Is the average FL figure scale 1/32 or 1/35 or a scale in between ?...using their picture as a guide it appears to me to be approx 1/32 scale or thereabouts.....as I have no FL figure's I can not judge their scale...I would like to do my figure's on a universal scale ...but...what is the most common scale for the average TS......from surfing the various TS suppliers 1/32 appears to be the norm, with some 1/30...but it appears a few people use 1/35 figure's for their AFV's because in some case's the AFV's are a tad too small for the figures of their choice...What is the figure of the future....1/32 or 1/30...any information on scale's is appreciated.. ...if FL is 1/32 that is fine and I will use that scale as FL appear to be in front of the field...cheers TomB