Hi there
I will be very shortly putting up a fair bit of my collection for sale inc FL crusaders, Romans (first series ie ROM 01 etc, ancient germans, gauls, Greeks, ACW. Also have Britains ACW (retired/not) some in boxes some not, the ones not will have excellent sale prices. There are also a few Gauls/Ancient germans in russian pieces without boxes if interested. Please bear with me as I am in the middle of creating itinerary for these and will have a list with prices IDC, Im open to pm's or email dansolomons1@hotmail.co.uk interim period for enquiries at this stage only.
Many thanks for looking
I will be very shortly putting up a fair bit of my collection for sale inc FL crusaders, Romans (first series ie ROM 01 etc, ancient germans, gauls, Greeks, ACW. Also have Britains ACW (retired/not) some in boxes some not, the ones not will have excellent sale prices. There are also a few Gauls/Ancient germans in russian pieces without boxes if interested. Please bear with me as I am in the middle of creating itinerary for these and will have a list with prices IDC, Im open to pm's or email dansolomons1@hotmail.co.uk interim period for enquiries at this stage only.
Many thanks for looking