Figarti train station diorama (5 Viewers)

nothing wrong with 3d printed V2's ! cant get the Figarti ones anymore or they cost a fortune. for 3d printed you can have any paint job you like!

The sub is from they make radio controlled subs in 1:32 but you can omit the engine/dive tanks and its cheaper. Then I got David Marshall at TM Terrain to paint/weather it. add some K&C german sailors and it looks the business.

We were running out of ideas what to put on the Figarti trains so thought putting the sub on would be a bit of fun. next time will see if we can get the Figarti e-boat on them!


Wow indeed!
Amazing collection
Are all the locomotives from Figarti or are they issued by model railroad manufacturers in a scale compatible with the figures?

Thanks for sharing!:salute::
2 of the 3 locomotives in the photos are Figarti. The shorter one is a Piko G scale engine.

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