Figarti Lee Repaint.. (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Feb 8, 2006
I make no claims to being a great painter, but when I received my Figarti Lee, I felt that it was too washed out for my paint tastes..The double picture shows my K/C Lee next to the Figarti..The single prints would be the same Figarti repainted..Michael


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Weathering is something that I have to get a feel for . More times than not, it usually works out for me..Michael
I have learned a lot about weathering in the Flames of War forum. Keep it up Michael:D
Thanks guys for your congrats. In the past, a mfg. drab paint job would keep me from buying a vehicle that I really wanted. But recently, I have decided to paint over what I do not like and have been happy with the results. Most of my buying other mfg. offerings depends whether they size up in scale or color scheme, even if I have to repaint them to match..Michael
That is a really nice repaint. I have to say, I admire your ability and guts. I am too much of a wuss to try to repaint my stuff (I have 1 or 2 that could be done). I just don't trust myself and fear tampering with these expensive toys. Nice job. -- lancer
Very nice work. You are right that being able to paint/repaint really opens the doors on possibilities for scenes, etc.

Keep up the good work.

Gary B.
What a terrific talent you have there. Your results are production line quality, can't tell its a repaint, not amateurish at all. I have neither the time, talent and guts to even attempt revising my expensive toys!

Wow Michael. I must say your repaint is better than the original, IMHO. It appears you have an innate talent to go along w/ the interest we all share. Thanks for sharing your artistic achievement w/ us! If you are inclined to pursue any other repaints, please share w/ us once again! I tell ya, I don't know if I could muster the bravery needed to repaint any of my beauties, but good job on doing so yourself! I think my first repaint will be a FOV vehicle;), and I can only hope it comes out half as nice as your Figarti; it really is that good.

Wow Michael. I must say your repaint is better than the original, IMHO. It appears you have an innate talent to go along w/ the interest we all share. Thanks for sharing your artistic achievement w/ us! If you are inclined to pursue any other repaints, please share w/ us once again! I tell ya, I don't know if I could muster the bravery needed to repaint any of my beauties, but good job on doing so yourself! I think my first repaint will be a FOV vehicle;), and I can only hope it comes out half as nice as your Figarti; it really is that good.


My first repaint was a F.O.V. Stuart. I wanted to try to K/C it with extra stowage and copying the same color scheme as the Normandy Stuart. Came out OK and I eventually sold it on Ebay. The buyer liked it alot..Michael


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