Been hankering to put my first dio together and found myself really drawn towards doing one from the FIW using J.J. pieces.
Out of the shipping box from Treefrog.
Out of their boxes, free at last!
Some close ups. Sorry for the subpar pics but I just took some quick ones.
I have a few pieces more or order and on the way, some pieces Treefrog did not have in stock. Including a nice 24" x 12" base mat w/river to use. Not really looking to set up a dio based on hard history but just a possible encounter in the wild between my brave French friends and those sneaky land stealing English! I have some Frasier Highlanders on the way to represent the Brits.
Also picked up some trees from a local hobby shop.
Problem is as you can see is that in my buying madness I picked up some fellows in snowshoes and a set of a wounded general in Quebec. NOt really going to fit in my woodland encounter I am going to do. Guess that means at least 2 more dios I will have to set up in the future.....{sm4}
I will keep updating pics as I put it together. The mat will be here this week so I can set it up (or start to at least) when that arrives.
Thanks for looking.

Out of the shipping box from Treefrog.

Out of their boxes, free at last!
Some close ups. Sorry for the subpar pics but I just took some quick ones.

I have a few pieces more or order and on the way, some pieces Treefrog did not have in stock. Including a nice 24" x 12" base mat w/river to use. Not really looking to set up a dio based on hard history but just a possible encounter in the wild between my brave French friends and those sneaky land stealing English! I have some Frasier Highlanders on the way to represent the Brits.
Also picked up some trees from a local hobby shop.
Problem is as you can see is that in my buying madness I picked up some fellows in snowshoes and a set of a wounded general in Quebec. NOt really going to fit in my woodland encounter I am going to do. Guess that means at least 2 more dios I will have to set up in the future.....{sm4}
I will keep updating pics as I put it together. The mat will be here this week so I can set it up (or start to at least) when that arrives.
Thanks for looking.