Figure Prices Rising AGAIN! (1 Viewer)

Rob's ''Happy'' thread seems to have gone also
I don't think so Terry, I had a whole thread go that I'd just put up:(

its a conspiracy by evil forces set against K&C and happy threads. I am immediately going to read catcher in the rye and lock the doors

I don't think so Terry, I had a whole thread go that I'd just put up:(

its a conspiracy by evil forces set against K&C and happy threads. I am immediately going to read catcher in the rye and lock the doors
It's too late. Big Brother knows where you are and what you're all times.:wink2::eek:{sm2} -- Al
its a conspiracy by evil forces set against K&C and happy threads. I am immediately going to read catcher in the rye and lock the doors

It's unfortunate as it takes a long time to load up all those pics, no ones fault however, ho hum.

They were moving servers and a whole bunch of posts got lost.
They were moving servers and a whole bunch of posts got lost.

Yep, can't be helped, I've posted my thread again. Shame about Terry's post though. I understand in it he was renouncing his TS collection and was going to post pics of is Malibu Stacey collection!:wink2:

Yep, can't be helped, I've posted my thread again. Shame about Terry's post though. I understand in it he was renouncing his TS collection and was going to post pics of is Malibu Stacey collection!:wink2:


sorry it's taking so long to repost but miss Aniston dropped in to see if she could help me. Not do a repost - just help me :wink2::wink2:

There's been a lot of doom and gloom posted about the future of the TS industry and a lot of bashing the industry leader K&C for skyrocketing prices with no improvement in quality. There are Posts that the industry is shrinking, that people have cut way back on spending especially for K&C, and that K&C is rapidly losing market share. Of course K&C is losing market share. Five or six years ago, K&C had much of the market. Since then, several new TS companies entered the market (CS, JJD, Fig, TGM and a resurgent Britain's) and all have been successful. And while a lot of Treefrog collectors have posted cutting back on purchases or stopped buying altogether, especially K&C models, what is really going on.

The industry is evolving with the new companies creating their own market niches with overlap on K&C and each other. Its been 2 - 3 years since the recession began with all of the new companies adding more ranges and K&C adding the most. That isn't the behavior of a declining industry which is losing sales. It characterizes a maturing industry.

K&C is losing market share but in what may be a slowly growing market - they may not be losing sales volume or profitability. The new companies have all expanded the ranges they are offering and appear to be doing well - and some of these ranges have high priced product like aircraft. According to the predictions, some of them should have failed by now.

K&C has made several adjustments to changes in the market. They have reduced inventory with more retirements (IMO long overdue), added more ranges to appeal to a wider market, and introduced some smaller runs on vehicles they may not have done in large numbers - If 3 - 5 versions of a 250 series totaling 750 - 1250 pieces can be considered small. They have gone into less popular and less profitable ranges (Italian, Russian). These do not seem like the actions of a company in trouble - even at today's high prices.

An industry where all of the new companies are succeeding and expanding ranges does not have the characteristics of a declining market. The resale market has turnover - some at below retail for items still at dealers at premiums. Seems like a market in balance more than one acting like a firesale.

So if things are so bad, and they may be for some collectors, why does the market have the characteristics of a market that is doing well?

Please check out the prices of new Gordon Highlanders (NAP). The price gap between First Legion and K&C is getting narrower!

Dear "Oberstoskar":

Yes, K&C prices as well as for other manufacturers has really gone up since 2007 especially. The higher wages demanded by Chinese workers, especially the skilled ones, are really making prices go up! I remember when I started in late 1991 buying metal painted miniature toy soldiers, etc an average single figure at 1:32 scale was $10.00 USD & I thought that was rather high. I thought it was high because the last time I looked at the price of a very nice painted miniature figure was about 10 years prior to that when they cost about $5.00 USD in circa 1981. So to some degree thinking about prices from 10 years or so years ago when an average figure for K&C was about $19.00 and back 20 years ago when they cost about $10.00 USD is not helpful. Prices do change over a period of years. But, indeed they are going up faster than before since about 2007.

"Iron Brigade"
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I can understand price increases,but every month?!{eek3}:(
There's been a lot of doom and gloom posted about the future of the TS industry and a lot of bashing the industry leader K&C for skyrocketing prices with no improvement in quality. There are Posts that the industry is shrinking, that people have cut way back on spending especially for K&C, and that K&C is rapidly losing market share. Of course K&C is losing market share. Five or six years ago, K&C had much of the market. Since then, several new TS companies entered the market (CS, JJD, Fig, TGM and a resurgent Britain's) and all have been successful. And while a lot of Treefrog collectors have posted cutting back on purchases or stopped buying altogether, especially K&C models, what is really going on.

