If the Almighty wants to get colorfully creative, he's already shown an interest in the Mameluke troops and Africa has to be one of his favorite subjects by now, sooo... how about the Battle of the Pyramids!! a young Napoleon and his French Demi Brigades in squares in the Shadow of the Pyramids fighting off the fearsome masses of Mameluke horseman. Now a charge like that would be spectacularly colorful, not to mention Camel troops on both sides.
Those same troops he would later incorporate into his personel bodyguards and would also save the day at, I can't remember which battle, were one of his marshall's (Devout?) led a desperate cavalry charge of all the troops he could pull together including the Mamelukes to save the day?
Anybody know which battle I'm thinking about?
Those same troops he would later incorporate into his personel bodyguards and would also save the day at, I can't remember which battle, were one of his marshall's (Devout?) led a desperate cavalry charge of all the troops he could pull together including the Mamelukes to save the day?
Anybody know which battle I'm thinking about?