Then why have a miscellaneous section?While this an important subject to our financial health, I'm not sure a toy soldier forum is the best place for this kind of discussion.
I have to get a new slave cylinder for the clutch, a windshield and driver's side rear view mirror, for my truck, about $1100 by the time it's all done. I'm thinking of asking Congress for a bailout.
Seriously, though, underlying these news stories, and other current events stories, there is always an element of someone shirking responsibility, that goes against my grain. My parents taught me to take responsibility for myself, for things I do. It's the flip side of taking credit for things, too, and it's part of being an adult, in my view. I am continuously astounded how many people of adult age act like petulant teenagers.
Its a scary time, I'm shocked when I hear these "Experts" talking about
bailing out credit card, car loan, and stopping foreclosure actions against
people failing to make home payments.
What about the rest of us?
Are we just suckers?
You pay your bills........and now you are going to pay someone elses credit
Time to contact your senators they are easy to reach by phone and email
and tell them you do not support this nonsense.
If you get up tomorrow morning, and go to work.......and don't speak up on
this matter what are you thinking?
This is no time to say......whats the use.
Its either speak up, or you might as well quit paying for anything and charge
up to your eyeballs and stick your hand out with the deadbeats.
Problem is.......someone working is going to have to foot the bill for this
The real shame is they think nothing of telling us Social Security is going
broke.......after we have paid into it for 4 decades.......but some stiff in a
house he can't afford....with maxed out credit cards driving a $50,000 car
needs help NOW!
I guess its partly our fault for sending idiots to Washington.....what were we
I would agree. Accountability has been going south for some time now. I am inclined to blame pseudo liberals and plaintiff trial lawyers that have been trying tirelessly to idiot proof our society to the point of absurdity. "Gee I burned myself when I spilled my coffee, let's sue McDonalds" or "Ooooh, I mashed my fingers when I slammed the car door on them, let's sue GM for failing to warn that a car door is a dangerous thing." I don't mean to detract from the immediate concern over bailing out people that should have known better but it is a simply the latest example of a society that seems increasingly to believe no one should have the risk or failure or "god forbid" injury. Sorry for the minor diatribe but every time I hear a talking head whine about the need for new regulations to protect the stupid, or because banks are bad since they want to make more money, I get a little twinge.Seriously, though, underlying these news stories, and other current events stories, there is always an element of someone shirking responsibility, that goes against my grain. My parents taught me to take responsibility for myself, for things I do. It's the flip side of taking credit for things, too, and it's part of being an adult, in my view. I am continuously astounded how many people of adult age act like petulant teenagers.
I would agree. Accountability has been going south for some time now. I am inclined to blame pseudo liberals and plaintiff trial lawyers that have been trying tirelessly to idiot proof our society to the point of absurdity. "Gee I burned myself when I spilled my coffee, let's sue McDonalds" or "Ooooh, I mashed my fingers when I slammed the car door on them, let's sue GM for failing to warn that a car door is a dangerous thing." I don't mean to detract from the immediate concern over bailing out people that should have known better but it is a simply the latest example of a society that seems increasingly to believe no one should have the risk or failure or "god forbid" injury. Sorry for the minor diatribe but every time I hear a talking head whine about the need for new regulations to protect the stupid, or because banks are bad since they want to make more money, I get a little twinge.Now when the offense rises to the level of a financial weapon of mass destruction, as my friend Warren has noted, some more specific control may be appropriate, assuming of course that we can expect some common sense in the implementation.
When I hear them suggesting buying up the bad credit card, and auto loan
debt its time to put our foot down and say NO.
using tax dollars to buy up bad personal debt is really using tax dollars to buy votes - something incumbants have been doing for years
I pretty much agree with you guys on this point. Here's the problem though, and I'd be interested if you could come up with an alternative solution: How exactly do you fix an economy (and this is all over the Western world) that is basically drowning in debt? Where the amount of personal, corporate and in some cases government debt continues to rise every year? Where it's getting so bad that everyone is basically in debt to one another, to varying degrees? It has created a house of cards that is in danger of mass implosion.
In my mental justifications for not paying off my credit card every month, I had actually thought about the possibility that one of these days some genius will say: "let's fix this by forgiving everybody's debt!" (people have already suggested we do this with poor third world countries). It does sound kind of crazy but how else do you fix this epidemic of debt which is crippling our economies? Someone here will say "work harder" but I don't think that will be enough, not at all. With the economy slowing, there's no way people will be able to earn enough money to pay it off themselves anymore, they'll be hard pressed just to keep up with paying the interest.
Keep in mind if we have another great depression (caused in part by this debt situation), millions of people's debt will be forgiven anyway when they start declaring bankruptcy on mass. So better to do it ahead of time, right? So a solid foundation can be built for the economy other than mass debt? Maybe we (society) do need to look beyond getting back our pound of flesh and think what is in the best interests of the whole system? That's the argument for some of these proposals, not saying I agree at all.
Some interesting observations (essays) on this story:
These are opinion pieces, of course, but the authors are all relatively sober men of judgement. Well, Boortz is a bit of a hot dog, sometimes, but I wish I could go back to school just to take Dr. Sowell's courses.