FIGARTI's M3A1 Half-Track (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jul 21, 2005

I got my M3A1 HT yesterday and here are my observations:

  • Furious and finer details (interior & exterior)
  • Moulded parts have well impressions.
  • Figures are a-ok, great poses, specially the seated soldiers.
  • Machine Guns looks great.

  • The driver side door is not flashed to the frame.
  • There's a gap between the door jamb (driver side) and the rear body panel.
  • MG Cupola is not resting on the right body panel.
  • Also, the driver was found on the front passnger side seat (apparently unglued while enroute) with its hand and steering wheel detached. I couldn't find the steering column.

And, lastly maybe as everyone failed to notice, and I could be wrong, but the HT is sporting two types of headlights, i.e., fixed headlight (bolted on the fenders with a protective grille) and the removable type (the ones bolted on the radiator panels). I've checked all my half-track books and none shows having the two types used side by side (compare to the KC's M3A2, KC sports the removable type).

I had no other problems with my previous Figarti purchases.



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Mine arrived Wednesday. No problems, driver glued into correct seat with steering wheel. The packaging was great, soft, yet firm foam. I really like it. The only thing it needs is stowage! Tarps, crates and knapsacks would put it over the top.
I noticed two of the figures in the back of the halftrack are in camo I don't recall seeing any pictures in my books with camo utittles on.
I noticed two of the figures in the back of the halftrack are in camo I don't recall seeing any pictures in my books with camo utittles on.

41st Armoured Infantry wore them briefly for a couple of months.

I received mine from George a couple of days ago. I think it is one of the best armored vehicles I have ever scene in the hobby, and the figures were really great as well.
I received mine from George a couple of days ago. I think it is one of the best armored vehicles I have ever scene in the hobby, and the figures were really great as well.

Agreed. It would look even better with a few tarps and knapsacks!:)
Agreed. It would look even better with a few tarps and knapsacks!:)

You are quite right, a US halftrack gains character with the "stuff" that you put on it. In Europe the APC halftracks had all kinds of gear and accessories hung on the outside, the rear, the front, etc. The armored infantryman foot on foot like any other but they did have a dedicated vehicle that could carry their personal gear, extra food, water, ammo and whatever.

Gary B.
41st Armoured Infantry wore them briefly for a couple of months.


Nice catch Carlos; they wore them until they accidently were shot at by fellow Americans as they mistook the "duck hunter" camo for "SS" camo, so that was the end of that...........
I received my half track from George a few days ago, but only got around to opening it last night. Very nice model, but unfortunately one of the .30 cal ammo cans is missing from the gun mount. I was also informed that they're are no parts available for these vehicles and they are long sold out. So now what do I do with a 250.00 vehicle with a missing ammo can ? It apparently left the factory like this. If the good folks at Figarti are reading this how can I receive a replacement part ? I really don't want to return the vehicle, but for 250.00 bucks I expect a perfect model ! I refuse a repeat of the problems I had with my defective "Long Tom", which I can't even display because it was in such bad shape when I unpacked it. Again same story - Sold out model, no parts available. I have given Figarti several "second chances", but I have just about reached my breaking point.
I received my half track from George a few days ago, but only got around to opening it last night. Very nice model, but unfortunately one of the .30 cal ammo cans is missing from the gun mount. I was also informed that they're are no parts available for these vehicles and they are long sold out. So now what do I do with a 250.00 vehicle with a missing ammo can ? It apparently left the factory like this. If the good folks at Figarti are reading this how can I receive a replacement part ? I really don't want to return the vehicle, but for 250.00 bucks I expect a perfect model ! I refuse a repeat of the problems I had with my defective "Long Tom", which I can't even display because it was in such bad shape when I unpacked it. Again same story - Sold out model, no parts available. I have given Figarti several "second chances", but I have just about reached my breaking point.


Sorry about your problems. I see that the Long Tom is still available at a couple of dealers so why not return it-or have you already for a replacement? As for the Half-Track, email Peter at Figarti and I am sure he can/will help you out. He was most accommodating and professional with a similar minor issue that I had. Please let me know if you need any assistance with contact information or similar.

Happy Holidays,
When I purchased my long tom it was when they were first released and sold out. So I tried to repair it. Then a few months later more appeared on the market. Since I attempted a repair I could not return it. So now it's in the crab bin. From that day forward I have refused to except any thing but a perfect model from any manufacturer. Any damage it goes back period. If I can't get this situation resolved it will go back as well. For the money these cost I'm not going to fix them too.
Well it looks like there will be a happy ending to my missing half track ammo can problem. Thanks to George G. I have one on the way. This is what makes George one of the best dealers around. He has gone the extra mile for me several times to resolve problems. Not only with Figarti, but he also was able too get me a new roof for my Britain's farmhouse.

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