Figure Prices Rising AGAIN! (2 Viewers)


I think you have made a good point here... a few years back when the $AUS was low, I thought K&C was SO expensive... now with a high $AUS and a low $US they are more affordable , but thats only my personal situation, therefore I sure can see the plight of the bulk of collectors in Europe and North America.


Well said John im making hay why the sun shines..........^&grin
If our dollar turns to Shite it would be hard,not impossible just harder to get what you want.
Rising prices, unfavourable exhange rates, high shipping costs and excessive taxes certainly take a big toll on collectors. :( The wise collectors on here have indicated that they have either cut back or stopped altogether due to the economy. I applaud your decision because it demonstrates fiscal responsibility in a time when too many people are overextended on a whole host of things, typically of greater importance than toy soldiers. The fact they are saying that perhaps a picture of the piece is better than owning it is the responsible thing to do. I'm sure many out there including many Treefroggers are making more purchases than they probably should. Lucky for me I have a financial manager (wife) for whom I am directly accountable for when making budgetary decisions..........and boy is she strict! :D
These consistent and constant price increases have sent me back to glossies for figures. It is a no brainer when I can get glossy foot figures at $22 a figure. The current matte figure prices are just out of hand. Still like the airplanes and tanks though.:wink2: -- Al
Ostrein, I can feel your pain. Trying to build up your LAH marching columns and ......wham....Mr. Retirement one day shows up ! {eek3}

I think you have made a good point here... a few years back when the $AUS was low, I thought K&C was SO expensive... now with a high $AUS and a low $US they are more affordable , but thats only my personal situation, therefore I sure can see the plight of the bulk of collectors in Europe and North America.


Well said John, yeah our high NZ dollar against the US green-back and the high Aussi Dollar, is my only reason I've been able to afford to buy a few K&C over the past 2/3 years......otherwise I'd be just another sad "kid" standing, peering through K&C shop window....wishing....etc

In saying that, regardless of the good exchange rate, with these steadily increasing price rises, I can see a time ahead when K&C will simply be beyond my pocket....I believe more and more collectors are starting to realise this themselves and thats unfortunate.{sm2}

TCS has been keeping their prices somewhat consistent for couple years now.

I love K&C but i also buy other makers.I agree Brian at TCS has keep his prices stable --maybe why TCS has an increasing market share,I know i do not buy as much K&C as i used to --there is so much nice stuff out it is hard to keep up and not in the poor house.Mike B.As stated earlier i buy more vehicles from K&C.
I love K&C but i also buy other makers.I agree Brian at TCS has keep his prices stable --maybe why TCS has an increasing market share,I know i do not buy as much K&C as i used to --there is so much nice stuff out it is hard to keep up and not in the poor house.Mike B.As stated earlier i buy more vehicles from K&C.

Yeah same here. I have not bought any K&C new releases recently. Now I buy more TCS & TGG AFVs and figures as I think they are better bang for your bucks in term of price vs quality.
Here is the bottom line. it wasn't that long ago, that you could buy a tank and 3 figures for $89.00. With new figures at $42.00 each, two figures now cost almost as much as I paid for my M4 sherman 105mm howitzer with 3 figures. I've slowed down tremendously, as i'm sure many have. I don't see myself ever buying the quantity that i used to, and may even stop altogether, if the prices go much higher.
I feel ya on this...(at the risk of sounding cynical, the feeling of my wallet getting lighter :rolleyes2:), a bit of smart budgeting leaves me some disposable $ left, alas comfort built into the cushion. However amid the economic uncertainty, this phenomena never ceases to amaze me; where some obscure collectors still have resources to snap up that occasional "rare" or strictly limited piece, in no short-order!

Amazingly, some pieces still fly off the shelf over at my favorite brick and mortar. I called to inquire about a sweet release, only to find, "those pieces were already gone before they came in!" Truly astounding to see this phenomenon still occur, in view of current price hikes.
I find it interesting that - figures / items - which would sell immediately are taking a few months to sell now. The fact that they are selling that fast is interesting to me with current times.

It amazes me that there is still a large group of collectors who readily accept these price increases - I mean nothing against K&C, they have to do what makes business sense to them - but, at some point there has to be a ceiling right ? I mean not everyone can afford $50 single figures ??

