Scale is irrelevant he was vertically challenged ha ha ha
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Scale is irrelevant he was vertically challenged ha ha ha
Hello to all,
I join in the discussion: Recently, a friend asked me the same questions at the scale FL / NAPS.
Without going into detail, I took pictures to better compare.
Napoleon on these photos is "a true 54mm brand ANDREA." (1/32)
Compare with FL (1/30), even though Napoleon was really small (1.68 m), the difference is undeniable ..
By cons, placed in front of or increase in my stagings, I think it fits perfectly.
Regarding references FL / NAPS last 5 years, there are only minor differences as in life: humans are bigger, bigger, leaner ...... .... etc..
Attached pictures of my explanations, better than long speeches ..
I hope this helps to answer these questions.
....ha ha best post in the Thread thus far.......Cricky, if Bren's a 'Troll' I'd hate to think what I am....^&confuse^&grin.....isn't the forum all about having fun chaps{sm4}
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I will leave this thread to your expert knowledge as clearly my eyesight is decieving me regarding
various different series and photos of such figures. All I know is if some are true 1/30 then others are
clearly not. If you think they are all true 1/30 then that is your opinion rather than an actual fact as
you seem to suggest.
Brett, I don't think it's your eyesite that's decieving you:wink2:....It's just that you see things differently based on your own "interests".:wink2:.....As Matt tried to explain First Legion is 1:30th scale with only "very slight" variances between ranges...How would you describe FL scale???....Clearly they are not 1:35th nor 1:32th nor 1:28th......First Legion is the most accurate consistent 1:30th scale TS manufacturer out there today..... K/C is 1:28th...CS is 1:28th....they claim to be 1:30th but simply are not. It seems to me that FL makes every effort to be what they are true 1:30th....Now that said I do not know for sure what the new Vietnam Range is in scale, since I do not own any of these figures. Maybe FL is making this particular range larger in order to be compatible with the Figarti helicopter???? Maybe the Vietnam range is a departure from the rest of FL...We shall see...But I do not think you will see larger figures with the other established FL ranges which are true 1:30th
Posting of inflammatory messages with the sole purpose of generating a response ("trolling") is not allowed. Please do NOT reply to such messages; they only encourage the offender to post more. Rather, click on the white and red triangle "Report this post" icon and they will be dealt with. Substance is the key to not being labeled a troll.
Brett, I don't think it's your eyesite that's decieving you:wink2:....It's just that you see things differently based on your own "interests".:wink2:.....As Matt tried to explain First Legion is 1:30th scale with only "very slight" variances between ranges...How would you describe FL scale???....Clearly they are not 1:35th nor 1:32th nor 1:28th......First Legion is the most accurate consistent 1:30th scale TS manufacturer out there today..... K/C is 1:28th...CS is 1:28th....they claim to be 1:30th but simply are not. It seems to me that FL makes every effort to be what they are true 1:30th....Now that said I do not know for sure what the new Vietnam Range is in scale, since I do not own any of these figures. Maybe FL is making this particular range larger in order to be compatible with the Figarti helicopter???? Maybe the Vietnam range is a departure from the rest of FL...We shall see...But I do not think you will see larger figures with the other established FL ranges which are true 1:30th
If you find either of those posts inflammatory I suggest you report them rather than quoting TF guidelines.
Anybody reading your responses might think you do not have a sense of humour.
.....see, I knew you had a sense of humour, now you're taking the 'Mickey', that's the spirit mate........mind you, I have been called a 'big ugly sod' in my time and my skins a bit tough, I have an incredibly hairy back and 'cauliflower' ears from playing to much rugby in the second row{eek3}^& or two of those Aussie lads know how that feels.....:tongue:
Seriously Gebs though......Bren was having a laugh and it certainly wasn't at FL's colonials down here are always taking the 'P' out of everything....^&grin
Every scale discussion shouldn't be reason to replay the Battle of Gettysburg.
Just sayin' :wink2:
Be cool brother ^&cool
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So if I read you correctly FL may have made some figures bigger to be compatable with another brand (ie. Figarti Vietnam). May also have been the case with the Knights and Saracens as I recall an image with a FL Saracen next to a WW2 German figure and it seemed bigger. I actually think that is a sensible idea by Matt/FL as it helps sales. If I was a producer I would be more concerned about making figures that sell better than worrying about exact scale issues. I think most collectors appreciate being able to mix brands as it makes for more options (see UKRebs ACW dios).
As regards my eyesight and yours I think your comment "It's just that you see things differently based on your own "interests".:wink2: works both ways so how about we agree to disagree in this thread.
I agree Brad , It also shouldn't be a reason for every Person who we all know have no interest in First Legion except when they feel they have a chance to make a back handed comment to show up on that thread and pile on. I don't know about you but after 5 years of the same crap it has gotten real old to me. Cheers bro Gebhard