Figarti B-17 Memphis Belle at Bassingbourne (1 Viewer)

Absolutely wonderful. I take it that there is a combo of Frontline and K&C figures?
What are the figures in the tower and where did you get it? Can you shoot a detail of the observation area?


Will do Randy-probably very soon and via photo-bucket per a good suggestion for a better close-up. The figures are K&C, del Prado, Corgi, Frontline and 2-3 metal kits. The tower was made by Battlescene Productions which I assume you might be familiar with via the forum. I saw the tower in one of there dioramas and contacted them about it-probably two years ago now. Once again, a sincere THANK YOU to everyone for the kind comments. What else, I rubbed in graphite powder on the painted balsa wood taxi-way for a weathered look which the pictures probably did not highlight. She is still a work in progress!

Tally Ho,
Excellent airfield dio. I think the B-17 is the 2nd best shock and awe pieced exceeded by only Figarti's new LCT. Can't wait to see the airfield mat under it. Don't forget to leave a little room for a Mustang.

You are more than welcome! Hope the amateur job will suffice. More than ever, I have a much greater appreciation for photographic skills. Lighting alone is a nightmare! You are one talented gent. Finally saw "THE BOOKS"-WOW sums it all up!


Dear Marc,

You are very kind. I have added 2 of your shots to the book but there is time to send me more if you want, the shots I had were medium rather than high res so they would be only half page at most. If you pm me I could send you my email.

No problem if you don't want to as the two I have will do fine.

Best, Kevin

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