When does the push back occur ?
I find it interesting that - figures / items - which would sell immediately are taking a few months to sell now. The fact that they are selling that fast is interesting to me with current times.

It amazes me that there is still a large group of collectors who readily accept these price increases - I mean nothing against K&C, they have to do what makes business sense to them - but, at some point there has to be a ceiling right ? I mean not everyone can afford $50 single figures ??

When does the push back occur ?

Hopefully, the folks at K&C (risking sounding too cynical) will have an epiphany, and thus realize where we are; at the crux of what the consensus feels is a monetary attack on one's sensibilities! Not being cliche' or anything, but at the end of the day, to collect or not collect, that is the question...Ollie.
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Rising prices certainly are no fun for collectors - myself included! But here is my take:

- Blame the Chinese. China's export oriented economy was built on, primarily, low wages. This advantage is eroding daily. Rising prosperty has pushed up wage costs there signifcantly. This is good for Chinese workers, obviously, as they can start affording more and better "stuff" and live an overall improved life. China SHOULD encouage this, frankly, so it can become less dependent as a country on exporting for its economic dynamism. But, right now at least, its not so fun for the parts of the world, the US consumer for example, which has became dependent on (or at least very fond of) low cost goods made in China.
- Other asian/less developed nations, such as a Vietnam, could - theoretically - pick up China's slack. But its not just about wage level, as there are operational and cultural challenges as well.
- On the positive side, at some point rising wages in developing nations COULD make it viable for companies to bring some manufacturing activities (back?) to the USA! This would be good news for all sorts or reasons, at least to US-based collectors and dealers.
- No doubt well run companies like K&C will, when and if possible, undertake actions that address the rising wage cost problem in China. The beauty of a worldwide system based on capitlism is that, if they dont someone else will. Either way, collectors will ultimately benefit!
I don't know why some of the smaller companies(mostly in the UK) don'tmake themselves more known as they may be more reasonable in their prices.Most of us outside the UK don't know much about them.
I don't know why some of the smaller companies(mostly in the UK) don'tmake themselves more known as they may be more reasonable in their prices.Most of us outside the UK don't know much about them.
bassically because the advertisments are so expensive for us .We are tryng to maintain our prices near the chinese ones (the old prices), and working in Europe , with european prices for the materials and workers , it's so difficult .Nevertheless we will maintain our prices (i hope) during the next years
- No doubt well run companies like K&C will, when and if possible, undertake actions that address the rising wage cost problem in China. The beauty of a worldwide system based on capitlism is that, if they dont someone else will.

In UK someone else already IS...some recent comparisons

ME109 - KC £225 and JJD £155

2 WWII soldiers - KC £84 and TG £49

A mounted figure - KC £93 and TG £55

Tank – KC Stug £226 with one ½ figure and Figarti Sherman Calliope £240 includes two full figures

In UK someone else already IS...some recent comparisons

ME109 - KC £225 and JJD £155

2 WWII soldiers - KC £84 and TG £49

A mounted figure - KC £93 and TG £55

Tank – KC Stug £226 with one ½ figure and Figarti Sherman Calliope £240 includes two full figures


It does seem that the market is shaking out into a 2 tier price structure with FL, K&C and Figarti in the upper tier and JJD, CS, TGM and Britains in the lower tier. I wonder if the price gap between the tiers will widen, stabilize or shrink over the next few years and whether the lower tier can keep price increases small? With many of the makers producing the same themes (WWII, NAPs) I am sure it will have an impact on what is being collected and provides some market niches for the lower price producers.

It does seem that the market is shaking out into a 2 tier price structure with FL, K&C and Figarti in the upper tier and JJD, CS, TGM and Britains in the lower tier. I wonder if the price gap between the tiers will widen, stabilize or shrink over the next few years and whether the lower tier can keep price increases small? With many of the makers producing the same themes (WWII, NAPs) I am sure it will have an impact on what is being collected and provides some market niches for the lower price producers.

I am obviously a lower tier collector.:wink2: I buy only now and then from KC in the upper tier, and nothing from the other two. I buy much more in quantity and frequency from the 4 in the lower tier. It is bang for the buck, without running out of bucks, for me. -- Al

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