Quincy" airtime every day and all he did was dump on NY teams.
The NFL Network replayed Super Bowl XLVI last night.

It was mildly entertaining until Chris Collinsworth stared to expound on how great Aaron Hernandez was going to be as his career progressed.
I am no fan of either the owners or players when it comes to greed in the MLB.

However it is pretty insulting to “essential” workers when players refuse to play for partial salaries for a partial season (ie millions of dollars) when many people are working through the pandemic for minimum wage.
I have for the NFL as a business, as entertainment, or as people at this point. The decline and fall of what was the best sports league in the US is absolutely shocking. This coming from a former fan that grew up idolizing the NFL. Watching what the league has become the last 20 or so years is heartbreaking to me. This stand about no partial pay is the last straw for me. -- Al

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