First Legion ACW Rebels (2 Viewers)

This batch of figures just keeps proving my point- FL is hands down the most exciting company in the industry today............

........too bad they don't do any range I collect :(

Well done FL!!
Before FL i was collecting Naps and WWII. After FL, I'm now collecting Naps, WWII and Samurais. Those samurais were just too good to pass on.


Was just looking at these good ol boys again and have decided I can no longer totally stay away from this range.:eek: I will be picking up four figures just as a little side display as I really don't collect ACW per say. They are just too good to ignore any longer :eek: . Mr Matt , why don't I just get my direct deposit put into your bank account and be done with it all :mad: . Best regards Gebhard
Perfectly understandable.:eek: So far I have been able to resist. Mosby would change that, as would Marion for the AWI.:eek: Hopefully for my financial integrity, both are some time after my goals for my NAP collection are more complete.
This batch of figures just keeps proving my point- FL is hands down the most exciting company in the industry today............

........too bad they don't do any range I collect :(

Well done FL!!
I used to think the same.... "Thankful that they didnt do any range that I collected" Then FL came out with the AWI... bought a few figures and was hooked. I never had any interest in Naps other than one of my favorite shows and book series was "Sharpe's ...." Now I am consumed by the Nap War with FL figures leading the way...
I used to think the same.... "Thankful that they didnt do any range that I collected" Then FL came out with the AWI... bought a few figures and was hooked. I never had any interest in Naps other than one of my favorite shows and book series was "Sharpe's ...." Now I am consumed by the Nap War with FL figures leading the way...
I am a rather big Sharpe fan as well.:eek: Just wait until they come out with the "chosen lads".:D
Perfectly understandable.:eek: So far I have been able to resist. Mosby would change that, as would Marion for the AWI.:eek: Hopefully for my financial integrity, both are some time after my goals for my NAP collection are more complete.

Hi Bill,
Yea i caved:eek: after countless visits to look at the figures of the 55th the figures ACW014 ACW016 ACW019 ACW020 are to me standouts the facial expressions and the look of determination too the task at hand are in very appealing .
As we have very different goals when it comes to our collecting of the FL Napoleonic line , I am becoming more and more envious of your single mindedness in collecting only the units that can be used in your very nice Peninsula display, it would sure be a lot less expensive for me if I could do something similar :):)... But there is no chance of that :eek:
Sooner or later you'll crack Mate ;) maybe on one of the upcoming lines :eek: Best Regards Gebhard
Hi Bill,
Yea i caved:eek: after countless visits to look at the figures of the 55th the figures ACW014 ACW016 ACW019 ACW020 are to me standouts the facial expressions and the look of determination too the task at hand are in very appealing .
As we have very different goals when it comes to our collecting of the FL Napoleonic line , I am becoming more and more envious of your single mindedness in collecting only the units that can be used in your very nice Peninsula display, it would sure be a lot less expensive for me if I could do something similar :):)... But there is no chance of that :eek:
Sooner or later you'll crack Mate ;) maybe on one of the upcoming lines :eek: Best Regards Gebhard
Well I am not sure it is less expensive given how I fill the ranks of those units.:eek::D As you well know, even small squares, lines and columns can quickly add up.

There is no doubt the temptation from the others is very high indeed. Frankly I love the Prussian and Russian infantry and have to keep them out of my focus when I see George at the few shows I am able to attend. Someday I expect some will end up jumping into my bag and then I will be truly done.;)
Well I am not sure it is less expensive given how I fill the ranks of those units.:eek::D As you well know, even small squares, lines and columns can quickly add up.

There is no doubt the temptation from the others is very high indeed. Frankly I love the Prussian and Russian infantry and have to keep them out of my focus when I see George at the few shows I am able to attend. Someday I expect some will end up jumping into my bag and then I will be truly done.;)

Mate You have a very good eye ,
I have the Prussians and the Russians and IMO they are among the finest Napoleonic figures ever produced and being since they fought side by side at most of the Battles i have a Great interest in ...I'm as they say happier then a pig in you know what :eek:
I'm sure Mr George would love to help you put some in your bag next time you run into him:D Best regards from the done ;)
Mate You have a very good eye ,
I have the Prussians and the Russians and IMO they are among the finest Napoleonic figures ever produced and being since they fought side by side at most of the Battles i have a Great interest in ...I'm as they say happier then a pig in you know what :eek:
I'm sure Mr George would love to help you put some in your bag next time you run into him:D Best regards from the done ;)
I quite agree with your opinion, as I have said before. Probably I am already done as well but my wife is already starting to respond with the "How many of those do you need" comment.:eek:

Just for comparison and maybe I'll start a new thread on this but do you collect just one of each or multlples for arrangements into formations?
I quite agree with your opinion, as I have said before. Probably I am already done as well but my wife is already starting to respond with the "How many of those do you need" comment.:eek:

Just for comparison and maybe I'll start a new thread on this but do you collect just one of each or multlples for arrangements into formations?

Hi Bill,
I have not received the dreaded " How many of those do you need " comment yet ;) With all the clothes she buys I'm still pretty safe I think :D
My plan is to collect at least one of everything released in the First Legions Napoleonic line . I have bought several multiples from the releases that i will display later in a diorama . Like you they have not yet produced everything I need ;) and as you may have noticed I have several request :eek: No worries I have plenty of time... now money is another concern . But hey like they say Rome wasn't built in a day ;) I'm just enjoying the ride

How about those Rebs , Man they look better every time i check em out .. Best Regards Gebhard
Little guys! If by that you mean accurately and proportionally sculpted with delicately fine detailing, then you are absolutely correct. :D:D If you mean "short", then I'm not so sure! They're basically the same size as our Napoleonics I think.


As for the comment comparing them to Britains and value, well, Britains make a nice toy soldier at a very attractive price point. They're W. Britains after all, possibly the most recognized name in toy soldiers in the world. However, based on the simple catalog shots below, it seems pretty evident to us where the extra cost comes from. Whether or not the added sculptural detail and painting quality is worth the extra cost is up to the individual collector. Our figures are not inexpensive relative to toy soldier makers, but they are inexpensive relative to high end russian figures which is typically a better comparison for them. Really, it all depends on what each collector is used to and what they want in their collection. There are no wrong choices, only personal preferences!


Please note these are not to scale, just crops of catalog images!

And, for what it's worth, Alby is right - there has never been a better time for Australian collectors to buy figures from the USA, be them First Legion or others. Of course, for you Alby, they'd only be $55 AUD or thereabouts. ;)

Rob, have fun in London. I'll be curious to hear what you think of the figures when you see them in London.



Thanks Matt, am really loking forward to seeing them, they look superb.


I used to think the same.... "Thankful that they didnt do any range that I collected" Then FL came out with the AWI... bought a few figures and was hooked. I never had any interest in Naps other than one of my favorite shows and book series was "Sharpe's ...." Now I am consumed by the Nap War with FL figures leading the way...

I saw those AWI figures and certainly am of the opinion that they are the most historically accurate, and the most visually appealing figures for that era. Unfortunately, I am already done with AWI sets for the moment. :(

They have some nice looking Greek figures for wargaming on their website. I gotta believe some day they are going to jump into Rome (or modern- you never know) and then it's all over but the cryin. :)
I saw those AWI figures and certainly am of the opinion that they are the most historically accurate, and the most visually appealing figures for that era....

Couldn't agree more on the accuracy. The variety of dress and posing on the militia are the best you will find.


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