First Legion French 12lb Artillery Set and Crew (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Dec 8, 2007
Happy (chinese!) New Year from First Legion Ltd!

We are currently running a pre-release special on sets NAP0019 French 12lb Artillery and 7 Crew figures and NAP0020 French Mounted Artillery Colonel. The current ship date is set for February 19th and the pre-release special will run until February 12th. The discount for the pre-order is 10% off of the retail price. You will of course not be billed until we ship your order!

Please visit us on the web for more details about our 54mm Napoleon's Europe product range.


Set NAP0019 French 12lb Artillery Set with Crew - $275


12lb Gun from Set NAP0019

Additionally, we are currently shipping our 54mm Bavarians shown below with our French 12lb Artillery. For the Bavarians, we offer them painted as the 2nd Kronprince Line as shown below in their pink facings as well as the 10th Junkers Line in yellow facings. Please see our catalog for more details.


Bavarian 2nd Kronprince Line Infantry supported by a battery of French 12lb Artillery
I was able to see your figures at a recent show, they were being displayed by Minutemen Toy Soldiers. I was impressed with the look and was wondering if you plan to do any British soldiers - especially Scots Greys?
Actually, yes, we have every intention of doing most of the British and Allied army from Waterloo and may actually bump up the release date of several of these sets that are already sculpted if there is enough interest in them. We intend on doing the Scot's Greys, however, we're doing the British Horse Guards first.

Our Current Release plans looks like this:

  • French Old Guard - 9 figures (April)
  • French Napoleon and Staff - 7 figures single set (April),
  • French 61st Line Infantry - 13 figures (April),
  • French 57th Line Infantry - 5 figures (May),
  • Murat and Wurttemberg Jaegers - 5 figure single set
  • French Cuirassiers - 8-10 figures
  • French Carabiniers. - 8-10 figures

We had then planned on releasing the 1812 Russians and French Minor Allies first (Wurttemberg, Westphalia) before the British. However, if folks would prefer to have british, please email me as nothing is set in stone yet after we get through the French Cavalry, which probably won't be until late this summer.

If you visit our First Legion 54mm workbench you can see just some of the sculpts we already have completed. You can also view the gallery to see additional product images of figures that are either done or in production right now.

Really it's just a matter of getting everything produced, which unfortunately takes time.

Thus far, for sure, we're releasing the following Waterloo sets over the next 12-18 months:

  • British Guards
  • British Line/Light Infantry
  • British 95th Rifles
  • Nassau Infantry (some sculpts shown on workbench)
  • Brunswick Light/Line Infantry (some sculpts shown on workbench)
  • Hanover Infantry
  • KGL
  • British Horse Guards (everyone seems to do Scots Greys, so we'll do then eventually, however, we're starting with the horse guards)
  • British Artillery (shown on workbench)

Additionally, here is an image of one of our British infantry figures that isn't on the workbench yet as I'm waiting the complete set to be finished:

Will a representitive be at the west coaster with any samples?
George Guerriero of Minutemen Toy Soldiers is currently our US Trade Show representative. Please check with George at to see if he attends that show. Other than at tradeshows, we are currently a direct sales company shipping all products out from our warehouse in Dallas, TX. We may revisit picking up another trade show dealer if there are enough west coast shows that George doesn't attend.
The French 12lb gun & crew set together with the mounted colonel are due any day now.
We also have stocks of the Bavarians.
Prices are:
£24.95 for single infantry figures.
£34.95 for single infantry standard bearers.
£69.95 for single mounted figures.
£199.95 for the French artillery set.

Our first show were we will have these figures on display is London on March 29th.
For more details go to
I have been checking in periodically on this thread- I just want to say, while I am not a Naps fan per se, this set is just over the top!!! That is really REALLY a nice set and could very well move a stalwart Anti-Naps guy like myself into a fan perhaps. At least, looking at that Arty piece, one can see why that era is so appealing.

Very Very well done!! Just a spectacular set!!
Chris I will agree with the over the top part! The detail level on the Artillery set and indeed all of the figures is outstanding!
Chris I will agree with the over the top part! The detail level on the Artillery set and indeed all of the figures is outstanding!

This piece is just a work of art- I really believe that to be taken as a first rate, credible Nap era TS company, the prospective companies flagship offerings should be Artillery and cavalry. This company and this set in particular, judging it from a military miniature perspective is just so far off the charts, it has entered the stratoshere and may eventually collide with our out of control satellite. :D

Any companies looking to do the Nap figures better take a look at this set and say- "uh oh!!". I don't know if it is a trick of the lighting or what not but those figures look like they could easily give the St. Pete naps a serious run for their money. And then couple it with the arty piece, it is just a flagship offering that would be a stand out piece for any collector.

