Falklands War?? (2 Viewers)


Oct 27, 2007
Hello again guys!!

It's always struck me (especially with more than a few regulars here hailing from the UK) that I'm surely not the only one who's contemplated K&C turning their attention to 1982 and the Falklands War??

I know, coming to the close of 2007, it's far too late to think about catching the 25th anniversary of the conflict, but from beginning to collect King and Country, the battles in the South Atlantic have always caught my attention as a seemingly ideal subject for the company to consider.

For starters, considering K&C's main emphasis on foot figures, it was a very infantry-focused conflict, at least as regards its ground phase. Armour fans out there, however, wouldn't be left completely bereft, with Argentine Amtracs making an appearance, as well as the Blues and Royals providing tracked support on the British side.

Considering as well that at least a certain proportion of collectors do seem to prefer concentrating on more elite units, the Falklands hardly comes short in that department, either! For the Brits, even off the top of my head, we have Royal Marines, Paras, Scots and Welsh Guards, Gurkhas, etc., as well as the SAS and SBS tip-toeing around doing their sneaky-beaky bit behind the lines. Ditto for Argentina; granted, there were more that a fair proportion of ordinary infantry conscripts garrisoned on the islands to provide opposition to the British landings, but more elite units, like Marine-Fusilier battalions were present in smaller numbers, as well as the country's own Special Forces, who participated both in the initial invasion in April, as well as in the subsequent fighting in May and June.

The two VC's awarded for actions during the conflict, both to members of the Parachute Regiment, and both posthumously, would definitely seem to lend themselves to Special Edition type sets as well.

However, even having said all that, I can still see some potential problems. I do know that the conflict, and issues arising from it, can still arouse a lot of controversy, in both participating countries. As well, I fear it could be seen as being "too soon" to try and capture these events in miniature, when many of it's veterans are even now only in their early fifties or younger.

Anyway, I've gotten all that off my chest, so I would be very interested to see what the rest of you think, one way or the other!


Hey Molloy.Well speaking personally i guess the reason i wouldn't be interested in collecting them is that as a conflict it just doesn't grab my interest so much.I sometimes think this is a shame as a lot of brave men died from the UK in freeing the islands.But for me it just doesn't have the massive scope and intensity of the two world wars.I also think you make a very good point in that it maybe too soon and emotions are still raw.Maybe its something that may take off in ten or twenty years?.

I would personally love to see a Falklands series, but I think in the past when this was discussed, this received a luke warm response at best. I think as both you and Rob have alluded to, it is one of those wars where there are still very mixed emotions present.

My interest comes as a result of this being the first major conflict involving British Forces where I was old enough to have an idea about what was going on. I still remeber watching the news footage, and following along in 'Battle' comics.

I think it may be a while before we see this series launched by a major manufacturer unfortunately.

Hello again guys!!

It's always struck me (especially with more than a few regulars here hailing from the UK) that I'm surely not the only one who's contemplated K&C turning their attention to 1982 and the Falklands War??



Yes I agree Molloy this would be a great series to make.I am all for making military history series that will not appeal to the masses.There are plenty of great conflicts to explore here but at last you will have to watch them on history channel .K&C make series to sell to make money.Will Americans buy this line.Moneys talks.
well i'm sure there are lots of recent and ongoing conflicts that could be depicted, but you would need to be wiser than solomon in your interpretation.
You could really put some people's nose's out of joint by trying to interpret present or recent conflicts...it's not worth it, and would take the fun out of it, be decisive and unintentionally eventually end up offending everyone while pleasing no-one

Think WWII is a safe distance
Yes I agree Molloy this would be a great series to make.I am all for making military history series that will not appeal to the masses.There are plenty of great conflicts to explore here but at last you will have to watch them on history channel .K&C make series to sell to make money.Will Americans buy this line.Moneys talks.

Absolutely; one of the major questions for such a range would be the unromantic, but essential commercial side of affairs, whether the figures would sell or not, and it is debatable as to how much actual interest there would be in a niche range like the Falklands. Mind you, though, had you floated the idea of the Crimea even a year ago, I'd probably have said much the same thing, that the interest probably wouldn't be there for it, and just look how well that particular series is doing since inception!

As had been pointed out as well, there is a very, very valid argument for suggesting that it is just too soon to think about portraying such a recent event in miniature. There's definitely a lot to support what RedHugh said about World War Two being a safe margin of distance. On that exact topic actually, does anybody know if there was any particular reason for the Special Forces Iraq/Afghanistan range being withdrawn, or was this just a standard retirement??

As had been pointed out as well, there is a very, very valid argument for suggesting that it is just too soon to think about portraying such a recent event in miniature. There's definitely a lot to support what RedHugh said about World War Two being a safe margin of distance. On that exact topic actually, does anybody know if there was any particular reason for the Special Forces Iraq/Afghanistan range being withdrawn, or was this just a standard retirement??


I'd be guessing that discussion would result in the thread joining the ranks of the 'disappeared':eek:One of the forum rules (yes i did read em ..and a welcome back to 'he who can't be named' rejoining the ranks on Friday after doin time in the cooler) is that conversations about current events are a big no-no. Did get the 'captured' set recently on ebay as I think its a great curio item, and the figures are very well sculpted:D
Talking about a retired range is definitely not a no no. We don't think the Forum is an appropriate place for discussing politics as people have different and passionate views about it. However, some talk does slip in here and there.

There is no reason why Harry and Pierre can't be named. Once the week is up, they will be once again members in good standing.

Lastly, this was a standard retirement. While these ranges were current, I don't believe they were that popular and on the aftermarket they don't go for a lot except the Humvee.
Ah, my apologies guys, didn't mean to veer the discussion towards a wider debate about current affairs, etc., I can completely understand why that could cause problems!
That is interesting though that there was a lack of interest in the Special Forces set. I suppose I just have a soft spot for the series as the mixed SAS/Delta Force team (can't remember the exact title!) was my very first K&C purchase, all the way back in 2005!! Did anyone else have any particular interest in that series??

I loved that series, and have every piece. I was hoping that K&C would do more, particularly some recent armor, but alas, it was not to be.
How about a Harrier in the Warbirds department to start the series off.:D
How about a Harrier in the Warbirds department to start the series off.:D

Back in the early 1990's, K&C did a Harrier in both Royal Navy and U.S. Marine markings. If they did one today, it would be a must have for me.
Gordon is in the process of making me a piece of a carrier deck to display my Pacific Theater warbirds.
Come Lious go up to the next leval, get the whole ship, you know you want to.

hehe there's a thought 1/30th scale aircraft carrier , think louis would have to clear the top deck of his house for that one:eek:
hehe there's a thought 1/30th scale aircraft carrier , think louis would have to clear the top deck of his house for that one:eek:

;);) Yeah RH, and he'd have to hire a construction crew to put the thing together as well. :):):eek:

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