The industry is evolving with the new companies creating their own market niches with overlap on K&C and each other. Its been 2 - 3 years since the recession began with all of the new companies adding more ranges and K&C adding the most. That isn't the behavior of a declining industry which is losing sales. It characterizes a maturing industry.

K&C is losing market share but in what may be a slowly growing market - they may not be losing sales volume or profitability. The new companies have all expanded the ranges they are offering and appear to be doing well - and some of these ranges have high priced product like aircraft. According to the predictions, some of them should have failed by now.

K&C has made several adjustments to changes in the market. They have reduced inventory with more retirements (IMO long overdue), added more ranges to appeal to a wider market, and introduced some smaller runs on vehicles they may not have done in large numbers - If 3 - 5 versions of a 250 series totaling 750 - 1250 pieces can be considered small. They have gone into less popular and less profitable ranges (Italian, Russian). These do not seem like the actions of a company in trouble - even at today's high prices.

An industry where all of the new companies are succeeding and expanding ranges does not have the characteristics of a declining market. The resale market has turnover - some at below retail for items still at dealers at premiums. Seems like a market in balance more than one acting like a firesale.

So if things are so bad, and they may be for some collectors, why does the market have the characteristics of a market that is doing well?

You say all that Terry but when you look at most of the on line shop there a lot of k&C and Figarti in stock not moving and I think a lot of people are selling part of there collection to help pay for new items .
Disagree with you mate as previously discussed (won't bring up the scale issue) Figarti make great vehicles but there figures i find are light,skinny and very delicate ive had heaps of probs with arms and legs falling off for no reason and paint flaking.
FL to small to got with anyone else so if you collect FL you can't mix and match and K&C many more release more variety,as for the detail they where already at a high level before China got there act together and have come leaps and bounds since the early stuff never had a problem with K&C and as stated before (won't get into that either)K&C have there reasons for the price increase.

Well I like Figarti and king and country figures and never had any problem and look forward to what new stuff FL bring out , as for armour still not a lover of k&C lack of track detail I'm sorry to say
I've been collecting K&C since 1999 and whilst I'm concerned about the rising costs, I think there is reasonable and just cause for the jump in the price of a single figure or vehicle over the last 12 years - especially considering how vastly improved the scuplting and painting (and even the packaging) is. Not to even mention the increased ranges and options.

Perhaps the issue for me is more about how much prices have jumped considerably in the 2 years. Maybe the pricing was comparatively too low for too long and then K&C were playing catch up. I am a UK collector and we pay higher than most prices, but I don't begrudge them because I choose to live here and K&C UK have always been transparent about the necessary duty and tax on their products. Also, they offer a great service and stock the full range so I think it is worth it.

I keep all my old price lists and see that I paid £69.95 for DD2, a 4 figure D Day set in Feb 2000. 4 US D Day figures today would cost me about £150, just over double. IMO - better sculpting, painting and 11 years of inflation! I could sell the old set for a similar amount on e bay to buy a new set but I won't. They have character and a rarity that I like.

I purchased a Normandy Village piece NV6 for £49.95 also in 2000. Painted in grey and dry brushed, very crude (but nice). Last year I purchased a Normandy Church facade SP37 £109.95 - superbly detailed and painted and very good value in my opinion. I still have both and I think it encapsulates how far K&C have come and the pricing (IMO) is completely justified. I think the recent Boulangerie and French House are very good, but are just a bit too pricey for me.

I admit that some items I feel are less good value for money so I steer clear of, others I have to think about as they are pricey but in the end I just have to have! (Bedford fuel bowser, Snow Tiger, etc.), others just get ordered (usually upon release) because they are great subjects that I've been waiting for, are well detailed and painted and IMO are good value (Albatroses, Crimean series, RAF).

I have empathy for those who have just gotten into collecting K&C in the last 2-3 years and have seen a big jump in prices, but I am fortunate in that I see it as more of a progression over 12 years. That said, any reductions in pricing Andy will be gratefully accepted! I have a rough budget per month and lower prices would generally mean more items for the same spend, maybe even a little bit more to spend if I think there are more better value items to choose from.....

Anyway, those are my humble views. I consider myself lucky to be in a position to be able to collect such a luxury item as toy soldiers.

All the best!
Too much government regulation and taxes around the whole world, thats the problem
Too much government regulation and taxes around the whole world, thats the problem

No Hawkeye. All is good. America is wonderful. China is wonderful. Life is awesome. Jesus loves us all. Prices are perfect. I love you all too. Nothing needs to change. Because all is wonderful.
I hope everyone that collects King&Country does find a happy medium to enable them to continue their collecting endeavers as I continue to pursue mine. Cheers......

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