This is the best offering I have seen in 2008 so far of any era, across the company lines. Granted, we are only in Feb but this one will be hard to top. If the historical aspect is there with this set (again, I wouldn't be able to pick out Napoleon if he was standing in the mix)- if this set is dead on regarding historical accuracy, I think it would be too hard to top, especially at that offering price.

As JJ said, "DYNOMITE!!:D:D

Actually, yes, we have every intention of doing most of the British and Allied army from Waterloo and may actually bump up the release date of several of these sets that are already sculpted if there is enough interest in them. We intend on doing the Scot's Greys, however, we're doing the British Horse Guards first.

Our Current Release plans looks like this:

  • French Old Guard - 9 figures (April)
  • French Napoleon and Staff - 7 figures single set (April),
  • French 61st Line Infantry - 13 figures (April),
  • French 57th Line Infantry - 5 figures (May),
  • Murat and Wurttemberg Jaegers - 5 figure single set
  • French Cuirassiers - 8-10 figures
  • French Carabiniers. - 8-10 figures

We had then planned on releasing the 1812 Russians and French Minor Allies first (Wurttemberg, Westphalia) before the British. However, if folks would prefer to have british, please email me as nothing is set in stone yet after we get through the French Cavalry, which probably won't be until late this summer.

If you visit our First Legion 54mm workbench you can see just some of the sculpts we already have completed. You can also view the gallery to see additional product images of figures that are either done or in production right now.

Really it's just a matter of getting everything produced, which unfortunately takes time.

Thus far, for sure, we're releasing the following Waterloo sets over the next 12-18 months:

  • British Guards
  • British Line/Light Infantry
  • British 95th Rifles
  • Nassau Infantry (some sculpts shown on workbench)
  • Brunswick Light/Line Infantry (some sculpts shown on workbench)
  • Hanover Infantry
  • KGL
  • British Horse Guards (everyone seems to do Scots Greys, so we'll do then eventually, however, we're starting with the horse guards)
  • British Artillery (shown on workbench)

Additionally, here is an image of one of our British infantry figures that isn't on the workbench yet as I'm waiting the complete set to be finished:


I mean take a look at this guy. Look at the braids the musket, the hair. If it were any more lifelike it would walk off by itself. The details on the buckles jump out at you. I hope this line does well. I am looking forward to the Wurttembergs.
One of the things I find unique about these figures is the basing- it definately has more of a wargaming feel to it. I went to their website and read a little about the company and well, they are fans of Toys Soldiers and wargaming so that would explain it.

If anyone checks out the webpage, look in the gallery at the pre- releases of the mounted 54mm French Cuirrasiers- very impressive as well!!!

They appear to be launching a 40mm line- not sure why they are going that direction as well- don't really know anyone who wargames at that scale nor is it a really popular toy soldier scale- who knows??
One of the things I find unique about these figures is the basing- it definately has more of a wargaming feel to it. I went to their website and read a little about the company and well, they are fans of Toys Soldiers and wargaming so that would explain it.

If anyone checks out the webpage, look in the gallery at the pre- releases of the mounted 54mm French Cuirrasiers- very impressive as well!!!

They appear to be launching a 40mm line- not sure why they are going that direction as well- don't really know anyone who wargames at that scale nor is it a really popular toy soldier scale- who knows??

I believe that 40mm is more popular in europe. Think of the bright side the level of detail is still there plus you get more figures in the same size space:D
Okay, this seems like an opportune time to ask for some insights from some of you Napoleonic experts. First, these look amazing and will be hard to pass on. Wonder how they will look next to Britains Naps. Second, have not heard anything from Wellington on the forum recently...hope that changes soon.

Now, being somewhat of a newcomer to this era...I've avoided it previously because of the sheer magnitude of it, i.e. so many options, yet so colorful and exciting...tried collecting in gloss but disappointed in limited and unexciting poses with too many sets of identical figures so gave up and sold off the few acquisitions made a while back...finally collecting matte from Britains and loving them. What I don't know is would the 1812 based French uniforms on these figures be significantly different than in 1815? I am trying to stick to a Waterloo based theme. I guess I will leave it at that for now.

How many of you think you will be getting these?

Mister Dave
Okay, this seems like an opportune time to ask for some insights from some of you Napoleonic experts. First, these look amazing and will be hard to pass on. Wonder how they will look next to Britains Naps. Second, have not heard anything from Wellington on the forum recently...hope that changes soon.

Now, being somewhat of a newcomer to this era...I've avoided it previously because of the sheer magnitude of it, i.e. so many options, yet so colorful and exciting...tried collecting in gloss but disappointed in limited and unexciting poses with too many sets of identical figures so gave up and sold off the few acquisitions made a while back...finally collecting matte from Britains and loving them. What I don't know is would the 1812 based French uniforms on these figures be significantly different than in 1815? I am trying to stick to a Waterloo based theme. I guess I will leave it at that for now.

