facebook page (1 Viewer)


Oct 30, 2007
Hmmmm.....me spots a new Waffen SS and a few more new sets on the Facebook page this morning, very nice sets and glad to see the SS is bringing some heavier weapons to the battle...Sammy
Hello Sammy,
Thanks for the info, I missed it!
Great to see more info on the Waffen SS and Samurai ranges!
That is some good stuff, including a couple of English archers from Agincourt. I don't know if that is a Viking or if it is a Germanic barbarian for the Rome range. Anyone think that figure looks too late to be a barbarian?

Thank you for pointing out this new information. I didn't even know FL had a Facebook page. :confused: I have never seen a link on their website. Am I just missing it. Is there a link for the Facebook page on the FL website? If so where is it?

Thanks again, the new figures look very exciting.

King's Man
I find it !!!!!!:rolleyes:

It's on the Home page, as it should be. Is it a recent addition? The Facebook page has lots of cool new pictures of both old and newer figures.

Very nice, I will have to add it to my short list of sites I visit everyday in search of news of any updates.

King's Man
Very Pleased, on the pictures Of General Colbert. Doesn't A lancer In a Red Uniform Look great!!., I know he is not Carrying A Lance, But, He does look Great!!.
I am eargerly looking forward to First Legion's future Waffen SS release! Sammy, thank you for posting this information for your fellow collectors!


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