February 2021 Figures (1 Viewer)

Gunn Miniatures

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2009

Once again our cart comes back into view but this time with the 4 barrels from ACC PACK 062 Priced at $90/£85 which will save you $15 if you were to buy the 2 sets individually.




Our large cart this time with ACC PACK062 Barrels set plus VW009, priced at $135/£125 saving you $25 were you to buy the 3 sets individually. Although you cannot see them all there are a total of 5 barrels with this offering.



Our large cart this time with ACC PACK062 Barrels set plus VW010, priced at $135/£125 saving you $25 were you to buy the 3 sets individually.

ann off 022.jpg

That's it for now, thank you for all your support so far in 2021, next month should see the release of another addition to our Romans and Germans at Teutoburg, Zulu war and the Japanese surrender onboard the USS Missouri amongst others.

The Team @ Gunn

ACC PACK 071B features our large Roman cart offered last month but this time without oxen or provisions. Its a very flexible piece in that it will cover a whole host of genres from Ancient to WW2 and makes a super looking diorama piece. Limited to 100 pieces and priced at $75/£65.




The Korean War

Last year marked another anniversary in that it was the 70th year since the commencement of the Korean war in 1950, which incidentally has still not ended!
Once again this is a series that should have made it out of the starting blocks a few months back but for one reason or another (cannot for the life of me think what) has been delayed.

Our first release features four US Marines in fish tail parkas in a patrol type scenario, for those of you who remember the Mods from the 1960's this set should be particularly reminiscent! These new figures are as follows:

Korea 001 USMC soldier with rifle
Korea 002 USMC soldier with Thompson MG
Korea 003 USMC soldier with face scarf and rifle
Korea 004 USMC officer with pistol

We have 100 sets of each figure available and all are priced at $45/£40 each

A big thank you to Mark Holoboski who assisted with the technical support for these figures.


ACC PACK 049 Brummbar

The Sturmpanzer (also known as Sturmpanzer 43 or Sd.Kfz. 166) was a German armoured infantry support gun based on the Panzer IV chassis used in the Second World War. It was used at the Battles of Kursk, Anzio, Normandy, and was deployed in the Warsaw uprising. It was known by the nickname Brummbär, German soldiers nicknamed it the "Stupa", a contraction of the term Sturmpanzer. Just over 300 vehicles were built and they were assigned to four independent battalions.

The Sturmpanzer used a Panzer IV chassis with the upper hull and turret replaced by a new casemate-style armoured superstructure housing a new gun, the 15-centimetre (5.9 in) Sturmhaubitze (StuH) 43 L/12 developed by Skoda. It fired the same shells as the 15 cm sIG 33 heavy infantry gun. Thirty-eight rounds, with separate propellant cartridges could be carried.

Our early version Brummbar comes in a winter whitewash coat with 40 of each variant available as follows:

D version with serial number 3 on the sides
E version with serial number 8 on the sides
F version with no decals applied but does have German crosses supplied if you wish to apply.

All versions come with commander figure, separate side skirts (2 for each side or any combination you prefer), this vehicle also has the benefit of opening and closing commanders hatch and removable spare wheels. All in all this means several looks can be achieved and interestingly the commander figure from our Panzer 4 will sit nicely in the hatch.

There will be a tank commanders ACC PACK released this year featuring four commander figures in order that you can enhance your TG tanks.

Priced at $199/£179 whilst stocks last with only 40 of each version available.








World War 2

Following on from our last SS patrol we have a new version of these great looking figures that sold out so quickly we felt it was worth offering them a second time, albeit with some alterations over the first batch as follows:

SS102B soldier with bandaged hand
SS103B soldier with ZB MG
SS104B squad leader
SS105B soldier with snipers rifle

All priced at $45/£40 each whilst stocks last.

A Heer version will follow later in the year.

The Zulu War

The Natal Carbineers Regiment traces its roots to 1854 but it was formally raised on 15 January 1855. Since its inception, the Natal Carbineers have participated in every campaign in KwaZulu-Natal. Their baptism of fire came during the Langalibalele Rebellion in 1873 where they suffered their first casualties in the Drakensberg action.

Subsequently during the Anglo-Zulu War, the Carbineers suffered heavy losses at the Battle of Isandlwana on 22 January 1879.
The Carbineers who were out at the front of the Zulu attack unfortunately running low on ammunition had to withdraw into the main camp, thereby exposing “G” Company’s right flank beside them. Lieutenant Pope on Durnford’s left would have had no choice but to also retire, thus exposing Wardell’s flank, and so on. The result was a collapse of the line and a precipitate retirement towards the high ground at the rear.

The Zulu's wasted no time in exploiting this gap and rushed into the camp killing everyone they could find including many of the camp animals and pets and then looting the camp for anything of value.
This military disaster was one of the greatest defeats for a European army at the hands of native African forces.

We have one kneeling firing Carbineer in this release:
SFA040A Kneeling firing Carbineer (100 x Pte)
SFA040B Kneeling firing Carbineer (50 x Lance Cpl)
SFA040C Kneeling firing Carbineer (50 x Cpl)

Priced at $45/£40 per figure whilst stocks last. The recoats in the photo below are due to be released over the next couple of months.



Dear All

Welcome to February's figure newsletter, just in time for Valentine's day so you can buy yourself something nice!


Starting off in historical sequence we take a look at one of the greatest military commanders of all time Napoleon Bonaparte. This depiction shows Napoleon in a superb looking uniform with red cape blowing in the wind.
Priced at $55/£45 and available like all our products week of the 15th February.




Awesome releases! {bravo}}

Agree, not my theatre of interest but great to see TG doing some Korean war figures, I know many Tfroggers have been waiting for them,. i think they will be snapped up very quickly.
A new Napoleon! Will this be the start of a series covering Napoleon's earlier campaigns?

Great to see the Brummbar, have ordered 1 and the 4 SS Troopers.

I look forward to getting the future crew figures.

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