How many of you think you will be getting these?

Mister Dave

I will be getting some of them. How many I do not know. They really are some of the best I have ever seen including the Russian stuff. In the long run they may be too good. Next to other figures they will most likely be too good! Yes I said too good twice now three times.That being said I will have to get some of them on the basis that they represent units not made by any one else.

In regards to the 1815 differences check out this site and judge for yourself.
I will be getting some of them. How many I do not know. They really are some of the best I have ever seen including the Russian stuff. In the long run they may be too good. Next to other figures they will most likely be too good! Yes I said too good twice now three times.That being said I will have to get some of them on the basis that they represent units not made by any one else.

In regards to the 1815 differences check out this site and judge for yourself.

Any chance you think they might be...too good my general?

At first glance, it looks like probably no substantial difference in French infantry and cavalry uniforms from 1812 to 1815.

I intend to get the sets that K&C does not (and probably will not produce in the near future). I've ordered the French line artillery set and looking forward to check out its quality.

Next, if my budget allows, I will get the sets that I already have with K&C (i.e. Old guards) and sell my current K&C stuff to fund it (since their quality seems superior on photo).

Seems like they pay attention to the ranks on the uniform, with the details in the subtle differences of NCO uniform (which K&C didn't pay a lot of attention to). That's appealing to me.
What I don't know is would the 1812 based French uniforms on these figures be significantly different than in 1815? I am trying to stick to a Waterloo based theme.
Mister Dave

I would really like this set too--it is beautiful and is thorough in that it includes most of the members of a typical gun crew. Many other sets are satisfied with paring the crew down to four members.

Here is a better site for Waterloo uniforms: To answer your question, yes, these uniforms are quite different than those found in 1815. Maybe this unit could only find their pre-1812 uniforms when re-activated! :D Any excuse to buy!
I'm glad you all like the figures. I certainly hope they're not "too good." That would be...bad? :eek:

For those who haven't been to our website, here are three images of our first mounted release, NAP0020 Mounted French Artillery Officer. It is sold separately from the artillery set, but is obviously meant to compliment it.




Also, for those of you who pre-ordered the artillery set/mounted colonel, I'm sorry to say they've been delayed about 7-10 days. More details are on our website.

Additionally, one of our Bavarian figures was reviewed on the Canada Toy Soldiers Club forum in the First Legion Ltd Section. Third party perspective from someone with a figure in hand is worth much more than anything I can say, so go check it out of you're so inclined.
You may have to register to see our category, I'm not sure.

Finally, the reason we've opted to do square bases is that we release our figures with enough detail and variety such that they can be setup in full units not just in random groups for display. The idea being to be able to build an entire unit and have it in base to base contact and we feel this just looks better when done on a standardized base size so they can be displayed with nothing showing through the grouping. You can some examples of this with the Bavarians shown on our site in the gallery. Thus, all of our bases are 30mm square. This also allows for folks to build diorama type movement trays for the figures where there is a space for X number of figures allowing them to be moved around as a group. Personally, when we have enough figures complete, I intend on wargaming with them!


First Legion Ltd Website
I like the square base personally, especially with grass stuck on it.

Just one suggestion regarding to the not-yet-released Napoleon and his staff... In the website's gallery picture, I saw that Napoleon's base is connected with his Chausser. I suggest those two to be made seperable so that they can be displayed seperately if wished.

I guess the Napoleon and staff set will be available after April, right? (always presume that there'll be some problems and delays)

Just one small request... would you mind to post more pictures of first legion figures side by side 'standing' and 'mounted' K&C figures for the sake of comparison? No worries, First Legion has already won by far (judging from the photos)... but I know many of us have pre-exsisting K&C figures and would like to know how well they match.
For the staff set, it is indeed possible to produce the figures separately, however, Napoleon doesn't look right per se without looking over the shoulder of the chasseur in my opinion. The Chasseur, however, is much better suited to being produced as a stand alone and I'm considering releasing him by himself for those of you who might want to expand the display by having a few extra guard chasseurs standing around the generals as something of a security detail. Plus, it's a lovely figure and many folks may just want him on his own. As for the timing of the staff set, it's April/May. It's in production already but is a very difficult set to produce because of the painting quality/complexity.

As for posting more photos of side by sides, unfortunately I can't. The one I already posted elsewhere on Treefrog is of the only K&C Napoleonic figure that I have. My partner may have one of their cuirassiers and if he does I'll ask him to photo it next to some of ours. If I recall having seen theirs, the horse is much larger than our horses (huge was my thought if i remember correctly), of course, I liked the painting and sculpting on ours quite a bit more (though I'm biased of course!). Once George G over at Minutemen or Mark/David over at TM get their hands on the mounted artillery colonel, perhaps they can photo them next to other makers mounted figures.

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