Little guys! If by that you mean accurately and proportionally sculpted with delicately fine detailing, then you are absolutely correct.
If you mean "short", then I'm not so sure! They're basically the same size as our Napoleonics I think.
As for the comment comparing them to Britains and value, well, Britains make a nice toy soldier at a very attractive price point. They're W. Britains after all, possibly the most recognized name in toy soldiers in the world. However, based on the simple catalog shots below, it seems pretty evident to us where the extra cost comes from. Whether or not the added sculptural detail and painting quality is worth the extra cost is up to the individual collector. Our figures are not inexpensive relative to toy soldier makers, but they are inexpensive relative to high end russian figures which is typically a better comparison for them. Really, it all depends on what each collector is used to and what they want in their collection. There are no wrong choices, only personal preferences!
Please note these are not to scale, just crops of catalog images!
And, for what it's worth, Alby is right - there has never been a better time for Australian collectors to buy figures from the USA, be them First Legion or others. Of course, for you Alby, they'd only be $55 AUD or thereabouts.
Rob, have fun in London. I'll be curious to hear what you think of the figures when you see them in London.