Fields of Battle (1 Viewer)


Jan 17, 2007
Well here goes. My first posting and my second attempt to Write it(swinging foot- power switch, not a good combination).
Andy these figures are great, but it seems that the French are gallantly going of to war then fighting there corner. The Germans are all victorious and look a bit like they are straight out of a page of one of those propaganda magazines. Now us poor old Brits have the BEF foot sore and on the back foot. Any chance of us putting up a stiff resistance in 2007. Maybe some some more navy types too, civilians (No Nuns) Scotish, Belgian or even Dutch troops!
Oh no this has turn into a wish list:rolleyes:
Thanks to anyone who spares the time to read this.:eek:
Welcome to the Forum RAMC :)

I happen to like the Fields of Battle series very much. I think it is some of Andy's better work :cool: You are correct. I would hope that future releases would include a variety of figures from both sides and more countries. I would especially like to see more early vehicles (both motor and horse drawn and both combant and support) and especially more of the early war French tanks.

You need not worry about anyone reading your posts, they will; and, you certainly do not need to apologize for anything ;)
Welcome aboard RAMC,hope you enjoy.Yes it would be nice to see some Brits in a more fighting retreat mode.But as this series is still fairly new there may well be some in the future.And i wouldn't worry too much about the wish list.Andy and most of the rest of us can tell the diff between a wish and a (almost)demand list!.Its often the subject of heated debate here,but its all in good fun.There are some very nice people indeed on this forum.

Welcome RAMC

Where in Uk are you welcome to Treefrog. There are plenty of UK treefroggers here

Welcome RAMC Where in Uk are you welcome to Treefrog. There are plenty of UK treefroggers here Monty

Now there is a word I never imagined I would ever hear, "UK treefrogers." It sounds like a primordial creature that loves the tree tops :rolleyes: :D
We Brit treefrogers are a strange breed,but we group together for good causes:British Paras etc.

Well it looks like i'm going to be collecting fields of Battle now too.

Aren't the current figures great :cool:

I really like the FOB series and I too hope that Andy makes more, especially action types and a few more vehicles too. That period seems to be ignored by most companies (even in 1/35 there are not many pre-war vehicles, amoured or support) :)
FOB Guys are great - but, we need some Surrendering French to make it Historic Correct - dont we?? :confused:
That's a rather classless comment :( Kind of like saying Figarti needs to make a set Americans leaving from the roof of the American embassy in 1975.

I think we need to tone some of the gung ho comments down. This is an international board, with people reading from all over.
That's a rather classless comment :( Kind of like saying Figarti needs to make a set Americans leaving from the roof of the American embassy in 1975.

I think we need to tone some of the gung ho comments down. This is an international board, with people reading from all over.


Sorry - was just kidding (denote the smilie face) - poking a little fun, Not directed at anyone - no harm intended.
It's nice to see that this has stimulated a little debate.:)
I wonder what Andy has up his sleave. Maybe as the war in the Low Countries has been touched on, the range in future might also move more northwards and the Norwegion invasions or even Danish could be covered. Is that a step to far?:cool:
What about that commando raid Vaasgo was it called?.Excuse my ignorance but was that Norway?.

What about that commando raid Vaasgo was it called?.Excuse my ignorance but was that Norway?.


There's an excellent webiste on the early war naval engagements, which includes details of British, French and Polish naval losses during the Norwegian campaign:

It includes the basic info on the Lofoten Islands commando raid (spare parts for the Enigma etc) and the Vaagso Island raids thus provides a good basis from which you can obtain keywords for searching other WWII reference sites.
Thanks for that,thats very interesting.

There's an excellent webiste on the early war naval engagements, which includes details of British, French and Polish naval losses during the Norwegian campaign:

It includes the basic info on the Lofoten Islands commando raid (spare parts for the Enigma etc) and the Vaagso Island raids thus provides a good basis from which you can obtain keywords for searching other WWII reference sites.

Fantastic website, thanks

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