Figure Prices Rising AGAIN! (1 Viewer)


Jul 23, 2006
Please check out the prices of new Gordon Highlanders (NAP). The price gap between First Legion and K&C is getting narrower!
I'm getting used to see price increase on all items every month now :(
Please check out the prices of new Gordon Highlanders (NAP). The price gap between First Legion and K&C is getting narrower!

I know. I don't bother looking at the K&C prices anymore it's pointless.
Some of the new Naps stuff is brilliant but I just can't afford it.:(
Sometimes in this hobby reality kicks in and you just have to walk away no matter how good the product is.
It's the same reason I can't buy First Legion Naps.
Now if I was to win the lottery;)........that would be a different ball game:)
Just noticed the prices on the new French Crusaders.{eek3} Mein Gott! -- Al
I am picking just my favorites as figures go and looking more towards vehicles as they give a better bang for the buck,with an occasional aircraft thrown in.
I am picking just my favorites as figures go and looking more towards vehicles as they give a better bang for the buck,with an occasional aircraft thrown in.
Agree. My dollars go almost exclusively to aircraft and an occasional AFV now. Figures all but out of reach. -- Al
When the Russian releases come out I will grab all of them as I have pleaded several times in the past for these. Also the pending Stuka's will be a given "Must Have"
Cheers !!!! :eek:
I have noticed the monthly price increases with KC and am beginning to wonder what is going. Ok, the economy is terrible and the dollar is weak. KC's bell tent is $79.00 and seemingly similar, however, slightly more detailed than JG's Bell tent which sells for $23. Also consider Britains bell tent
which sells for $48, and seemingly has a similar level of detail as KC's bell tent. Fellow collector's what is our take on this?
Best wishes,
I have noticed the monthly price increases with KC and am beginning to wonder what is going. Ok, the economy is terrible and the dollar is weak. KC's bell tent is $79.00 and seemingly similar, however, slightly more detailed than JG's Bell tent which sells for $23. Also consider Britains bell tent
which sells for $48, and seemingly has a similar level of detail as KC's bell tent. Fellow collector's what is our take on this?
Best wishes,

Not to justify the price difference but it looks to me that the K&C tent has the most detail. More importantly, I suspect it is larger than the JG or Britains tents. The K&C tent is probably 1:30 while the JG and Britains are likely 1:32 so it could be that the K&C tent will look better with their larger sized figures.

Maybe one of our English friends can do a comparison at the London Show?

I have noticed the monthly price increases with KC and am beginning to wonder what is going. Ok, the economy is terrible and the dollar is weak. KC's bell tent is $79.00 and seemingly similar, however, slightly more detailed than JG's Bell tent which sells for $23. Also consider Britains bell tent
which sells for $48, and seemingly has a similar level of detail as KC's bell tent. Fellow collector's what is our take on this?
Best wishes,

I have stopped collecting over a year now, even though the figs are beautiful I just can't do the price increase anymore. Not trolling just stating my case, for the collector's who still purchase, glad for you:)
Ok, the economy is terrible and the dollar is weak. Benjamin


I think you have made a good point here... a few years back when the $AUS was low, I thought K&C was SO expensive... now with a high $AUS and a low $US they are more affordable , but thats only my personal situation, therefore I sure can see the plight of the bulk of collectors in Europe and North America.

Please check out the prices of new Gordon Highlanders (NAP). The price gap between First Legion and K&C is getting narrower!

May be that gap will widen again with FL's new releases. They are chasing one another to the sky...
Not to justify the price difference but it looks to me that the K&C tent has the most detail. More importantly, I suspect it is larger than the JG or Britains tents. The K&C tent is probably 1:30 while the JG and Britains are likely 1:32 so it could be that the K&C tent will look better with their larger sized figures.

Maybe one of our English friends can do a comparison at the London Show?


I'll check it out Terry

Regarding your comment
"bigger shop, more space, higher over heads, = price increase for the buyers".

I would doubt that has any impact on the overall pricing. K&C have been in that shop for about 20 years and I
visited it many times in the 90's. It was very small and as the K&C range has expanded they would have had
great difficulty giving adequate space to all their series. I don't have the numbers but the range now including
such things as vehicles, planes and buildings compared to 15 years ago would be several times as much in
terms of space requred to display it. The first K&C shop was bigger.

I am pretty sure the shop has paid it's way. Whilst the new shop may cost more in rent the difference in being
on the lower floor would be significant in terms of people walking by and potential new customers both local and
international. It is in a very upmarket shopping centre amongst top quality brands. Not sure of the situation now
but when I was in HK I remember one of the things it was noted for was the very high number of millionaires
compared to anywhere else. Plus you have many big spending tourists going through. I remember Andy, ten years
ago, telling me about the local Chinese customer walking in to buy 50 of the same marching SS figure so it does
not take much imagination to guess what kind of display that collector might have. Andy mentioned, whilst here in
June, a tourist walking in and spending ten of thousands in one hit and they had to get the product quickly from
the warehouse to the Airport as he was leaving soon.

I would also guess they can still operate it with one staff member as can always call for reinforcements from head office which is nearby.

I am a K&C dealer and over time have spent money on improving my cabinet displays going from 2 with toy soldiers
in the early days to 18 now (plus increased storage furniture). Has increased my display area but did not affect
my pricing at all. Meant I could display more variety including other brands and create more collectors.

There may be many factors for price rises but I doubt the new shop premises will be one of them.

Just my thoughts.
To be fair to King & Country figures by all company have gone up in price
Please check out the prices of new Gordon Highlanders (NAP). The price gap between First Legion and K&C is getting narrower!

Normal figures( on foot) like Germans are selling in Belgium at $ 55 a piece ( € 41). My budget allows me to buy a max of 2 per month. For an AFV or a truck I have to save up for several months before I can buy one ;
that is how the situation is overhere
I have to totally agree with Brett, I have been to his shop many times over the years and his prices have always matched the King and Country Web Site; I guess even if he moved to the size of IKEA his prices would remain the same.

Some year back the Australian $ = 50 US cents and this made the cost of K&C quite prohibitive for those of us in Australia. Now the $Aust is higher than the US dollar making the cost of collecting somewhat easier on the pocket.

I am always alarmed at the cost for those in the UK, the devaluation of the pound combined with 18% VAT (correct me if I made a mistake) seems to me to make K&C, and I guess all manufactures, very expensive (comparitively).
Normal figures( on foot) like Germans are selling in Belgium at $ 55 a piece ( € 41). My budget allows me to buy a max of 2 per month. For an AFV or a truck I have to save up for several months before I can buy one ;
that is how the situation is overhere

Same for me here in Germany. I managed to get most of the buildings/struktures for the series I collect (AE, LAH). Now I only can buy about 2 figures per month. It will take me years to fill up my new cabinet {sm2}. Ancient Egypt is an relatively easy series because you usually buy only one of each figure. But to make the LAH looking good you often have to purchase several of the same figure.

So I don't care about the new Dispatches but I'm always afraid of the monthly retirement announcements.


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