Ezer Weizman's Israeli Spitfire "The Black Spit #57" (conversion) (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Jan 7, 2013
I just got this in the mail today from a lovely little hamlet in England.

This originally was the K&C Spitfire (RAF 042). AS was true in real life, I purchased this and had a friend of ours convert it for IDF use. I had him paint it to match the Spitfire used by Ezer Weizman. If you are unfamiliar (and care), here's a little history:

Weizman was a nephew of Israel's first president, Chaim Weizmann. In 1943, he joined the RAF and attended aviation school in Rhodesia. He served with the RAF in India in early 1944. Weizman ended his service in the RAF as a sergeant pilot.
Weizman was a pilot for the Haganah in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. After the establishment of the State of Israel, Weizman joined the Israel Defense Forces and served as the Chief of Operations on the General Staff. In 1951 he attended the RAF Staff College, Andover in England. Upon his return he became commander of Ramat David.
He served as the commander of the Israeli Air Force between 1958 to 1966, and later served as deputy Chief of the General Staff. He retired from military service in 1969. In 1977, he became Defense Minister under Menachem Begin. In 1993, he was elected president. He died in 2005 at the age of 80.

And now, the real plane:

Great conversion!! {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Tremendous job Zach. Congratulations to you and the mysterious artist.
Tremendous job Zach. Congratulations to you and the mysterious artist.

Brad ,

Zach did inform everyone in the general thread that Mitch was the one who did the conversion ! As always he did an excellent job...!

ZB Lang,

You have too much money!!! I thought you were a struggling esquire with limited cases...bunch of high rollers up there in Mass a chew sets.

John from Texas

PS: General Mitch Charge this guy double.
ZB Lang,

You have too much money!!! I thought you were a struggling esquire with limited cases...bunch of high rollers up there in Mass a chew sets.

John from Texas

PS: General Mitch Charge this guy double.

Hahah! Not having a wife leads to a lot more disposable income! :tongue:
Hahah! Not having a wife leads to a lot more disposable income! :tongue:


Disposable income? No wife? Brother you got it made. Shame on you or not flying to Texas (first class) and getting a Midnight fajita with me...we could get a lot of Fajitas with that disposable income my man! And some chips and fresh guacamole, maybe some seafood enchiladas with spanish rice and borracho (drunk) beans, fresh flour tortillas, more chips and salsa and maybe an order of Shrimp Brochette. Shrimp Brochette you say? Yes, mesquite grilled Gulf shrimp, wrapped in bacon (I'll make sure its kosher) with mozzarella cheese and a tiny strip of Jalapeno in the middle for some kick, dipped in a butta sauce that after biting into the shrimp...you may momentarily passed out. Then I would revive you and have you wash it down with a cold Margarita or a Dos Equis on draft. Ummmmm HMMMMM.

For Shame ZB...for shame.

John from Texas
Haha! I'm In!!! (one of these days)!
I was just in Dallas two weeks ago! We Northern boys can't stay down there too long without vaccines on board!
Thanks Andy! I'm glad you approve! I always wonder what the original manufacturer thinks when we screw with their creations!
Great conversion Zach! Congratulations for the inspiration and initiative and to Mitch for the fantastic job!

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